Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 24)

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< Part 23

"If any married woman, or the man you belong to, which is your husband, father or master, catches you masturbating, then they are obligated to deliver what you just saw onto you.

"Now before you get into a tizzy about how wrong it is to punish a woman for masturbating, let me say a few things. First of all, if you really don't want to get caught masturbating, I think you should be clever enough not to. This epitomizes all punishments really. They're actually more about what you get caught doing, than they are about what you actually do. If you get caught masturbating, but you really did not want to get spanked, then think of the punishment as something for being careless enough to get caught.

"Secondly, we really don't want you to masturbate. If you feel an urge coming on, then we want you to make use of the women around you, or go on a date with a man. We want you to be as comfortable as possible to experience the sexuality of others, and not limit yourself to just yourself.

"And lastly, if you think about it, this really is the ideal thing to use. It's something you should have no problem at least acting like your ashamed to do, and act like you should be punished for doing it.

"Personally, I think it adds a certain spice to masturbating. I know I can bring on an orgasm a lot faster, and stronger, when I think of the consequences of getting caught. It has definitely cut down on women being punished for other forms of misbehavior.

"The rules concerning this are simple, yet strictly enforced. When a responsible person catches you with your hands on your crotch — and that is all it takes — they are to act as if you are committing a very shameful sin. If you are caught, you are to act as if you know this is a terrible thing, and deserve the most severe punishment for it. There are no options for either the person catching, or the person who is caught. Whether or not the recipient wanted this spanking is not to be considered by either person."

Lady Jennifer paused to look again around the room. "OK girls, it's way past everyone's bedtime, so let's get these demonstrations over with so we can all go to bed. The first set concern how we want you to communicate with each other as maidens, and how we want you to confirm your submission to married women. My husband will conduct the last one, and what he will tell you is what you can expect from him when you are ready to be maidens.

"The first demonstration will be with between me and Laura, then each of you will participate in turn to demonstrate that you know what you are doing. Stand up Laura."

Laura stood up and walked over to Lady Jennifer. It was only a few steps because she was sitting next to Marcia. "For this demonstration I will be just another maiden. We have very strict rules about conversations between maidens. You are not allowed to just walk up to another maiden, and start talking to her. You must first perform a specific ritual. Laura and I will first demonstrate it, and then I'll explain it. Laura, show the girls what you are to do if you want to talk to a maiden."

Laura reached with her right hand the front hem of her dress, then raised it just enough so that her panties came into view. Lady Jennifer did the same thing, then each of them used their left hand to reach under the crotch of the other, as the hands were placed, they let go of their dresses then reach around the other and placed their right hand at the small of the other's back. As they pulled each other tightly together, they then engaged in a deep, full-mouthed kiss.

Marcia thought this demonstration looked a little odd. Not because of what they were actually doing. With everything she had experienced today, this was actually quite benign. She just could not get over how awkward this looked due to the difference height between the women.

They continued to kiss for about fifteen seconds then Lady Jennifer pulled her head back, but remained embraced with Laura. She then looked over at the girls and said, "Anytime I see any of you talking to each other, you had better be in this position. Also, this embrace must be preceded with at least a ten second open-mouthed kiss. Once you break from this embrace, you must stop talking."

She then pulled away from Laura. "There are many things about this that needs to be explained. The most important one is that this is supposed to make you more comfortable with seeking sexual contact with other women. It is also intended to get you comfortable with dominant and submissive roles."

"The person who raises her dress first is setting herself as the submissive. She has no control over what happens during the embrace, or whether there will be an embrace at all. The dominant is not required to reciprocate with an embrace. Her only requirement is to reach out and touch the crotch of the submissive. Touching then pulling the hand back allows control of the submissive to return to the submissive.

"From this minimal amount, the dominant has many options. She can reach out and leave her hand there, and play with the vagina of the submissive as long as she wants. Never once engaging in the embrace until she pulls her hand away. If she chooses to embrace, she does so by raising her dress also.

"Once embraced, the dominant determines how long the kiss will be. It has to be at least 10 seconds, but it can run for an hour if she so chooses. Once she pulls her head back, the submissive still cannot say anything until the dominant gives her permission to speak.

"The dominant also chooses what is happening with the hands at the crotch of each girl. While the kiss is going on, the submissive is to do whatever she feels is being done to her by the dominant. When the kiss ends, the submissive is to stop what ever stimulating thing she was doing, and return her hand to the outside of the dominant's panties. The dominant is still free to do whatever she wants. If the dominant wants the submissive to resume, then she can resume the kiss.

"Once the dominant has given permission for the submissive to speak, she can do so until the dominant determines they are done, and she breaks the embrace, or resumes kissing. It's important to remember this. From the moment you raise your skirt to start a conversation; you are at the dominant's mercy. If a man of the kingdom walks by, you are not allowed to lower your dress, and you must accept the spanking you deserve for allowing him to see your panties. So choose well when you initiate a conversation with another maiden.

"This leads to an important exception. The purpose of this is also for you to think very clearly about context, and what is actually an important thing to say. If I send two of you over to a woman's home to help her with something there, do you think I want you flashing your panties where her children might see what is going on?

"If there is something that needs to be said, then say it. We want you to develop sound judgment skills on this. On the other hand, if the woman of the house hears you talking about something that doesn't need to be said, and you are not in the embrace, plan on a severe spanking upon your return here.

"I'm sure this is all sounding a little unfair or extreme to you, but it isn't. Married women aren't required to do this to talk to one another, but we still do it. We enjoy the intimacy of it, and do it all of the time. The only difference for you is that it is required.

"This leads into how you, as maidens, are to greet married women. Like I said earlier, you are expected to prove that you are keeping yourselves clean-shaven to all married women, and you do that in a manner similar to how you start a conversation with a maiden. Laura, demonstrate how you greet a married woman."

Laura proceeded to use both hands to raise the hem of her dress until all of her panties were completely exposed.

"Notice, girls, how I can see skin above her panties. This is important so that I can easily slide my hand down inside to stroke her pubic area." As she said this, she also did it with her left hand, palm turned toward Laura.

She then continued to stroke Laura as she continued. "Anytime I send you over to a woman's home to work, I expect you to find some time while you are there to raise your dress to confirm your submission to her. She is not required to do more than touch your panties, yet she can leave her hand in them as long as she wants, and quite frankly, do whatever else she wants.

Part 25 >
