Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 5)

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< Part 4

"Marcia," responded Lord Jacob. "When a woman wears the uniform that you are accustomed to see, she is considered to be in the service of the Lady of the manor, and cannot be touched by another man, including her own husband. Although this does not protect her if a man sees her panties.

"Brenda and Sylvia?" he said to get the other women's attention. "Run along, Roberta will be joining you in a little while."

After they had left, Lord Jacob reached out with his left hand. Roberta was still standing right next to him, so he had no trouble reaching under her uniform. To say he reached under her uniform is a bit of an over statement. The hemline of her skirt was at her crotch, so it offered no impediment to his hand as he reached between her legs.

When Roberta saw his hand coming she slid her right foot over to give him easy access, then grabbed her elbows behind her back. As Lord Jacob began slowly stroking the crotch of her panties, Roberta closed her eyes, and allowed her head to drop back slightly. Everyone in the room could clearly see that this woman was greatly enjoying the attention she was receiving.

With Roberta's breaths getting deeper and deeper, Lord Jacob continued. "When a woman is wearing this uniform, she is considered to be in service of the Lord of the manor, and any man, married or not, can have her as he pleases.

"The only modification I make to the normal rules with women in my service is that men are not obligated to spank them if they see their panties. Considering it is impossible to prevent anyone from seeing them with this outfit on, these women would never get anything done with all of the spankings they would get. Now a man can spank them if they want, they're just not required to do so as they normally would be."

Lord Jacob then reached out with his right hand, and pulled down the front of Roberta's uniform. The uniform was cut so low across her bosom that it hardly covered her breasts to begin with, so it was no problem exposing them, and Roberta had a lot to expose.

"I really like this aspect of these uniforms," he said as he grabbed a handful of ample breast.

"Roberta, hold up your skirt to show everyone your panties, then masturbate until they are soaked."

"Yes Lord Jacob," Roberta replied.

As Roberta began to furiously stroke her pussy, Lord Jacob focused on her breasts by pinching and twisting her nipples until cries of pain/pleasure came from her. In what had to be less than a minute Roberta had soaked her panties so much that her juices were running down leg.

The girls around the table were stunned by the demonstration they were seeing. All except Laura, who was actually envious of Roberta. She certainly didn't get that kind of attention today.

"Very good Roberta," said Lord Jacob. "Thank you for a wonderful performance."

"No, Lord Jacob," replied Roberta as she tried to catch her breath. "Thank you for the opportunity." As she began to put her bosom back into her uniform, she continued, "I am at your disposal anytime you desire."

Once she left the room, Marcia asked, "Master Jacob, I am still a little unclear about what you said concerning the women that wear the uniform. You said that any man can do whatever they want with them, yet I saw Laura wearing it today, and she is a maiden. Would that not mean that any man could have sex with her? It appears to me that this kingdom is not concerned with a married woman getting pregnant, but maidens should not. Am I not right?"

"What you have said is very perceptive, but slightly off," replied Lord Jacob. "First of all, and this is something you must understand, any man can have sex with any woman of this kingdom. He can do it, and he won't be punished for it. Unless of course the woman believes she would be harmed.

"The truth is, the rules that do exist only state that we men should not have sex with certain women. Not that we can't; just that we shouldn't. A man who has sex with a woman whom he shouldn't is simply displaying an extreme lack of judgment; one that will count against him in any consideration about moving up in the chain of command.

"As for those that wear the uniform, I typically do not pick maidens, but Laura is definitely an exception to that. But where you are right in what you said is that we don't want maidens to get pregnant. We want every woman to have an established partner, and father for her children, before she gets pregnant."

"I think I should take this from here," said Lady Jennifer. "It's best these girls hear this part from a woman.

"When you ask people of this kingdom what they think are the biggest differences between how we live, and the society at large, you will get many answers. Some will focus on the religion, others on the sex, but not me. We say this a kingdom of relationships, and that is where my focus is on.

"Of all of the relationships that can exist between people, there is nothing more profound than the relationship between a mother and child. Yet you wouldn't know this in our society, particularly if you were raised in a liberal family. With them, having children is considered a life limiting experience. As a girl growing up in such an environment, you would be told to put off having children until you have experienced life, and most of all, make sure you have your career established before you even think of having children.

"I find the belief that children will somehow limit your life to be appalling. So in our kingdom, we expect our women to see having children as a life enriching experience, not as a life limiting one. Since it is an expectation, there is a corresponding obligation on our part to help you see it that way. One thing you will find out soon, is how much attention you will receive from the moment you get pregnant. Again, as a Lady in this kingdom, this is one of my main responsibilities.

"You may find this difficult to understand at this time, but a key aspect to help you deal with getting pregnant is to remove from your responsibility whether you get pregnant. This sounds odd, but if you think about it, one of the main reasons women see pregnancy as a bad thing is because of the terrible things that will be said about them if they 'allow' themselves to get pregnant.

"In our kingdom, we declare that if a woman gets pregnant, then there is a man that is 100% responsible for it. It's true even outside of our kingdom; we just recognize this as a fact, and conduct ourselves accordingly. No one here will ever think badly about you if you get pregnant, and will in fact rejoice with you, and literally flock to you in support.

"It's important to notice I said 'remove from your responsibility.' I didn't say 'remove from your right.' Once you are married, you are free to use any method of birth control you desire. Though on the other hand, while you are a maiden, you may not use any.

"What may even seem shocking in light of what I just told you, we even go so far as to expect the unmarried men that you chose to date actually penetrate you at some time during the date.

"We do this for a couple of reasons. One is that we want our men to learn control, but the most important reason is that we want you to confront any fears you have towards pregnancy. In no way do we consider pregnancy, in and of itself, to constitute harm to you. So telling a man he can't have sex with you because of the 'harm' you think you will experience from being pregnant is not valid to us.

"Ultimately, we do not want you to use birth control as maidens, because we want to point to the self control of men as to why we have a low incidence of unwed pregnancy. When you take birth control, you are not only stating that you think men are irresponsible, but you are also giving them a pass to be so.

"And another thing, when I say no birth control, I mean none at all. Men of this kingdom are forbidden to wear condoms, except for certain situations, but we'll get to that later. If and when they penetrate you on a date, they must learn control, and you must learn to deal with your fears of pregnancy.

"Now getting back to Laura, and her wearing the uniform you saw her in today. We needed a way of telling men that they shouldn't attempt intercourse with certain women. Yet we want all our women to be sexually 'open' at all times, and we don't want them to be put into a position of having to measure their response to men.

"Even though I don't like to use the word, the best way to say what I'm try to say is we want our women to be as 'slutty' as they want to be, and not worry about men having intercourse with them when they shouldn't. So we do this by having such women shave their pubic hair. This applies to all maidens, but also to married women, who for medical reasons should not be having intercourse.

"So girls, as maidens, you will be required to shave your pubic hair, and make yourself available for inspection to any married woman, so that they can verify you are doing so. That is your only responsibility you have to prevent yourself from becoming pregnant, and since you will need to count on married women to support you if you do, we married women have a right to inspect you to make sure you are doing what is required of you to prevent it. Later on tonight, you will have a demonstration of what this inspection entails."

"I can assure you Marcia," continued Lord Jacob for his wife. "Many a man has been quite disappointed when they have reached into Laura's panties, and found a shaved pubic mound."

Lord Jacob then looked around the table and continued, "Since everyone appears to be done with their dessert, how about we go to our private parlor to continue with this evening's lessons."

With that, Lord and Lady Jacob got up, and proceeded towards a door opposite where Marcia and Laura entered earlier. The girls around the table got up, and followed them out of the dinning room.

Part 6 >
