Something I wrote for a very special Kitty… [Mf][inc]

I wasn't quite sure how to react when I saw her. The sight before my eyes was one part underground porno, one part every father's dream/nightmare, and one part childish abandon; There she was, my little princess, looking up at me as she blushed from being caught trying to hide behind the door of my liquor cabinet. That alone should have tipped me off. She is far, FAR too smart to think something like that would have the slightest chance of working…. normally. "Hi Daddy. You're- hic home early!"

She stumbled as she tried to stand up, even needing to steady herself on the door as her lithe form unraveled. She had grown like a weed the past 6 months, and her whole body looked thin and trim to the point just shy of gangly. Her short red hair was in disarray and when I glanced down I saw her cheeks weren't the only things flushed pink. Far from it. Her chest was bright red straight down to the hard pink nipples standing out like erasers on her just-swelling breasts. The pink even extended down to her namesake (which was completely hairless, though I don't know if that was it's natural state or if she had started removing the fuzz with the razor her mother gave her). It turned out that quick glance was ill-advised, however. She immediately straightened up, spread her legs slightly and thrust her chest out. "I was just thinking about you, daddy!" She obviously wasn't even aware that her free hand had already drifted back to her drenched slit when she lunged forward to grab me in a hug and pin herself tight against me.

"Kitty, what are…" – all I managed to get out before feeling her hot little hand slide down the front of my pants and grip my member greedily. She started to stroke it slowly as she bit her lip and gazed up into my eyes. She obviously didn't have much… Well, any experience, but what she lacked in technique she made up for with eagerness.

It was about then that something inside my mind snapped. If my little girl wanted to act like this, well, she was rapidly developing the body of a little sexpot. I could certainly use her like one. After all… At least she would be safe at home getting filled with cock that loved her, instead of god knows where with boys who knew nothing or some perv who only wanted her because of her age.

With that, I grabbed her firmly by the wrists, pulling her hand out of my pants. The shock on her face was clear; I had never been physically controlling of her at all, yet here I was twisting her arms behind her back and quickly bending her over as I pulled her to my plush leather office chair. "You have been a very naughty girl, Kitty. You know you didn't have permission to go into daddy's liquor cabinet but you did… And it smells like you drank half of it!" With that I brought one hand down firmly on her ass, the sound of her shocked squeak melding in with the crack of hand against flesh. After three more strokes (making two on each cheek), my fingers slid down and started working her slit. She was sniffling and a few tears ran down her cheeks, mostly from the surprise and feeling of rejection when I hadn't taken her immediately rather than actual pain, but as I started to work her lips and button the sniffles started to mix with grunts and moans as her hips began shaking and grinding down against my hand.

Just as her breathing finished changing completely from piteous gasps to passionate panting I lifted my hand and gave her another round of spankings. As she tried to straighten out in her mind if she was being punished, played with, or praised I reached into thee bottom drawer of my desk and pulled out a soft, silky length of rope which I quickly looped around her wrists and arms, tying them snug and helpless before sweeping my desk clear and flipping her face down onto it. "Now you are going to find out what happens to naughty girls who grab their daddies cocks, Kitty…."


1 comment

  1. Such a good story! As a sub I thought it was perfect, except maybe a bit too short… ;)

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