Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.01: Marcia’s Introduction (Part 3)

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< Part 2

"Marcia, I'm starting to get a little impatient with you." Actually, she wasn't. She just wanted to appear that she was. Lady Jennifer knew that the mothers of this kingdom did not raise their daughters to be pushovers. Marcia's reaction was even to be expected. But she also knew that this tack was the best course of action to get her across her lap.

"I am going to be devoting a great deal of time and effort in preparing you for entry into this kingdom, and I need to know whether you have the strength of character to be of any benefit to it. I don't want to waste my time on any woman whose self-confidence is so fragile that she can't endure the pain and humiliation of what I am about to subject you to.

"Entry into this kingdom comes with a commitment on our part to always be on your side, and to do what we consider is in your best interest. On your part, you need to demonstrate that you trust us… that you trust that no matter how painful or humiliating something we command of you is, you know you will never actually be harmed.

"So now you have a very important choice to make. Either you get across my lap right now, or walk out that door, and never consider joining this kingdom."

Once again Marcia had to think about the end result of why she was joining this kingdom. She knew she could trust her mother, so with a great deal of trepidation, she slowly laid herself across Lady Jennifer's lap.

For over 20 years Lady Jennifer has been issuing this ultimatum to young women, and even though no one has ever chosen to leave, she never feels certain that they are going to go over her lap until they do. The thrill she gets when a strong, intelligent and beautiful young woman like Marcia, who has many options in life, yet chooses to lie across her lap for a spanking, will never be something she'll get tired of. She took a few moments to savor the experience by slowing stroking Marcia's skirt over her firm, young ass.

Marcia was now positioned along the length of the lounge. Lady Jennifer was in the middle with her calves against the edge, and Marcia's bottom was positioned perfectly out towards Lady Jennifer's knees, and slightly to the right.

"I'm very proud of the choice you have just made, and I'm even grateful of the trust you have given me. What you are about to experience will not just be painful, but will also go on for a long time, so I'll expect you to endure it with the inner strength I know you have. I said I have a couple more things to mention, and both are meant to help you deal with this.

"The first thing you need to know is that you are not responsible for how your body is going to respond to this spanking. Even now, before I have laid the first stroke on you, your breath is short, your heart is racing, and I know that if I were to slide my hand between your legs I would probably find damp panties."

Marcia didn't want to believe what Lady Jennifer was saying, but she knew it to be true. She never considered herself to be a lesbian, but now she couldn't help thinking about how much she would like Lady Jennifer to reach up her skirt, and touch her now dampening panties.

"This is not your fault, and your body is responding to this just how God intended your body to respond. Remember that." The next thing Lady Jennifer said made Marcia think she was reading her mind. "And no Marcia, you are not a lesbian. You need to understand that your body is not responding to me because I am a woman. It is responding to me because what you are doing is a profound act of submission.

Part 4 >
