The Rebellious Stepdaughter, Part 3 [Mf][bd][inc][nc]

Waking up the next morning, I am at once thrilled and terrified as the memories of yesterday's events come flooding back to me. My primal brain is thrilled that I finally got to fuck the voluptuous teen siren with whom I've been sharing a roof for years. My rational brain, however, is spinning through the consequences of my actions. Carrie has friends who are going to come looking for her. Her mom is going to want to hear from her. Luckily it's summertime, so there's no school to consider. I decide that I can manage her texts and keep her mother and friends at bay for the moment. Carrie herself, though, is a more formidable problem. I have two choices: one, I could kill her and claim that she ran away, which she is just rebellious enough to do. I don't have that in me, though – I may be a rapist, but not a murderer! Option #2 is that I could do my best to break her and turn her into an obedient slave by the time her mother gets home. I don't know enough about Stockholm Syndrome and its kin to know whether a month is enough time for this to happen, but it's a better working plan than murder. Which would be a terrible waste, after all.

I shamble down to the kitchen and make breakfast, preparing a plate for Carrie. While it cooks, I head out to the garage and find an old dog collar with a retractable leash. The kind where you can push a button and stop the cord from giving your dog more slack. The collar itself is leather and studded with metal spikes, from years ago when I owned a Doberman. It will suit her nicely, I decide. There is a full bathroom in the basement, and I decide that this leash will allow me to take my bound captive to and from a few times a day. I also grab a stun gun out of the gun safe. Returning to the kitchen, I prepare a tray to take downstairs: breakfast, a tazer, a leash, and a collar.

When I turn on the lights in the basement, Carrie is slumped over and still bound to the pole. Her clothes are disheveled, and when she snaps her head up in alarm I can see that my crusty dried cum still adorns her face, hair, and cleavage. Her breasts jiggle deliciously as she sees me, renews her struggles and begins shouting muffled curses from behind her duct tape gag. There is anger in her eyes. I have work to do.

She grows quiet when she sees the tray of food I've brought for her. Apparently, she's hungry. "Okay, my dear" I begin in a slightly patronizing voice. "I know you're hungry. And you probably have to go to the bathroom. So, here's how this works. I'm going to take the tape off your mouth. If you scream, I take away your breakfast", then, withdrawing the tazer for effect, "and you get a shock. Much easier for you if you stay quiet and play nice like a good girl."

Her blue eyes are cold fire, but she makes no move to protest. I remove the duct tape from her mouth, her black lipstick coming mostly away on the tape. In a quiet, simmering voice she says, "You sick fucking pervert, you'll never get away with this. You're a goddamn rapist" here her eyes fill with tears, but her angry countenance never wanes, "and you're so going to jail when mom gets home!" Her voice is rising now. "I hope you go to prison and get raped by some fucking fatass skinhead!" Now screaming, "I hope you die bleeding from your asshole!"

Calmly and in one deft motion, I lift the tazer to her neck and shock her. Her body quakes and stiffens, she cries out in pain, and stiffens. "Now, I didn't want to have to do that" I say. Last chance, are you going to be a good girl for me?"

She lifts her head, tossing back her mane of red hair, and spits in my face.

"Stupid little BITCH!" I roar, and smack her hard across the face. I grab the duct tape and, against her screamed and thrashing protests, re-tape her mouth. Angrily, I undo the bicycle lock and remove her from the pole. I take her by the hips, force her ass into the air and her face into the carpet. I spank her, hard, and then again.

"You want to play it this way?" I ask, taking my dick out. "You're gonna get fucking wrecked every time you're an insolent little cunt". I shove my dick into her tight, quivering pussy in one angry motion, burying myself to the hilt within her. I hear her gasp and sob. i run my hand up the curve of her back, up to her neck, grab a fistful of red hair, and begin fucking her as hard as I can. I let my free hand caress her ass, her hips, the small of her back.. the dimples on her lower back, upwards to her shoulders, then down and around to squeeze her bouncing tits. After a few minutes, I feel the orgasm burning and swelling up inside me. I don't pull out this time, and instead explode inside her. I shudder in ecstasy and wait until I've spilled all my seed in her battered pussy before releasing her. She crumples to the floor.

"Okay, I fucked you doggy style and now you get to wear a collar." I put the collar on her, then re-fasten her to the pole. "You fucked up your chance at breakfast. You just sit there and think about what you did. I'll come back down around lunchtime and we can try again. Try not to piss yourself in the meantime." I leave her there, sobbing and leaking cum, and go on with my day.

I am fortunate to be able to work from home most days. I give her about four hours and then give it another try. Back down to the basement I go, and this time I leave the duct tape on.

"Okay princess, this time the tape stays on. I'm going to untie you and walk you to the bathroom." I affix the leash to her collar, and earn a death stare. "I'll untape your hands, but you know what will happen if you try anything stupid." I untie her waist from the pole, and cut her hands free with my pocket knife. She struggles to her feet, still in those sexy stripper boots she was wearing last night. I see dried cum caking her thigh and her fishnet stockings. I don't give her much slack, and walk her wobbling to the bathroom.

She steps inside and looks at me as if to say, well? Are you gonna close the door? "Not a chance, baby. I don't trust you. I'll look away, but you don't get privacy anymore." She starts crying, and I dutifully turn away. After, I walk her back to her pole and re-tie her. "I brought you some sandwiches for lunch" I say. "If I undo the tape over your mouth, are you gonna be a little bitch again?"

She shakes her head "no".

"Okay, good girl." I undo the tape, she glowers at me. Not wanting to be savagely taken again, though, she holds her tongue and tears into the food I brought her. When she's done, I retie her hands. I am about to re-tape her mouth when she says "wait… how long are you going to keep me down here?"

"Until you learn to be a good girl" I reply. "Until I can trust you." I force the tape quickly back onto her mouth. "Tonight, I am going to show you exactly what could happen if you cross me." Her eyes widen with fright, with the simmering anger still visible. "Tonight is not going to be fun for you, my dear. But it will be within your power to keep it from ever happening again. Be a good girl for me, and I'll protect you from now on."

She struggles again, and I hear muffled screams from behind the duct tape. I know I have to hit her hard and fast with things that she will never want to experience again. Be a good girl for me, and give me what your mother isn't, and we might just finally get along.

I head upstairs and scroll through my cell phone, looking for the numbers of a few friends from my "rougher" days. Tattooed, muscular men who ride motorcycles and vandalize property. Guys for whom hard drugs are candy. Guys who will share in my good fortune with no questions asked. Yes, tonight is going to be fun.



  1. Haha well the protagonist is a dude who just snapped into a psychopathic, sadistic rapist, so yep pretty rough… there’s gonna be one installment rougher than this one, but then life gets better for Carrie. Glad you’re enjoying it!

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