Virgin at the concert [MMMM+/F] [Str8]

EDIT: I should also have added [NC?] to the tags. Sorry!

This is my first post of a story on Reddit…if there's anything wrong or advice you have, please let me know.

The concert was already rocking by the time you got there. The park grounds were already crowded out to the flimsy flag-lined borders, with stages here there and everywhere. It was almost a pushing match just to get anywhere.

“Bijou, hold my hand,” your friend Kevin says. He is trying to lead you through the crowd so you can get a good look at one of the bands playing. But the crowd seems to close in around him as he slides between people. You hold onto his hand, holding tight, but sometimes it feels like you’re holding him back rather than following him.

Then the first hand comes. It’s almost innocuous. It brushes right by your thigh, and up along your leg and then along your ass as it moves past you, behind you. It was just some person trying to go that direction, and just making sure you weren’t bumping into them. Kevin’s hand pulls you forward, and you see him again “Are you okay?” he asks. You nod. Kevin turns away and keeps leading.

The next hand takes advantage of your arm, tugged by Kevin, away from your body. It almost seems to go up the side of your body before resting on the side of your ribcage. The tips of the hand get a good feel of just how perky the side of your tit feels. Your curly hair whips around as you look, but like a ghost, the hand is gone. Many people are around you. You turn back and stop in shock. A man’s hands reach up and grab your breasts. You see him, and he pulls his hands away. “Sorry!” he says, and you get pulled away by Kevin yet again.

Now, you have become sensitive to every body around you. Every shoulder, every leg, every hand that brushes by, even if the back of their hand on your bare thigh under your dress. They’re all unintentional, but they’re all so close, so intimate, so surrounding….

And then both your breasts are cupped. The hands are big, and rough, and you feel them squeeze. You jump, and your hand lets go of Kevin’s. “Kevin!” you yell, but the music is too loud. You can’t see him, surrounded by people at least four or five inches taller than you. The attacking hands, because clearly that wasn’t an accident are gone. You turn around, and then back to look for Kevin, but you can’t see anyone noticing you.

But you feel them. The hands are back on you, and you moan. They seem to be squeezing, even pinching, trying to find your nipples, but your bra is too thick. One hand slides down your body, and rubs your crotch, catching your dress between your legs. You instinctively throw your head back, eyes closed, and reach your arm up and back. The move makes your breasts perk up even more into his hand there, and your hand reaches his head. He’s much taller, and your hand slides through the short hair on the back of his head. He pushes forward with his hips, and he grinds his cock into your backside, and you can feel it pretty clearly.

Another hand, now a third, grabs your other breast. You open your eyes and see a cute Asian man in front of you, openly rubbing it. You can’t escape the other man around you. Another hand rubs your bare thigh. The man cupping your breast in front of you reaches up, and pulls the top of your dress down, and your bra, and your breast is exposed. You squirm and try to escape, but the man behind you is now holding you tightly.

He lifts you off the ground, and then down. Losing your footing for just a second causes your legs to flail around, but when he lowers you, they kick at the ground awkwardly. His body weight forces you to your knees. You look up, and see nothing but bodies around you. A hand goes up your dress from behind, and your butt is grabbed. You flail, trying to stop the invasion, until your hand grabs someone. It’s hard, and hot, and thick…and you look over to be face-first at a cock, one your hand is around. A hand grabs your hair, and the cock is at your lips. Another push, and you open your mouth to scream but only receive a cock to suck.

The hands behind you have pulled your dress up, and you can feel the sunshine on the small of your back. A pair of fingers are rubbing your panties, and you know how wet you are. You shift, and even you aren’t sure if you are trying to escape, or trying to make the rubbing fingers rub harder and further. You feel a hand reach the waistband of your panties, and they come down from you, down your thighs, but stop at your knees on the ground. With the cock still in your mouth, you feel the fingers invade your pussy at the other end. You look up, but there is nothing to see, no friendly faces, just more cocks coming out of pants and shorts…

The first cock is removed from your mouth, and your feel hands on your hips, lifting them up as high as you can go on your knees. A new cock, you know it’s new because it’s dry, is pushed against your lips. You can feel the wet one you were just with in your hand. Behind you, a cock presses against your pussy. You try to protest, but any opening of your mouth is combined with a new cock inside of it. The cock presses against you, and you feel nervous, and scared, and excited, and alive, and angry and happy all at once, and when the thick cock behind you slides inside of you, you scream with your mouth full of a different man’s cock.

You use your hands grabbing other men to balance you, you feel each thrust behind you, forcing your mouth further down the cock in front of you. The one in your mouth, now nearly down your throat, begins to shake. You pull back just enough to feel the first spurts of cum come out, filling your mouth. You cough and choke, the cock still in your mouth, and you taste the salty liquid now dripping from you. It tastes like men. You lift up your head and moan loudly from your virginity being taken away behind you, and the man squeezes your hips, and you feel an explosion in your pussy. He holds you tight and close as you feel the cock jerking inside of you, and finally it slips out. You fall to your hands and knees, exhausted.

But another hand in your hair lifts your mouth back up, and another cock is put in there. You look up and see the the dark-skinned body in front of you, and try to suck away at the cock to get it to cum and leave you as quickly as possible. Another hand rubs your slopping pussy, gets you back to your feet, and begins fucking you.

Things start to become a blur. Cocks cum and fill you, and then evacuate, but there’s always more around you. Cum is sprayed onto your face, and onto your back, and you can feel it dripping down your legs. Not one man’s cum, but many men’s cum. At one point, you are lifted up and held close to a man, who wraps your legs around you. As you slide down his cock, another man comes up behind you, and now a second cock is forced in you. You scream as your ass is filled for the first time, but the crowd around you is cheering too loudly for your scream to not blend in. You try to grab the man your legs are wrapped around to hold him close, but you fall back against the man in your asshole. You are trapped, and moan, and can not believe the sensation of both holes being filled at once.

Finally, the last cocks seem to have gone. A set is over, and there’s movement around you. And you are dripping, every which way with cum. You feel tired, used…and still wet, not even by the cum’s making.

“Bijou!” a relieved voice says, and you see Kevin coming up to you. He’s jogging, and looking down at the ground where you lie. “Oh my god, you look,”

“I’m amazing,” you say, breathlessly. You know how you look. You wonder if you could go another day. You look around, and you see no cocks out, no men looking down at you, and no zippers being pulled up. Except one… And when you look up at the man who is zipping up, Kevin smiles back down and says “Let’s get you out of here.

EDIT: Added the [NC] tag at the top of the story.



  1. I feel bad that the only comment on here was from an asshole, so I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed this! Thanks! ;)

  2. Thank you! I’m very glad to hear it. But don’t worry about the troll. :) I went to public schools, and frankly, that wasn’t even up to the average 6th grader’s level.

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