First time getting Fucked [mm] [Oral [Anal]

Let me tell you about the first time I had sex with a guy.

It was my second year of college and I'd known I was interested for a while before that.

One night I was laying in bed, naked of course, and I was thinking about it. I had been thinking about it all day. I wanted it, bad. It was an itch I needed scratched.

I texted a very good looking gay friend of mine and started to flirt. I had known he'd had a crush on me for a while.

He said he was up late doing work in the library.

I told him I wanted him to come over and fuck me. At first he didn't believe me, but when he realized I was serious…

As you can imagine, I was very convincing.

So I'm laying there up in my hot room, naked, already rock hard under the thin sheet at the thought of what was to come.

Finally, after a what seems a long, long while. I hear a knock on the door. I tell him to come in, and so he does, shutting it behind him.

I pull the sheet aside, and lay there naked on the bed, Its dark but I can practically feel his eyes on my my huge, hard shaft, erect against my lower abs.

He peels off his shirt and approaches the bed.

He sits next to me and we kiss.

His breath is hot, and he smells of smoke, and his lips are rougher than a girls

But he kisses well. Very well.

I unbuckle his jeans and slide them off,

He is bulging against his tight underwear,

I stroke him through the thin fabric, feeling his heat.

Those come off as well.

I roll on top of him and we kiss again

I run my fingers through his short hair

I kiss his neck, my breath hot and close to his bare skin. He moans as I suck, and bite.

I kiss lower

I lick his collar bone

and down over his nipples, perked at the sensation

I kiss lower

Over his hard, flat abs,

Down over the tight smooth v of his lower muscles

I kiss lower.

His cock is huge. And I'm comparing it to mine. As thick as mine and perhaps an inch longer

I kiss over its engorged length, my soft lips brushing his warm skin

Then I take him in my mouth, my warm wet lips parting to his head

My lips caress his shaft as they slide down it, hes so big, I can't take all of him

His girth presses against my tongue and I slide against him as my head begins to bob

He moans and tangles his fingers in the hair at the back of my head

I savor it. The sensation, the taste of his precum, the softness of his skin, rolling over the pulsating hardness of his shaft.

I slide him out of my mouth and look him in the eyes.

“Fuck me.” I say.

He turns me over, on all fours and oils his cock.

I feel the head of his cock pressing against me

Slick with oil.

He pushes, gently, pressing the tip of his cock against me

again and again

With each push, my muscles widen,

I want him inside me. I want him to fuck me. Hard.

Finally, he pushes further, and I feel him enter me and instantly want it all

I moan

He slides the tip inside me, my smooth muscles slick with the oil, tight around his massive girth.

Slowly he begins to ease in to me.

Inch by inch

His long oiled shaft slides in to me

Pressing deeper, and deeper.

Hes so long.

With a final push, hes inside me, I feel him deep, buried up to the base, pressing inside me.

I gasp

He slides almost out again, drawing his cock back, his hard shaft gliding along my wet flesh

And then he thrusts, his entire length, burying himself deep inside me once again

I moan again, my back arching in pleasure, my cock rock had and pulsing as he begins to fuck me.

With each thrust, his hard lower abs smack against my ass, driving his cock deeper and deeper

I moan with each thrust, moans replace my breaths

I reach down and grab my cock, its harder than its ever been, pulsing, bulging with raw desire.

I begin to pull on myself in time with his thrusts.

he thrusts faster, pounding me,

I rub myself harder, faster

He grabs my hips to drive each thrust deeper still.

I moan, my free hand grabs the bar of the bed post, knuckles white against it

He rides me now, had and fast, pounding in to me, I convulse around the massive girth of his huge oiled cock

With one final thrust, harder and deeper than all the rest, he drives inside of me, his entire length, burring himself

I feel him cum, his cock pulsing, spasming, throbbing inside me And as he cums, I do as well, spurting over the sheet, my hot shaft pumping again and again

He rolls off me and remain there on all fours,

My breath comes hot and ragged

My muscles quivering, limbs weak

And that…

Was the first time.
