A Work Interlude [MF] [oral]

“I want your mouth…” reads the subject line of the email. When you click to open it, you barely register the two words “right here” which complete the sentence. The picture in the body of the email says it all anyway. The neckline of my gray knit dress is pulled down exposing one of my full, rounded breasts. Two of my fingers are clamped on either side of the hard nipple, and I’m biting my lower lip. The corners of my mouth are turned up, and you can see a devilish glint in my chocolate-brown eyes. It’s a slow day at work, and, as I’m the only one in the office, I’ve decided to play.

Checking the time you notice it’s nearly lunch. Perfect. You shoot a quick response, “You look fucking incredible!” Popping your head into your bosses’ office, you let him know that you have to run an errand for lunch which may take a little time. It’s a holiday week, business is slow, and you know there won’t be any objections. When the elevator arrives, you step in and punch nine. As you rise from your floor to mine, you pull out your phone to review the picture again. You smirk while contemplating all the areas of my body your mouth will soon roam. The ding of the elevator arriving causes your cock to twitch in anticipation. Your long strides bring you down the hallway in a matter of moments, and then you’re opening the door to my suite. The automatic doorbell chimes, and you hear me call from my back corner office, “Be right with you!”

The clickety-clack of typing on my keyboard stops just before your phone buzzes in your pocket. Apparently I’ve just sent you another email. You prowl the short hallway to my office and round the door just as I’m standing to pull down the indecently short dress. “Oh! Hi…” My shock at seeing you is quickly replaced by a small, wicked smile and cocked eyebrow. “I just have a document to finish proofing, and then we can go to lunch.” As I’m sitting back in my chair at my desk, you step into my office and softly close the door behind you. Though we’re the only ones here at the moment, it doesn't mean that someone couldn't come in.

You pull my rolling chair back from the desk, and then bend down to cup my face with your large hands. As your mouth covers mine, you sink to your knees, and I open for you. My mouth opening and tongue dancing with yours, my legs spreading for you to kneel between, and my arms wrapping around your shoulders, pulling you into me. I feel the hard bulge caged in your pants, and it causes a low moan in the back of my throat. You can smell my sweet and musky arousal as the damp heat of my mound presses against you. Breaking the kiss you pull back from me slightly. “Now, you wanted my mouth where,” you ask. With a wanton smile, I pull down my dress to again expose my right breast, just as in the picture. Capturing my nipple between my two thin fingers, I answer, “Here.” And you oblige.

Oh, how you oblige.

Kissing and nibbling along my jawline to my earlobe. Your deep voice sounds, “as you wish,” which then causes everything below my waist to tighten. You hear my breath catch as your mouth quickly swoops down and captures the stiff bud between your pearly whites. Playfully glancing up, you say, “Now what do I do?”

I swat your shoulder with one hand as I laugh. “Dammit! Don’t talk with your mouth full!” Chuckling, you bring your hand up to cup the proffered breast. You pull and massage, opening your mouth more, and draw more of my tit into your mouth. Entwining my fingers in your soft, blonde hair, I let my head fall back, arching into your mouth, red curls brushing down the back of my chair. Your tongue flicks on my nipple as you knead the sensitive flesh, and your right hand then lifts to cup my left breast, nearly covering the full C-cup with your long pianist fingers. Tugging the dress further down, you expose my other tit and transfer your mouth to lavish my other nipple.

Oh, the pleasure is intense. My body is sensitive today, and I can’t control slowly grinding and pressing against your stiff cock, moisture seeping around the edges of my burgundy lace thong. Pulling back before I can make myself cum from friction alone, you raise your face to me, smiling through those mischievous blue eyes. After stealing another quick kiss, you reach around my chair with both arms, folding yourself over, and drag me closer back to the desk. “Finish your document,” you croon, just as you pull me back where I started. Laughing nervously, I acquiesce.

After a moment or two of me occasionally glancing down and just seeing your innocent blue eyes peeking up at me, I relax and truly focus on work. And, of course, that’s when you act. I’m typing a long change to the brief, when I feel your warm breath just above my mound. I tense and stop typing a second. I glance down to see your large frame still tucked in what must be a most uncomfortable position under my desk and between my legs. My lips twitch in a smile as you blink at me, nearly fluttering your lashes in mock-innocence. I clear my throat and return to the boring document.

A slight pressure against my panties and warm breath again… your tongue, I think, drawing a line from the base of my folds to the top, nearly to my clit, which would be brilliant if you had deigned to move the obstruction of my underwear. Releasing a playful huff, I wiggle forward a little, placing my ass on the very edge of the chair. Again, your tongue presses against my panties, pushing them between the damp folds, and you hear a small whine escape from my lips. The warm, damp smell is actually driving you crazy, but you love to tease me. I become so impatient with it. Just as I think I might actually slide my chair back and accost you, I feel you pull my panties to the side. Your warm breath on my now exposed pussy brings a shiver down my spine, goose pimples rising on my fair skin. You push the skirt of my dress up further and hook your fingers under the side of my thong, beginning to draw it down. I assist by lifting my ass off the chair just enough, typing furiously above you. I have to finish the changes to this document soon, so I can relish your work upon my body.

I feel your fingers return to my body, one finger gently circling my clit and then slowly dragging down. The warmth of your breath is the only warning before I feel your lips and mouth close on me, imprisoning my clit between your teeth and lightly clamping down. Your finger folds to dip your knuckle between my folds for a moment, sampling my wetness before continuing its slow path further down. My breathing stutters and then picks up tempo as I feel your knuckle stop and press against my small, tight asshole.

Your tongue penetrates my pussy, pressing against my soft pink walls before darting back into your mouth. You taste the light muskiness of my arousal which encourages you to distract me further. With the first two fingers of your other hand, you reach up and spread my lips apart, revealing the sticky mess contained between my folds. "That won't do. I better clean this up." Your voice is muffled but it causes a laugh to escape my lips. My giggle is replaced with a gasp when your teeth again find my exposed hood and clit, biting down with light pressure and wiggling back and forth across it. I shudder at feeling the quick flick of your tongue against my trapped nib, and gentle suction when you close your lips. The words blur in front of my eyes as I feel your expert mouth move back for a moment before I feel the flat of your tongue at the base of my pussy, licking upward in one long, smooth stroke, the tip of your tongue darting momentarily to gather my moisture.

All pretense of work is abandoned as I mutter “fuck it” and collapse against the back of the chair, nearly sliding off the edge in an effort to press harder against your nubile tongue. The fingers of my left hand brush through your soft hair, nails slightly scraping your scalp, before I grab a fistful to pull you closer. My thighs close around the sides of your head, and my heels press against your back, as I whimper for more. The slow, teasing strokes from bottom to top drive me mad. Closing again on my swollen, sensitive button, I feel the fingertips of your other hand at my opening, smearing my moisture around my labia before beginning to work into my tight hole. Immediately, my muscles begin to clamp and pull, drawing your long, dexterous fingers deeper into me. A shudder ripples through my body at the expert application of mouth, tongue, teeth and fingers delving deeper. You glance up to see my head lolling against the back of my chair, eyelashes fluttering closed, breathing ragged making my breasts rise and fall.

Your hand rotates and fingers bend, undulating against the sensitive ridges inside of me. “Fuck… god… yes… don’t… fuck! Stop… don’t stop… oh, fuck… god… oh, Oh, OOHH…” As the mindless “oh” builds, you feel me stilling and tightening harder against you, moisture leaking out and dripping down your hand, my ass pressing harder against your knuckle, and a fine tremble going through my legs. There’s a hesitation, a moment of stillness, the only movement one final flick of your tongue against my clit. I explode, a tsunami flooding my body with heat, and then I’m bucking and writhing against you, screaming your name. My sweet, creamy cum coats leaks out to soak your hand and you pull your fingers out and bury your tongue deep between my folds, slathering my moisture against your cheeks and face. Slowly the rhythm of my hips decreases, and I raise my head to look down at you, a dreamy, glazed expression on my face. “Enjoy your lunch?” I ask teasingly.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2nhs6b/a_work_interlude_mf_oral


  1. Thank you! Glad you enjoyed! I completely forgot to add Part 1 to the title as there will be an addition (or 2)

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