
Had it been a scheme? Oh, definitely. If I went to box fit surely I'd feel better and look better and Jack would start giving me the sex I deserved. It meant an hour a week with Steve, a former army officer turned fitness facist, and fifteen other women. Big and small, old and young, who had signed up to shape up and stayed for Steve. Confidence increased and the outfits got skimpier and tighter.

Carol quickly became my sparring partner. Short but curvy, tits spilling over her sports bra. She always stood at the front for stretches giving Steve an eyeful of her cleavage and me a face full of her firm, thick ass. She carried herself with a confidence that only a mature woman who had seen the world could. Some of the girls disliked her, said she was a man eater, that she'd had more husbands than anyone cared to remember. Sometimes we chatted after class, I would watch her raise her cigarette to her full lips, deliberately wrapping her rosy flesh around the stick, licking her lips before each puff to stop her lipstick staining the butt.

"Josie," she said suddenly. "How about lunch?"

I was surprised but I didn't say no. It pissed Jack off to no end but working part time meant I could do this. Maybe she'd have some advice to help me get him back.

She sat next to me at lunch, her hip pressing against me. The restaurant was nearly dead, but she insisted it was her favourite. She laughed and joked, touching my bare arms. She held my hand to inspect my wedding ring. Three years, I said, college sweethearts as such.

"Getting stale yet?" She cooed. "No shame Josie. There's no shame in looking elsewhere… Was he your first?"

I shook my head. There'd been my high school boyfriend, a couple of guys before Jack took me home to his dorm in my tight party dress. The guy I'd blown at my bachelorette party.

"No girls?" She asked, her hand on my thigh. Her ex-wedding ring still on her finger. "I find it easier to get off with girls. They know what works." She pushed her lips to my ear. "And it's not really cheating."

She announced she was going to powder her nose, if I cared to join her. I thought of Jack briefly as she wandered off, Lycra clad ass swinging. When had he last made me cum? And it wasn't really cheating.

Carol was waiting, one hand on her hip, the other beckoned me closer. I froze. She smiled a little as she took charge. The taste of lipstick and smoke on her mouth as she pushed her tongue past my lips. Her hands grabbed my ass and pulled me closer, her manicured nails digging into me.

"Those classes are working wonders." She smiled, kissing my neck. A finger running along the edge of my vest, tickling the bare skin. "And you've not lost your tits. That happens too much."

She gave my tits a grope over my shirt before quickly pulling the thin fabric over my head. Her deft fingers unhooking my bra. When had Jack ever undressed me so easily? He usually fumbled with the fastenings for a few minutes before asking for help.

She pushed me against the sinks, her pretty mouth finding my hard nipples. Slow, teasing kisses that coaxed out a gasp. Her skilled tongue flicked over my flesh, then a quick little nip with her teeth.

She pulled away and pulled down my yoga pants. She ran her fingers over my bare lips. "No panties Jo? Very naughty."

She knelt down on the tiles and nudged my legs apart. She carefully kissed my mound then held my lips apart with her thin fingers. She took on slow lick over my exposed clit, my heart pounding. It wouldn't take much to make me cum. And I couldn't wait to return the favour.

She pushed two slender fingers inside me with ease, finding my sweet spot easily. Jack had never found it, insisting it was a Cosmo myth. I cursed as she lapped at me greedily, moaning into me. She was enjoying this as much as me. I felt the pressure build.

"Oh shit, Carol." I cried into the empty bathroom. My pussy clamping down on her fingers, my hips shuddering torn between trying to escape and you pushing closer for more.

She didn't slow down. Jack would have heard me cum and insisted I return the favour. Not that he had ever eaten me out properly. Her feminine fingers working my g spot as she greedily lapped at my folds, a hand reaching up to tug my nipples.

I came harder than ever before. My whole body shivering, a trickle of clear liquid running over my thighs as I screamed her name.

Her fingers fell still as I caught my breath. She stood up, extracting them slowly. I let out a little gasp. Her slick fingers pushed against my lips and I licked them clean of my juices. Her lipstick stained mouth found mine and she gave me a slow, greedy kiss.

She started walking to the bathroom door, looking quickly at me with my pants around my ankles and my shirt on the floor.

"Lunch is on me." She smiled. "You can pay me back next time."
