Peter – Carol’s Ex (MF)

I got a text from Carol inviting me over. She had brought out a side of me I had long forgotten. That naughty college girl inside of me that had drunkenly made out with girls and had finger fucked her best friend in the bathroom of a club. I was seeing her at least once a week, sometimes more, without Jack being any the wiser. He never paid much attention.

I rang the bell and a man opened the door. Maybe ten years older than me, dark hair dusted with a little grey. Bright eyes. He took me in: a cute little summer dress that hugged my tits and flared out over my hips. He wore a dress shirt rolled up at the sleeves, jeans, his feet bare.

"Josie?" I nodded. "Peter, I'm Carol's ex husband."

That didn't help, there were a few of those. He stepped aside to let me in, shouting to Carol that I was there.

Carol appeared, dressed in a thin robe, her tits straining against the fabric. She pulled me close, her tongue wrestling with mine as she grabbed my ass. A taste of something familiar on her tongue. Was it cum?

Categorized as Erotica


Had it been a scheme? Oh, definitely. If I went to box fit surely I'd feel better and look better and Jack would start giving me the sex I deserved. It meant an hour a week with Steve, a former army officer turned fitness facist, and fifteen other women. Big and small, old and young, who had signed up to shape up and stayed for Steve. Confidence increased and the outfits got skimpier and tighter.

Carol quickly became my sparring partner. Short but curvy, tits spilling over her sports bra. She always stood at the front for stretches giving Steve an eyeful of her cleavage and me a face full of her firm, thick ass. She carried herself with a confidence that only a mature woman who had seen the world could. Some of the girls disliked her, said she was a man eater, that she'd had more husbands than anyone cared to remember. Sometimes we chatted after class, I would watch her raise her cigarette to her full lips, deliberately wrapping her rosy flesh around the stick, licking her lips before each puff to stop her lipstick staining the butt.

"Josie," she said suddenly. "How about lunch?"

The Sailor

Jack knew I was out. Where he wasn't sure, but he had accepted that he was a sorry excuse for a husband and that I needed more to satisfy me. I had kissed his cheek as I left, his pathetic dick pressing against his cage at the contact. I bent over to fasten my ankle strap, my tight skirt riding up to flash my bare pussy. I winked and headed out. I knew he'd wait up.

The bar wasn't far from the naval base and I had always had a lot of success with the boys there. A pretty girl in a tight dress, down to fuck, wedding ring twisted to hide the gem. It wasn't long before a guy sat down beside me and insisted on buying me a drink. Tall, slender, dark hair cut short and a tattoo on his arm, twisting under his rolled up shirt sleeve. His name was Matt though I didn't really care.

"You know I'm married." I giggled over my wine. "Though he doesn't do it for me anymore."

"So you're a cheat?" He asked, eyes running over my cleavage.

Categorized as Erotica