Random Encounter

I've never written erotic literature before, I did this on a dare. I'm sorry if it's not particularly erotic.

Koldo looked at her face over the table, she was saying something that was truly interesting, but he couldn't stop comparing the tiny differences between what he expected and what she turned out to be. It was like seeing the superposition of two people, a blurry overlay, an aura over the reality of her. And it was getting in the way, because she was so much more than he had imagined. Every tiny movement, the way her neck moved, her fingers when she gripped of her glass of beer, her eyes rolling under her heavy lids, caught him in a temporal vortex, stopping time and sucking him into a tiny eternity of attraction.

He had no idea how he had gotten in this situation. A random person, someone he never met, now was the entirety of his focus. An accident on the street, looking the wrong way, bump, accidentally placing his hand on her chest and dropping her book. He had no way of saying anything, once he perceived her. He never came back to himself. Whoever came back, it was not Koldo. Just his shadow, a mammal, his need.

Sorry. Whatever. A drink? Sure. An excuse. Let's stop by home, to show you something. Fine.

There was no plan, no anticipation. The clink of the keys in the lock, the door opening up into his apartment, the dusty air of rooms full of paper, they happened yet did not exist. The door shut and time resumed. He dropped his keys and turned around, and found her face against his. He wanted to be gentle and taste her lips, but a wolfish hunger wanted the flesh underneath. Something about her was more attractive to the wolf than anything else. They ate each other until out of breath, he held her face with both hands as if to make sure she couldn't get away. They breathed into their mouths, hot and slow. He turned her around and gnawed at her neck, sucking and nipping the skin below her ears. He had no idea if she liked that, but it didn't matter because the only thing he was absolutely sure of, was that she wanted him as much as he did. It was the only thing that mattered. The mirrored lust and desire he was unable to realize earlier, but that was recognized as clearly as his own.

He pushed her down the hallway until they could go no further, she was stuck between a place and something rock hard. He pulled down her dress, that was all that was necessary. He cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples as he bit her hip, she thrust backwards and moaned. The sound of her desire drove him mad, there was nothing left of him except nature.

He stood up and fumbled with his belt, dropping the last trappings of civilization to the ground. Pressing her against the wall, the ripped off her underwear and buried his face in her ass, his tongue caressing the skin his teeth bit, and searching for the forbidden crevasse. She clenched her buttocks but he drove harder, and found her asshole with the tip of his tongue. She relented and pushed back,giving him space to explore. He lowered his attention to her dripping pussy, but his prize was too far ahead and out of reach. Frustrated, he stood up abruptly and lifted her bodily in both arms. She shrieked in delight, and clawed at his back with a wicked look. His trip was short, and threw her on the bed, legs high. He dove head first into her crotch, seeing her pussy for the first time. It was flushed and red, full of blood and glowing like a hot reactor. Teasing and licking, he found her clitoris and sucked on the hood. Her breath was now difficult, and she tore at his hair, trying to bring him closer.

The skin on his cock was tight, stretched as it hadn't been in a long time. His soul was contained there, and was struggling against the flesh to escape. She looked into his eyes with an expression that would have left him thinking ordinarily, but that now could only be seen as a challenge. She expected him to close the distance, but he took her by the elbow, pulled, twisted and pulled, and she found herself spinning, all of a sudden on her belly. Now he pulled in, one arm hooking under her knee, folding her and raising her ass high. He felt her heat near his crotch, knew he was where he had to be. His arms around her, he needed no guidance to do what his mind had long forgotten how to do. The hot head of his cock found the melting entrance between her legs, made its way in. He bucked and waved, opening her progressively. Length by length, their spaces overlapped until he was deep inside her.

Koldo didn't know where he was anymore. Was he in his forehead, between his eyes? His eyes were firmly shut, looking into the back of his head. Was he riding the head of his cock, like a captain at the mast of his ship, riding a storm of fury? He felt he was contained inside her, a tiny Atlas, holding up the pink walls of her insides, the universe collapsing on him, his raw life holding everything up, a sun flowing winds of light so bright, they held up the heavens. He was everywhere. He was nowhere.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/2mq5yw/random_encounter