Emergency Procedure [mf, humorous]

Hey guys, this is a story I wrote a while ago as a response to a gif that I'll post in the comments. I was challenging myself, just trying to see if I could come up with a story around it. It's suitably ridiculous, but I hope you like it anyway – people seemed to before.

Also, if you like my work, I will be publishing work on Amazon in the near future. If you'd be interested in being on a mailing list I'm working up, so you'd know when I uploaded a story, just PM with your email address and I'll add you to it.

Hope you enjoy!

It had been a quiet afternoon when the young woman came bursting through my front door, and I was not altogether glad to see that go out the window. It was my first Saturday out of the hospital in months, and with both cell phone and pager securely locked away, I had dedicated my day to the comfort of my armchair and quart of whiskey. The last thing I could imagine wanting was some fresh hell barging into my living room, though I suppose looking back on it now that evidences more a lack of imagination than predetermination on my part.

I got to my feet as soon as I heard the crash of the door slamming into the wall, and when her eyes met mine my fists balled. Her pupils dilated and went darting every which way, her gaze passing over everything without seeming to take any of it in at all. Her wild blonde hair fell over them, and when she jerked her hand up to brush said hair out of the way, I noticed her hands were sunburned and calloused.

I took a look at all of her, and my fist relaxed. She was a small girl, thin with features that had managed to stay soft even sitting aside her feral eyes. This girl was no threat. I did however take a peek behind her, just in case; you never know when someone's junkie boyfriend is going to use them as the distraction or the bait, after all.


“Are you alright, miss?” My tone was as calm and measured as I could make it, and when her head snapped over to register it I became sure that there was something wrong here. Not dangerous, just damaged.

She looked me dead in the eye and from her throat came a chorus of low croaks.

I took a step closer, and the overwhelming smell of her body odor almost stopped me in my tracks. It was putrid, easilys days of accumulated sweat and filth. She did not seem outwardly grimy, just unwashed with blotches of burned skin popping up all over her body. Her clothes were loose and, with quite some embarrassment I must admit I noted, tattered around her chest. For just a second, that deep primal part of me I thought had been evolved away millenia ago overrode me entirely and I wished she was maybe just a little more banged up, maybe that shirt could be completely destroyed instead of just inching towards it…

She opened her mouth, and that croak turned into a low, guttural moan.

“Miss,” I started again, my training kicking into high gear, “Miss, are you in need of assistance?”

Are you in need of assistance? That's what I said. That's what I fucking said to this half naked delirious woman who had barged through my door, the one with the wild eyes and the inability to speak properly. I guess it's true what they say; you can send a boy to med school, but he'll just come out a Dr. Boy.

Finally, her eyes seemed to quite down for just a moment, and they locked on mine. The groaning did not cease, but continued to evolve, and I thought I could hear some syllables in there now.


I knew where this was going, and I felt my insides drop. “I'm sorry miss,” I fumbled, “But I don't have any water. I used the last of my bottled water this morning, was going to head out for more soon.” She did not react, just continued to stare, the sound dying but her mouth continuing to move in imitation of it, “We've had problems with the plumbing recently and…we haven't had tap water out here for a few days now.”

It was the truth, and the unfortunate cost of being as much a hermit as modern society would allow. You might have intuited before that I treasure my free time and like to spend it away from the stresses of the world: you probably did not realize the extreme degree to which I had taken such a principle. My home was certainly lovely, but remote, ten miles away from the nearest town and securely in the realm of butt fuck nowhere, sitting proud like a concrete middle finger to the Nevada desert sprawling out around it.

My mind kicked into high gear, and I tried to think of any reserves I had. There was no water, that was for sure, and last I remembered I was all out of just about everything.

“I only try to go to the store when I really need it, you see…” I said, but trailed off when I saw her eyes were not even in the same dimension as me. For the first time I noticed her blinking, how rapid and irregular it was, how it made her piercing green eyes seem to flap in and out of existence.

Again, another part of my mind came screaming forward, and it was quite pleased with what happened next.

The girl swooned forward, and my body reached out to catch hers. She fell into my arms, and I immediately dragged her over to the couch, throwing away the pillow to lay her down straight. The heat was not going to be helping here. I had to cool her down however I could.

So I began to rip off her clothes. Every dirty garment she had was off her in no time and thrown to the side, and in my authoritarian haze I did not even register any eroticism with this. It was only after, when I felt my cock pop up like it was spring loaded, when I had a minute to stand and take in the situation, when for the first time I got a good look at the most wonderful tits I think I had ever seen. I usually scoff at a phrase like that, but goddamn if I don't mean it here. I've learned how to look through the human anatomy like it weren't there if I'm operating under a medical context, but nothing was going to stop the way those perky little tits were standing straight up.

Without even realizing it, I had taken off my shirt too.

Her eyes mostly closed but still flickering, she began mumbling incoherence. “Walking…walked…so long…lost…out in the desert…so long…”

The pieces were, of course, beginning to come together now. She was young and had been dressed in survivalist gear: it was the horror story you hear about every now again on the Discovery Channel or National Geographic. Kids barely past eighteen head out into the wild for an adventure, then discover what that word really means.

“Help…help me…please…water…”

I took her pulse, and it was racing. She was not going to last long, even inside. The desert heat will catch you anywhere, especially when it's already done most of its work. I looked up and out of the nearest window and saw my car waiting ready. I had to get her to a hospital…

“…but you'll never make it like this.” I shook my head and cursed under my breath, then turned my attention back to her, “You need nutrients. I don't have any here.”

“Please…” her mumbles were getting even softer, “…please…anything…”

I just had to keep her alive long enough to get her to the hospital. To get her to the ICU, where they could bring her back from the brink. For now, all she needed was a surge. If not of water, then of anything. Anything at all to give her the strength that would give me some time.

And suddenly, that old voice in the back of my mind started to make a little sense.

I shook the idea loose. I couldn't do that. That was fucking ridiculous. I was Doctor damnit, a man of reason and science. Even if it did work, it would be taking advantage! Letting out the primal part of me when I should be using every ounce of my sense.

It's not though, the other side reasoned. This woman was on the edge of death and begging for help. And I was a Doctor. I needed to utilize every treatment method available to save my patient. Every single one.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. Her breathing was getting more and more shallow by the second. I had to act.

With a surgeons grace, I whipped off my belt and threw my pants to the floor. The boxers quickly followed, and my jumped at the chance for freedom. My medical equipment was more than ready, and this patient needed an infusion of protein. STAT.

I went hard and fast, spitting on my hand and stroking it into my rock hard cock while I pumped and pumped. To properly administer the treatment, I would need visual stimulation: I focused in on those tits again, bouncing oh so slightly up and down with every breath. Her nipples were pink and small, and I imagined how they would taste on my tongue.

The pressure began to build. I stroked faster and faster, leaning closer to her face, an image that only brought me closer to the edge. I wondered if I was as close as she was: a different edge, most certainly, but perhaps one no less awe-inspiring.

I think it was instinct, but she got it. Even with her eyes shut, she could sense what was going on, what I was trying to do. Her mouth slipped open, and my cock began to brush up against her lips. The pressure was truly incredible, and I could feel the cum welling up in my shaft. Again, my dick brushed up against her lips, and this time her nervous system was working to save her life. She gave it the softest of kisses.

I exploded cum, and my waiting patient was all too happy to gobble it up. My seed was thick, falling down past her lips and into her mouth, where it would pass down through her throat and replenish the strength she had lost. I could see it happening already: the more I spurted, the more enthusastic her mouth became, teasing every last bit of cum out of me. I knew I could not miss with a single drop, and made sure every last bit got inside of her. When at last I was done, I pulled back, breathing heavy myself now, beads of sweat glistening over my whole body.

The orgasm was what had shook my body, but what had shook my heart was saving the young woman in front of me.

And she was already looking better.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2mohec/emergency_procedure_mf_humorous


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