Artistic License {Part 3} [FF] [first person] [erotic fiction] [more magic/nc body mods – cock focus, this time]

I'll put links to the rest of the story in the comments. Summary so far: I'm an artist with a special gift: I can manipulate my girlfriend's body using a clay figure, which I made for an art project on sexuality. Last week I experimented with her breasts, and found that she accepts the change after orgasming.

Once we finally left our bed Saturday morning and dressed for the day, Summer realised that her bras no longer fit. She decided that she must have gained some weight, or that she had ruined them by absent-mindedly putting them in the dryer while doing laundry. It wasn't too hard to convince her to just not wear a bra that day, and I certainly appreciated the view. I thought about using this as an excuse to go shopping for some sexy lingerie, but upon consideration decided to wait: I wasn't quite done with my dear Summer yet. For now I was happy watching her wander around the house wearing just a sheer blouse, studying her body.

On Sunday I asked her to model nude for me. I hadn't directly involved her in my art project yet, so I told her that I'd had a sudden inspiration to depict another aspect of sexuality and fetishes – body modification – and wanted a model to to try it out right away. She accepted both the explanation and my request happily. I sketched her from various angles as she stood in in our kitchen, her dark skin glowing gold in the morning sunlight. As I sketched I added extra details of body mods, just small things like tattoos and piercings. I asked Summer to get on the table, a quick way to introduce interesting movement in a model, and she lay down on her stomach, head propped in her hands and her shapely legs in the air. I knelt in front of her, focusing on the curve of her back, and I didn't realise she was watching me just as closely until she commented on my drawing.

"You know, if you're going for a body mod fetish, you should just go all out." "All out?" I asked, amused. "Yeah, like stuff you couldn't get in real life, just in fantasies. Like right now," she pointed at my drawing of her shoulders and back, "You could add wings – go for an angel fetish. Or maybe a demon." I quickly sketched in the outline of wings, batlike and demonic, then added a pointed tail. "Succubus", I whispered. Summer grinned down at my picture of her, then said "Ooh, if you're going with wings, you could just make her a bird! I had an ex who was really into animal mods, she'd have loved a girl with wings." Summer was a gold-star lesbian – she'd only slept with other woman – but some of those women had been pretty kinky.

As I had Summer move around the kitchen, trying out different poses, she kept suggesting new ideas for my sketching. I was delighted by her sexual creativity, and eventually had my sketchbook full of body designs – fantastic, animalistic, futuristic, erotic. It thrilled me that Summer had come up with most of these herself, while the thought of actually trying any of them on the clay figure was too exciting to properly contemplate. She was even fine with me pulling out a tape measure and taking down a few of her measurements, distracted by thoughts of mermaids and centaurs.

On Monday I convinced her it would be okay to forego the now too-small bra and just wear a loose shirt. "You're an artist, honey, you're supposed to look Bohemian." I myself wore a short skirt, figuring that I'd need quick access to my pussy if I got over-heated during my work. I rather hoped that I would – this was the most fun I'd had in months of work.

Back in the ceramics studio, I laid out a few of my sketches on the ceramics bench, a small block of fresh clay next to the figure of my girlfriend. Should I add angel wings? A demon tail? Change her lower legs to those of a deer? Even then, anything much past small modifications seemed too inhuman – the thought of adding limbs or making her half animal like a centaur repulsed rather than aroused me. Just thinking about it made me push away the sketches. I needed to focus on the human aspects, the core of sexuality. I recalled my previous ideas about the fertility idols, and remembered the other symbol of human fertility: the penis. But did I want to add a cock to the feminine beauty that was my dear girlfriend?

I thought back to Friday afternoon, imagining the model's cock thrusting inside me. Oh, fuck yes, I wanted to add a cock.

I scored and wet the clay on my figurine, made it ready to accept my modifications. First, to balance out the cock, I needed to emphasise her femininity. I had wanted to make her my sexual ideal on Friday, but only altered her figure slightly. Now I shaped a pair of even larger breasts, from her original B-cup to more than a D-cup, keeping them perky and perfectly shaped while knowing that they wouldn't lose sensitivity with size, unlike those of the other big-breasted women I had been with. I gave her wide, luscious hips to balance out the perfect hourglass shape. All of this took a while, as I was constantly thinking about the different women I had admired and how to best incorporate their best features.

Just thinking about my next step overwhelmed my arousal and I took a quick break with a large-handled paintbrush (hey, when a girl needs to fuck, she uses what she can get). I came back still a bit aroused, ready to make the perfect cock. I pinched off some fresh clay and rolled it between my fingers, thinking about all of the different cocks I'd had the pleasure of handling.

I'd done my research when I was beginning my art project, and I knew my stuff. For example, the average erect penis is about 5.5 inches, with an average diameter of 1.5 inches (that's a circumference of about 4.7 inches). I also knew my stuff – specifically, that I liked my cocks long but not too long, and not too thick. Now that I thought about it, my ideal cock was probably about that wide and oh, 7 inches long? I smiled just thinking about it, rolling the clay between my fingers.

I pulled out my sketches of Summer and a ruler, and compared my measurements of her body with the measurements of the figurine. Once I knew how big 7 inches would be on the figurine's scale, I started to shape the cock. I knew I had to mould it while erect, as there would be no correlation between flaccid and erect length. I didn't mind – this meant I got to decide the exact shape and size and features of Summer's new cock.

I fondly detailed in the veins and glans, imagining the cock in its fully realised state. I imagined my mouth going everywhere my fingertips went, holding this perfect cock, attaching it to my perfect woman. I would lick along this slightly curving shaft, kiss this head, stroke it to this length. Ohh, and I would do more than hold it with my hands and with my mouth. I imagined holding this cock inside me, wide and curving up and into me, while I held onto her hips and thrust myself onto her.

Thinking of fertility idols and sexual ideals, I decided to incorporate Summer's new cock into her existing genitalia, replacing her clit, above her vagina. I carefully parted the soft clay labia at the top of her sex and smoothed over the clitoral hood, wetting the clay. Gently, I attached the cock, rearranging some of the labia to fit it in. I moved it around until I decided on the perfect angle, then sealed the clay. I hoped Summer would enjoy her new appendage, because I certainly would.

Looking at my sketches and measurements, I made a few more alterations – I hadn't sculpted her shoulders quite wide enough – and they would need to be this wide to support her new chest. I lengthened her curly hair a bit, too. I imagined running my fingers through it as she fucked me with her new cock, and knew I wanted it long enough to properly hold on and tug.

And then, just because I felt like it, I found some more ceramic paint and added a splash of blue next to the pink in her hair. I suppose I wanted there to be some external sign of my modifications, like a signature on a piece of art – my work of art.
