My Wife’s Little Sister [Mf, cheating, college girl]

I found the note sitting on the kitchen table when I got back from work, and my heart dropped like a stone when I read its contents.

“Hey Honey!”

Amanda’s signature way of starting one of our domestic memos. There were times when I wondered if the woman was trained in psychological conditioning: her bubbly countenance could talk me into just about anything she needed doing. Always the same overly enthusiastic greeting, quickly followed up by a request to clean out the garage or do the dishes or some shit.

“Surprise! Guess who dropped by after you left for work with a packed bag and a long weekend off from college?”

I found myself mouthing the name before I’d even read it.



“She’s in town till Monday night, and I want her to feel right at home. So be nice! I won’t be home until later, but she’s just going to be lounging around. The girl deserves a break from her semester. Thanks honey! PS: Could you clean out the garage when you get a chance?

I put the note down and took a good look around my kitchen. The updated marble countertops and newly painted oak looked a lot less like home now. The whole condo suddenly felt very small, and I found my breath catching in my throat. Her name rang out in my mind again.


My pants started to feel a little tight, and I cursed myself and the urges I could not control. Without a thought though, one of my hands had slipped its way down to the rapidly emergent bulge in my jeans. I breathed deep, closed my eyes, and let my hand brush the tip of my cock poking through the denim. On the exhale, the unmistakable flip flop of sandals came bounding down the hallway.


I quickly sidled behind the counter and slammed my hands where they safe, up on the surface. A big toothy smile found it’s way onto my face. Haley came round the corner of the condo, and I began to wonder if there would be any hiding my urges at all. She was a pert little 18 year old, and significantly different from the big sister I had married. And the little two piece bikini she was wearing? It wasn’t making things any easier. She had obviously been out on the deck, tanning her slim hips. My eye picked up the sun cream still visible, even against her milky white thighs.

“Haley! I…I had no idea you were going to…” Her arms were around me in an instant, and soon her body was against mine. I grimaced, and try to retract my pelvis as best I could. I must’ve looked like such a dipshit. She pulled away, and I scanned her face for any sign of recognition. Was she going to call me out? She flashed her teeth in a smile, “I haven’t see you in forever!” It didn’t seem like she would. “Since before I went to college! How’ve you been, brother in law?” She gave me what I assume was meant to be a playful punch, but if so it was far too pulled for any impact. It was more like a light strong against my blazer. The smile grew ever so slightly. “I’m good, Haley. How’ve you been?” I backed away a little, my legs slightly parted, and turned away for some pretense or another. I spotted a bottle of vodka sitting on the counter. That’d do. “Missing you guys, obvi.” There was that fucking grin again. She came round the counter and got closer to me, “You see anything different about me?”

I gave her a quick glance.

She looked the same to me; big green eyes, cute little nose, long brown hair. Yep, just as fuckable as ever. There was something though…something that wasn’t quite right… “You got a nose ring!” She tapped it with her finger, “Right on the money. Got it a week after I moved in the dorms. Figured someone in the family should go a little crazy, right?”

I tightened my lips in response: not a smile that could later be used against me, but nothing rude either. Having such a hot little shit as your wife’s sister is not a great situation, but you get quite adept at dealing with. She came a little closer, crossing her arms in front of each other as she leaned into the counter. My eyes looked down at hers and tried their best to stay from the tits spilling out of her bikini top. God, those tits. They must’ve been the most perfect C’s. So suited to her trim, athletic frame. “I know how Amanda feels about things like that, afterall.” She laughed, “She’s not exactly the wildest one, is she?” I went into the cabinet and retrieved a small glass, casting a glance backwards as I did so. Haley was still in the same position, and I swear I caught her eyes flicking up and down my body.

“It’s good your back from work, Tom. I was starting to get bored all alone in here.” I smiled in response again, and wondered if my lack of verbal response could be construed as rude. It was probably just making me look like a moron. That’s alright. I can deal with that. All the blood rushing to my cock though? That’s another story entirely. I poured an ounce of vodka in and grabbed a lime ice cube from the freezer, topping it off with ginger beer. She was still staring at me. “No, I guess not.” I answered, “Your sister likes to have all her ducks in a row.”

Like a coil, her body began to unfold, twisting and turning every which way as she stretched in the pretense of a yawn. She had the tattoo’s for a while, I remembered that. But I swear she had been working out since she got to college: her body looked more supple than ever. She moved a little closer, and I nearly swallowed my tongue as I felt her boobs rub up against my arm as she moved past me. “I’m always telling her, you know. She’s got to have a little…” I turned to face her, and found her leaning back against a different counter, “…fun.” I don’t know why I bothered calling it a bikini – the thing was clearly too small for her assets. And those, tiny little panties… “And I know what a fun guy you must be.” She bit her bottom lip, “Does it ever get frustrating, Tom? Come on…” She pushed herself off the counter and got close enough for me to smell the peaches of her hair, “You can tell me.” I looked down at her and raised my visibly trembling glass to my mouth, relishing the icy cool of the drink. “Oh!” Her face brightened up, “That’s a great idea! Can you make me one, Tom?” I swallowed another gulp, and asked, “I’m sorry?”

“A Moscow Mule.” She looked at me like I was twelve, “Your drink. Why don’t you make me one, too?” She cocked her head, “You know, it’s a little rude not to offer…”

I tried to laugh, but it came out a hoarse whisper, “I don’t think your sister would exactly approve, you’re only eighteen…”

[cont in comments]



  1. Now it was her turn to laugh, “Oh I know, just this little eighteen year old.” She shrieked a little, “So innocent, right? Come on, what’re you gonna let her push you around? I’m here now, I won’t let her.” She was still far too fucking close, “Let’s get a little wild.” I sighed, and knew there would be no argument. So I resigned myself to making another drink while she chattered endlessly in the background, giving me the complete run down of just, like, how much, like, fun she was like having. I turned with her drink in hand, and offered it down to her. She gave me a little curtsey, but didn’t go for the drink. Instead, she took mine that I had set down on the counter, raised it to her lips and gave it a little sip. “Why don’t you keep that one? I like this one.” I held the drink firm in my hand, but did not move it. She took a few more sips, and looked me dead in the eye. “Come on, Tom.” She wiggled her eyebrows, “I thought we were going to cut loose” I did not say a thing. Her smile grew for a moment, then faded. “Tom?” My breath was deep and heavy. “Tom, are you ok?” Now it was my turn to take a step closer to her, for her to take in my scent, for her space to be invaded. She took a small step back towards the counter, and balanced herself with her palms against the top. Her eyes went wide, and her breathing ragged. She was chewing on her lower lip now. There was a deep pause, until I at last said it: “Why do you want to fuck me?” Her arms came up in mock innocence, and her voice went up a few octaves, “Oh…Tom…I didn’t want you to think…” But she stepped forward, so her body was brushing up against mine, “…that. I would never do something like…” Her hands trailed around my shirt collar, “…that.” I looked into her eyes, and repeated the question. She grinned, leaned into my ear, and with her tongue playing up against my lobe merely responded: “Why? Don’t you want to fuck me?” I grabbed her little body and she yelped, but I didn’t give a fuck then and I didn’t give a fuck when I pushed her up against the counter. Her little body was like putty in my hands, and her arms wrapped around mine as our lips locked. She bit my lip as she heaved and pushed her tits into my chest, moaning into my ear. “Fuck me, Tom. Fucking fuck me.” Her hands were working on my shirt now as covered each others mouths with sloppy kisses, her tongue running along mine. My blazer was off in seconds, my tie on the floor next to it moments after. She was giving excited giggles as her finger undid the buttons and she felt my chest through the fabric. “Do it, Tom. I want you to fuck me where you fuck my sister.” What was I going to do? Complain? I pushed her out of the kitchen and she threw my shirt across the living room, taking my hand and leading me into me and my wife’s bedroom. Her nose ring looked good in the sunlight streaming in from outdoors, really good. I knew then that there was no turning back. I was going to fuck Haley. Haley jumped on me again kissing her way down my pants. My hands snaked around her body and undid her bikini top, and for the first time I saw my wife’s little sister’s tits out free. They were even better than I had imagined. “You like them, Tom?” She asked, laying back on the bed, “You should taste them.” “I think I want to taste something else first.” I flopped down on her, and she giggled as she felt my cock again. It was brushing up against her thighs now, and she started to peel off her bottoms. I stopped her, sinking my teeth into the cotton and pulling down, tracing down her legs with my stubble. I could instantly smell a freshly cleaned pussy, and the sight of it nearly stopped me in my tracks. Freshly cleaned, and freshly shaved. “What did you expect?” She asked, “I’m a good girl, Tom.” I didn’t reply for a moment too long, and she picked up on it immediately. “Oh…” Her hand trailed down her body and her fingers traced her magnificent little cunt, “Does Amanda not shave for you anymore? Does she let it get all…out of control?” I nodded, adding my fingers to hers. She shuddered. “Well then.” She pushed my hands away and slithered off the bed and onto her knees in front of me, “I bet I can think of something else Amanda doesn’t do. Never could do.” I’m not going to lie, I looked up and away from her pushing down my jeans and my boxers. It wasn’t guilt though. Far from it. I knew my cock had far and away won that battle. No, I just wanted to savor the sensation of her little hands running down my legs. When I looked back down, my cock was out, and standing fully at attention. “My sister has been a lucky girl.” She said, giving my balls the briefest of licks, “I like that take care of your pubes too. How rude of her not to do the same.” Another little lick, “Well it’s about time you got rewarded.” She looked up at me, did that little lip bite once again, and then plunged her mouth down over my cock, slowly taking my entire length into her mouth. This little eighteen year old took me deeper in her throat than any woman ever had before and held me there, slowly letting me out as she looked me in the eye. Every time I thought she was going to let my cock out of her warm, moist mouth she took it all again, going deeper and deeper until I felt her nose hit my belly. I nearly came right then and there, nearly shot all my seed right down her stomach, her pink fingernails pressed up against my body. This girl’s mouth was fucking heaven, and she knew just how to use it. She must have read my mind, because she drew her mouth back and said, my cock still in her mouth, “Don’t you dare cum yet.” I groaned, feeling the cum starting to well up in my balls, and suddenly I was dropped out of her mouth. Her lips were on me again, and her little body was pressed against mine. “Don’t you dare cum yet, because I want you to cum inside of me.” And I knew I would. Tonight, I was going to fuck my wife’s little sister. And then my wife was going to sleep in our juices.

  2. Not yet. I am thinking of expanding it and self publishing it as a short story on Amazon though. Edit: So I actually went ahead and did this. The new revamped version is more than double the length, and much dirtier if I do say so myself. If anybody is interested, feel free to PM me for details!

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