I Saw You Watching {Part Two} [mf][vampire]

I’m caught between fear and exhilaration, panic and arousal, when you are suddenly so close I can feel the warmth of your breath against my face. Your hand moves slowly through the air, reaching up to touch my cheek. I close my eyes in anticipation.

Then, inexplicably, there is a warm wind and rain against my skin, and when I open my eyes in surprise I find we are on a rooftop, high above a frozen city. The rain moves so slowly, and I am disoriented all at once at the sudden change. Nothing else seems to be moving but the wind. You stand before me, smirking and watching my face.

As you move closer, closer still, a warm calm comes over me, and I don’t feel afraid of you anymore. A moment of doubt, suspicion of manipulation, passes quickly and then you are all I want to think about. Your hands reach slowly for my arms, gripping me as in my dream. I can feel the strength in your arms as you hold my arms tightly by my sides. You move in closer with your body, connecting your hips with mine, thigh to thigh, chest to chest, all points of contact fairly setting me on fire.

You lean your face down to mine, nuzzling me gently, brushing your lips slightly against my cheek, my lips, my jawline, my neck. I realize I’m breathing harder, and I can hear a low growl purring in your throat as you begin kissing my neck. Your lips are soft, and your kisses are gentle at first, but quickly grow more insistent, quicker, and soon I can feel your teeth brushing against my skin. A little bubble of panic is quickly quieted by my animal brain, and I can feel my body responding. I push my hips against yours and feel your arousal keenly. I begin to feel a pleasant ache between my legs, and I know you must be feeling it as well.

The slow rain is steadily drenching us. My clothes are wet and sticking, your shirt gone transparent. I feel a shiver, and I can’t tell if it’s a chill from the rain or from you. Your teeth are gently nipping at my neck and as you begin to bite harder, my legs tremble and I know my panties are wet from more than just the rain. The pleasant ache has turned into throbbing, and I feel I might come just from the feel of your teeth on my skin. Your growling grows louder, and you’re grinding your hips against me with force now, and I can feel your cock getting harder still. I know now you’re going to bite me, and I’m weak with the anticipation of pain and the need and the knowing. You let go of my arms and give me a sudden shove, and I stumble backwards and hit the wall of the roof access.

The quick flare of pain is forgotten as you are suddenly there, arms against the wall, pushing yourself against me once again. You bury your face into my neck, mouth open, teeth barely grazing my skin. A quick jerk and my wet skirt is up over my hips. You close one hand over my neck, holding me still, while your other hand flashes down and roughly tears my panties off, discarding them into the wind. Your eyes are dark and flashing as you unbutton your pants, moving so quickly with one hand still on my throat, squeezing ever so much tighter as your cock bounces free.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2m8ji2/i_saw_you_watching_part_two_mfvampire

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