My first story: Schoolgirl MMF Threesome from the POV of one of the guys.

I was bored so I decided to write a story. Enjoy.

We're both in science class, the teacher's babbling on about cells or something. You sit there twirling your hair around, doodling in your notebook. You're humming away when you hear the teacher mention your name, you look up to see him standing right in front of you. He doesn't look happy. He's looking down at you, you look up with a grin on your face, still swirling your hair, hoping it'd at least cheer him up a little. It does. He tells you that you've been grouped up with 2 of the new kids – Me and my friend; 2 guys you've never really talked to before but you've seen them around. As the teacher is about to walk away you gently bite your lower lip and look back down to continue scribbling in your notebook.

Me and my friend walk over to your table and sit down next to you. You don't take much notice and just continue scribbling away. I take out my notebook and start making a plan on what to our group project on. My friend (Let's just call him Dan) says your name. You turn around, with a cute smile on your face. You and I immediately make eye contact, you look into my green-blue eyes and I look into yours (Whatever color they may be, they probably look great). We stare at one another for a few seconds until Dan interrupts us, asking about our project. You giggle and lean forward to take a look at the notes made so far.

Dan's going over the notes, reading them aloud. He occasionally looks up to make sure we're following but we're too busy looking into one another's eyes and giggling. The bell rings and everyone packs up, ready to leave class. Right as I'm about to stand up and leave you rub your hand up my leg and feel my thick cock in my pants; already hard as stone. I stand up, turn towards you with a grin and then leave.

You stay behind for a while, twirling with your hair and smiling as you watch me leave.

Days pass and we haven't talked to each other since, until one day Dan gets us both together and tells us that we really need to gget this project done as the deadline is tomorrow. We both agree and talk about when and how we'd do it. We finally decide to meet up at your house after school as your parents are barely ever home.

Its 8 pm, you're sitting in your living room, waiting for me and Dan to arrive. We finally show up, laughing and joking around – you don't look happy. We agreed to be there at 4. You tell us to come in and say that we should just get started with the project. We put on our serious faces, sit down and begin work on the project. Time passes and we've made a great amount of progress. Dan and I continue working as you get up to get a drink. When you get back you've cooled off, you've forgiven us both for being so late. You walk towards the table, slowly swirling your drink around. You're looking over at me, watching me work away on the project with Dan. You sit down, across the table from me. I'm talking to Dan about how to tackle the problem that we were facing and you look over pretending to be even remotely interested. You're not. You look over at me and a grin appears on your face again. You stretch your leg out, your foot making contact with my leg. I briefly look up and give you a smile but then look back down to continue with the project. Your leg moves up, inching closer and closer towards my cock. I feel your soft little toes rubbing on my dick, your cute little socks making it feel ever so soft. I enjoy it. You see me loosening up, sitting in a more relaxed position. Now you're really horny. Your nipples start to get hard and you can feel your pussy getting wet. You resist, though.

Minutes pass and you're still as horny as can be. The urge to touch yourself growing my the minute. I look up at you and see you biting your lip, making your horniness clear to me. I nod my head, giving you a sign of approval to touch yourself. You slowly make your way down to your panties, trying not to make it obvious. You've got the hottest look on your face. An expression of both fear and excitement. You undo one of your skirt's buttons to make it easier for you to reach your pussy. You make your way down to your clit and start slowly rubbing it. You manage to keep this up for a few minutes without making noise but the urge is irresistible now. You take your hand out, button your skirt back up and lick up the juice that remained on your fingers.

You excused yourself from the table and headed straight to the bathroom. As soon as you closed the door behind you you fall to the ground, hand already making its way down your skirt as the other one moves up your tight shirt. You start rubbing your clit and playing with your nipples but that's not enough. You need more. You take off your clothes and hop into the shower. You turn on the shower head and hold it up right against your pussy. Its a sensational feeling. Meanwhile your other hand is rubbing your tits making your nipples ever so hard. Moments pass and you're about to come, you can feel yourself about to moan but don't want me and Dan to hear you so you grab a towel and muffle your screams in it.

A little while later you're back at the table, Dan and I still working on the project. I look up to notice your nipples sticking out through your shirt. Looks like someone forgot to put their bra back on. You look up, ready to get some more work done but notice me gesturing towards your chest. At first you think I'm complimenting your body but you then look down and see your nips sticking out. You blush, I find it adorable. You look back up to see me smiling at you. You feel yourself getting horny again as I throw you a grin. You briefly look down to check your phone and when you look back up you see me talking to Dan, but this time not about the project. We're talking too quietly for it to be related to work. You think nothing at it and just look back at your phone. From the corner of your eyes you see the two of us get up, probably nothing. But then you see us approaching you, me from your left and Dan from your right.

Confused, you put on a smile and ask us what's going on. I put one finger on your lip, gesturing you to not speak. Dan meanwhile is resting one hand on your shoulder whilst the other one makes its way up and down your arm. It tingles, you like it. This turns you on even more and your nipples become more apparent to us. I waste no time and go straight for the boob grab, suddenly you release a loud moan. That's confirmation for me and Dan to carry on. I'm groping at your breasts as Dan makes his way down to your pussy, his hand goes down your skirt and that's when you realize you're not wearing any panties either. Oops. Silly you. You look up at me and we start making out, the pleasure is overwhelming yet you still want more. You stand up, grabbing both me and Dan by our arms. You lead us over to the couch and then push us both down onto it. We sat there as you started getting on your knees. You take off your top, your boobs dropping as you do so. Dan and I simultaneously unzip our jeans. as you lean in right in between us. Your breasts rubbing up against our bear legs now. Your hands rubbing the insides of our legs before you make your way to our dicks. You slowly start jerking us off, glancing up at both of us to see if you're getting a good response. We were both in heaven. Our heads were lying back, resting on the couch as we both moaned quietly. You stand up and turn around, pulling your skirt up a little, just enough to reveal a bit of your ass. You bend over and pull down your skirt. Dan reaches in to grab it but you slap his hand gently and then blow him an air kiss. You turn back around to face us and slowly make your way over to us both. You sit down on both of us, each of your legs nuzzled in between those of Dan and mine. We both take our shirts off and then start moving our hands up and down your thighs. You move your leg over from in between mine so that your ass is right on top of Dan, I give you a look of approval as he sticks his throbbing cock in you. You lean down to my dick to give it a full on blowjob. I stroke your hair back behind your ear as you're giving me the time of my life while you're being pounded by Dan.

I put my hands behind my head and lean back, just enjoying what's going on. I can feel your boobs bouncing up against my leg with every thrust. Eventually you tap on me, gesturing for me to sit up, you stand up and now its my turn. Dan, however, isn't gonna go for the lazy way. He's standing up in front of you now waiting for you to tend to his cock. I grab your ass cheeks and start pounding my dick in you. You let out a loud moan as Dan grabs your hair and pulls you onto his dick. You love this, being controlled like this.

A few minutes later I start to think that you're not getting as much pleasure as you'd like, despite your insanely loud moans. I wrap one arm around you to reach down to start rubbing your clit, you let out a scream of pure pleasure and then go straight back to blowing Dan. I get tired so I pull you off of me. I rest you on the couch so that you're lying on your back. I lie on the couch as well so that I can start eating you out. Dan gets on top of you and sticks his dick in your mouth, not like you mind. I stick two fingers inside you and slowly start fingering you whilst my tongue circles around your clit. I can hear you moaning. Your moaning gets louder and louder until eventually your body shakes a little, followed by a sigh of relief. But its not done yet, Dan and I still need to come.

Your shake brings Dan to a climax, he pulls his dick out of your mouth, ready to cum but you're not having any of that. You grab him from behind and pull him back into you. You're deepthroating him now as he's moaning loudly. You feel his cum hit the back of your mouth and you let him pull out at last. The last few drops of his cum make their way onto your gorgeous face. You give him a smile as he makes his way off of you and heads for the bathroom to clean up.

Meanwhile, I'm still eating you out. I glance up to see you looking down at me with an adorable, cum covered smile. I sit up and tug you closer to me. I stick my dick, now harder than ever, in you and start pounding away. Feeling me pound your pussy while your face is covered in cum makes the whole act so much more pleasurable for the both of us. You eventually lean forward a bit, just enough to grab me by my shoulders and pull me in towards you.

"Fuck me more."

I pick you up and walk over to a wall. I shove you up against it. I pound away now harder than ever, you lean in to make out with me, but I'm reluctant as there was still cum on it. You giggle as I say no, which only makes me want to go harder. Your laughter was soon put to an end when I thrusted you as hard as I could and you released a loud moan. This goes on for a few more minutes until you lean in to my ear and tell me:

"Cum in me."

"What?" I say

"You heard me. Cum inside me."

I wasn't gonna let you down. I kept pounding her until I reached my climax. I was so deep in you that my cum was dripping out from your pussy even while I was in her. I set you down but you get right back onto your knees again, cum still dripping out of your pussy. You don't hesitate to go right back for my rock-hard cock. You first circle the tip with your tongue, making me want to pull away due to the intense pleasure but you just pulled me closer and went straight for a deepthroat. You kept sucking and sucking, not letting me lose my hard on, util you finally moved back, releasing my dick from your mouth. It was clean, all traces of cum had been sucked off by you. You stood up, mouth open just enough to show me the cum that was stirring around inside. You shot me a smile and then opened your mouth to show that you had swallowed it all.

"Good girl" I say as you head off to the shower.
