I Saw You Watching – {Part One}

{One} Last night, at the hotel restaurant, you sat alone at a table near the window. I saw you looking my way, averting your eyes when I caught you.

Later, I saw you in the hall on the third floor while I was out getting ice. Your dark eyes flicked to mine, then away. You passed by quickly, without a sound.

I’m pretty sure you passed by my room later in the evening when I reached out to pick up the extra towels.

Was that your shadow passing by slowly tonight, slipping quietly by my door?

Will you be there in the restaurant again tomorrow, sipping dark wine by the window?

It’s late, and sleep is evasive. When I close my eyes I see you, and now you don’t look away. I’m arrested by your eyes, dark and placid. My skin suddenly feels hot and prickly. You’re gripping my arm tightly, and when I look down I can see that you’re aroused. Your body is warm as it presses into mine. You’re tense and trembling.

When I turn my eyes back to your handsome face, you’re smiling but your sharp teeth are covered with blood.

I draw in a breath to scream, and suddenly I’m awake, panting, sweating, but alone in a dark hotel room.


I’m foggy-headed this morning from lack of sleep. My dreams were frantic, dark as a murder of crows taking flight. Remembered sensations keep distracting me from the day’s work. Your smile, slick with blood. Your hands, strong around my wrists. Your scent, musky and spicy.

I’m relieved when the seminar is over and I can return to the hotel. I drop my notes in my room and make my way back downstairs to the bar. A drink, maybe, will clear my head.

The bar is quiet and mostly empty. Except for one lonely drinker, draped in shadow at the far end of the bar. You.

Just one glance and I’m hot all over again. You turn your eyes on me and smile; a wicked, knowing smile that stops me in my tracks. The shadows blur your features, but I can see how sharp your teeth look when you grin. I can’t move.

You slide smoothly off the bar stool and move toward me, fingers trailing across the surface of the bar. The bartender freezes in place, caught in a moment of reaching for the glass you left behind. The sudden silence scares me, as if everything else has ceased to exist. You’re ambling toward me slowly, movement languid and relaxed. Your smile is frightening.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2lw7v5/i_saw_you_watching_part_one

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