Laundry Day [M/F] A surprise visit (PART #2)

Continued from Part #1, this is the rough draft for the second piece.

I think if I tried to wait until I was satisifed with a story I'd likely never post anything, so I'll post these rough for now with the intention of cleaning them up at a later date. This is as much as I had outlined from the get-go, so I'll have to get back to working on the conclusion. I do have some ideas.

I hope you folks appreciate my writing. Comments and critique are welcome and encouraged. Let me know what you think.

I wonder… how long does it take other folks to write stuff like this? Only a few paragraphs here, incomplete and rough as hell and I still have a few hours into it. Makes me wonder how folks get good enough to write a whole novel, and even though I don't have one, I have a new found appreciation for editors.

Enough of my blather…

She chuckled at my obvious mistake, but stepped closer and put her hand on my arm. I only barely managed to not flinch. My emotions were at war with each other. I was nervous and excited but I also felt emboldened. She ran her hand up my arm, rested it on my shoulder and leaned in. I was electrified, frozen. I couldn't believe this was happening. She said "You know, I think I have really good judgement when it comes to people. You seemed like a really nice guy the other day."

Grinning ear to ear, feeling like a teen at his first dance, not knowing what to say, I stammered out a thank you. She let go of my shoulder, did a little spin taking in the room. I got a quick glimpse of her ass as she turned around. "Even better than I expected" I thought to myself. "Nice place" she said, and then looking at the couch, "may I sit down?"

I replied "Sure, yeah, of course. Can I get you something? I have some soda in the fridge."

She accepted, and like an idiot, I half jogged to the kitchen. When I came back she was sitting on the couch leaning back with her arms crossed under her boobs, pushing them up slightly. I absently wondered if she was doing it on purpose to show off. "Damn, they're nice." I thought.

I opened the drink and handed it to her while admiring her chest. I didn't try to hide what I was looking at. She gave the couch a pat, in a gesture for me to sit down. I thought "here we go" and slid in next to her. I was close enough to feel the warmth coming off of her body and I could smell her again, the same scent from the first time we met. My erection had subsided since getting the drink for her but it was coming back now.

"We exchanged names, long overdue, and had been making small talk for just a few minuutes when she turned towards me and put out her hand. I took it, and when her skin touched mine, I felt that chill again, the hair on my neck stood up. I held it gently but firm, revelling in the warmth of the touch, not wanting to let go..

I said "No pamphlets today. Are you out with the church group again?" She shook her head no, raised the drink to her mouth and took a sip. I used it as an excuse to look at her chest some more. I got the idea that she was working herself up to say something so I looked away to give her a moment to collect her thoughts. She said "No" and then paused for a moment before adding "No, I came by because I thought you were nice." another pause "and cute". Her face flushed a little red, and she asked if it was ok that she had dropped by. Her expression told me that she'd be crushed if I said no. I smiled big when I told her that the visit was a pleasant surprise the first time, and even more so now. It was an understatement to be sure.

While we chatted, my mind was flooding with all the fantasies I'd been having about this woman for so long. I thought to myself, "if you only knew how pleasant it's been", but I just smiled some more.

We sat there for a while longer chatting quietly, more small talk, feeling each others touch. I was trying to think of something to say, when with just one movement she scooted closer. With her leg against mine, she leaned in and kissed me. Though I had half expected the kiss, it made me immediately aware of my cock again, no longer getting hard but now straining the confines of my pants.

We kissed for a while, exploring each other's lips and tongues. She was really good. Her timing matched my own, our tongues moving about in unison. She pulled back and let go of me long enough to set the drink can on the table, then pulled me closer with one hand while she placed the other on my leg just inches from my hard cock, teasing me with the proximity and the warmth of her hand.

I turned a bit, inched even closer, pushing my leg up until her hand was bumping my cock head through my pants. She pulled her mouth away from mine, leaned back a little, let out a sigh and affected a mischevious grin. I was about to ask her what she was thinking when she grabbed my dick in earnest. She squeezed it a couple of times and ran her hand up and down the length twice before she said "You're big". Still looking at my cock and stroking it through my pants, she asked "can I see it?"

A little stunned at the bold request , all I could do was nod, and leaned in for another kiss. She tugged at my pants but there was no way to get to the buttons with me sitting, so I stood up bringing her face level with my waist. She ran her hands up and down the front of my thighs making my dick twitch inside my too tight pants. She was staring up into my eyes at that moment but when I began to unbutton my pants she looked at the fly expectantly. I was so hard that I had to reach in to get it and it nearly sprung out of my pants when the head was free. She placed her hands on my thighs, while watching my dick throb with my heartbeat. If anyone had asked I'd have told them it wasn't possible but my dick felt even harder. The veins were tight against the skin and the head was colored from being so engorged. No one had ever just looked at my dick for so long. She was watching it throb and flinch. Briefly I considered how crazy it would be if she made me cum with her eyes. In the moment I thought it possible.

She licked her lips, and I thought she was going to go for my cock with her mouth, but instead she sat up straight, reached back, and pulled off her shirt, then stood up grasping the front of her shorts. I was near breathless. My cock was aching from being so hard for so long, but I took the cue, pulled off my own shirt and let my pants fall to the floor. I had to reach down to get my underwear off and when I looked back up she was doing the same. I moved myself in close pressing our bodies together, her beautiful breasts pressed against my own chest. I ran my hands up and down her body with us clutched together, kissing and fondling. She moaned and tugged at her bra, so I turned her around and unclasped it for her while my cock rubbed against the inside of her thighs and brushed against her ass cheeks. I was reaching around to her front, carressing her nipples and marveling at the feel of her aereolas when she turned to face me again and teasignly pulled the bra free of her shoulders and tossed it aside, leaning back just a little, confidently exposing her breasts to me, all while my cock was dangling hard between us. I put one knee on the side of the couch, leaned down, pulled her body in closer and placed my face against her chest. I nuzzled her tits and licked at her nipples. My dick was bumping against her mons and what little bit of pubes she had. She began to moan, made a little cooing sound and pulled me in tight. She caressed the back of my neck while I gently sucked on each of her nipples in turn.

Placing one hand under my chin and the other on the back of my neck she pulled me back up face to face and kissed me some more. I was elated, nearly breathless, and turned on more than I'd ever been. Her hands ran down my sides, caressed my belly, traced the curves of my abs for a few moments, and then as if she'd been denying herself, she reached out for my cock with both hands and took hold of it, one hand around the base and the other on the head. She squeezed the base hard with the one hand while gently stroking the head with the fingers of the other. I could feel my heartbeat in my cock, in my temples, in my legs. I was so hard, and she was squeezng it tight, making the head expand, it was almost painful but I wasn't going to tell her to stop.

She pulled her lips from mine, tugged me down a little to whisper in my ear. "I'm wet" she said "really wet". She took my hand in hers and guided it first to her tits and then her belly and down between her legs. There was just a tuft of hair at the top of her mons and when she pushed my hand down further it brushed her swollen clit. She shivered a little but pushed my hand down further between her legs and let go. With my hand cupping her sticky wet vulva, and hers still around my shaft, we eased all the way down onto the couch. I gently pushed on the inside of her right thigh and she spread her legs for me. She placed one heel on the back of the couch and the other on the edge of the coffee table then leaned her head back onto a pillow and closed her eyes. That was all the permission I needed.

I slid down off the couch, kneeled on the floor between her legs with my hand still roving around her pussy. She was soaking wet and so too were my fingers. I massaged the whole of her vulva with firm but gentle motions, turned on by the wetness the warmth and the scent. I used the thumbs of both my hands to stroke each side of her vagina up and down while varying the degree of pressure, letting my fingers brush her labia, and on every third or so upward stroke I'd purposefully bump her clit. Each time I was rewarded with her pussy contracting and pushing out a little more of her wetness. "Mmhmhmm… I like that" she said.

Her pussy was full and pink, her labia swollen and glistening wetness that running down between her legs. I kissed at her belly and pushed up on her mons with my hand to expose her clit. I slid two fingers inside her pussy and then moved my tongue down to the shaft of her clitoris. I let my two fingers linger at the opening of her pussy and massaged there, making little circles with the tips, while my tongue drifted up and down her clit, sometimes taking one or both of her labia in my mouth to tug on. She was moaning and bucking her hips in what seemed like slow motion. Whenever I touched her clit her pussy would tighten around my fingers and she would pull her legs together around my head as if she couldn't help it. She was delicious and the moment couldn't have been more fantastic, more unreal. She felt and tasted so good, it was amazing.

As I licked and flicked my tongue around her clit and moved my fingers in and out, her moans became more consistent. She reached down to grab me by both sides of my face, almost comically pulling me up by one of my ears. As I raised my body up she reached out for my cock and said "I want it", She looked me in the eyes. Insistently she said "I want you inside me. Put it in me." With her hand around my shaft she guided the head to her opening and urged me towards her. She was so wet. I just leaned forward and slid in deep as I could go. She bucked, pressed hard against me and let out a gasp. Her neck, her cheeks and her chest were blushing red, her nipples swolen and hard. Her moans got louder and more insistent. I stroked my cock in and out of her, deep then shallow, deep then shallow. She moved with me, raising her ass off the couch finding a rythm, pressing into me as I continued to fuck her.



  1. Oh, I like. Personally, I don’t think it’s quite as rough as you may feel it is. There are a couple of small things, but I like the pacing and the near gentleness of it.

  2. Thanks again, and thanks a ton for the feedback. I’m here working, trying not to come back here and press the refresh button on my browser every 5 minutes. Patience on the internet is no virtue of mine. Each time I read it over, I end up spending another half hour making corrections, So I’m forcing myself to stop screwing with it until I get more info more outside perspectives. :) I cross posted it to r/eroticliterature too.

  3. Cross posting is always a good idea because there are some people who are only subscribed to one or the other, and you can hopefully receive more feedback. You’re going to continue the story, yes? We need to know the climactic ending. :)

  4. I will finish it, yes. I have the gist of it in my head… with at least one really exciting tid-bit that I can’t wait to write, but need to make it fit with the rest of the story. They’re gonna’ have to move to the bedroom. ;) So far… the crosspost got 1 downvote, though I can’t imagine why. It’s really long. I wonder if I don’t need to make a condensed version for the TLDR crowd.

  5. I doubt it. That’s the thing about checking too frequently as well. People just randomly downvote things. Give it a while. :) Well, I will certainly keep my eye out for the next section.

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