An intro to my story, tell me what you think. [MMF, bimbofication]

Tress was still skeptical at why her boss would send a 6 month intern on a 2 week business trip to England, let alone the fact that he paid for all accommodations and expenses, as if her leisure was a financial asset to the company. She put her bags down in the closet and looked around her new room. It was on the top floor of the company's hotel, with a beautiful view of the city beyond the decorated courtyard and office buildings surrounding the glass-dome entrance in the center of the complex, where she still saw men walk and and out periodically. The room reminded her of the centerpieces in furniture catalogs, all pristinely cleaned and organized like it was meant for viewing, not using. Despite its uncanny cleanliness, Tress felt almost unusually comfortable in the room, like it was inviting her and her alone in to rest and relax. She noticed an LCD panel on the wall near the door which seemed to control temperature and lighting. Feeling a light draft from the open window across the lofty room, she pressed the "+" mark until she felt comfortable, and made her way to the mahogany desk set up adjacent to the bed.

Opening her computer, she found only a few emails had been sent to her since she left for England. Her old high school friend had sent her a few albums from her recent Bahama vacation in celebration of her engagement. Jamie asked how things have been, and what had been going on at her internship. Tress had been discouraged from communicating heavily with her family on the business trip, but she still took the time to respond to her email. Seeing Jamie's new picture, she was amazed at how much they had both matured since High school when they separated. Jamie now had full B cups by the look of it; Tress remembered how they both had been called flat chested by their peers through high school. Tress, however, hadn't changed much physically. She still had 34As, and narrow hips that made her look boyish most of the time. While aesthetically attractive, she was never feminine in any way that one could call her "sexy" or even "hot". While Jamie had been with that guy for two years now, Tress always tried to avoid admitting she was still a virgin, and that her fling with Corey in 12th grade never got past some mild making out. Since high school her devotion to her desire to become a computer scientist put her in a field dominated by men at best with the same relationship history as her, and like her avoided getting involved at the expense of time and energy.

Below Jamie's email was her boss, who sent her a link to an overview of her trip. Having tirelessly accosted her boss for a schedule that she could read before she left, she now felt relieved that he finally ceded to her requests and she could find out what she was to do over the next fortnight. She opened the surprisingly small word document and found it only contained a single line:

 10:30 14 April: Report to orientation lobby 110A for introductions and briefing 

Perplexed by the Spartan-like military briefness of the document, she remarked at why it would be in a separate Word Document anyway. She checked it there was any hidden text in the document, but she found that her whole job wouldn't be disclosed until the following morning. What kind of job is this that provides its employees with such luscious rooms yet doesn't tell them what they're actually here to do? She sent her boss a quick email asking if there had been a mistake, and got an immediate reply

RE: Unexpcted Briefness of my Schedule Dear Ms. Evergreen, The schedule contains everything necessary for you so far. Please follow its instructions and follow what commands are given to you at the briefing, thank you. -Sam Feldman Head of Employee Management Tetradyne Innovations LLC. 23242 Ferlin Street, Williamsville Illinois 32342 

She felt like her situation had become even more Kafkaesque, but she felt less exceedingly attentive at this moment, and decided to leave it at that and find out what she could tomorrow.

After working on her product report due when she returned home for a few hours, she decided to get an early rest and went to look for the bathroom before heading to bed. At the end of the long carpeted hallway was possibly the most extravagant restroom she had ever seen. Nearly the size of her childhood bedroom, a long glass sink ran down an 18ft counter top next to a 5ft high mirror. In the center was a glass bathtub which stood in front of a wall literally covering the adjacent wall. Already impressed by her accommodations so far, this was incredible. Tantalized by the sheer quality of the setup, she decided to take a bath now, at least when she was not bogged down by the stress of work she would most likely feel tomorrow.

She undressed and turned the curved handle counterclockwise to let water rush in. Placing her right foot in, the water seemed heavier than what she expected, like the water was pressing down on her foot from added weight. Putting her other foot in, she turned herself before lying down and saw her naked body in the full wall mirror. While she had seen her naked self a hundred times before, this time she was surprised by what she saw. Her hair was definitely brighter, now seeming like a dark hazel rather than a dark mahogany, and she noticed it went down to her shoulders now. She lifted up her hair and found it felt smoother, more shiny, like she had just conditioned it. She before had always been lax about personal hygiene and presentation, never doing more than minimum so that she never smelled bad, but never smelled "good". But her hair made it seem like she had put effort into it, like she wanted people to notice her, even though Tress had never cared about people noticing her for anything other than her intelligence. Still looking at herself it seemed like her whole body was fuller. Her breasts looked almost like she was pushing out her chest, and feeling them she noticed that she could now grab a small chunk without effort, rather than having to press against her skin to really fondle her flat chest. It was like her now 34B breasts wanted to be held, wanted to be touched. She thought it must just be weight gain or her period after sitting in a plane for 10 hours, but it still perplexed her. Holding onto her left breast, she looked down to her hips, which now appeared to jut out more than she had ever noticed before. She dragged her left hand down to feel the contour of her side and felt her hand go farther out. She put her hand on her ass. It was so plump! The whole thing felt rounder, wider, and more… inviting? She didn't know what to make of it, except that it made her feel slightly… horny. By then the water had almost reached the edge of the tub, so she turned around and bent over to turn it off. In that position, leaning over the faucet, something motivated her to turn around and look back at the mirror to see what she looked like now. Between the wider mound of her hips were her protruding lips of her luscious vagina. It now looked like it was screaming to be filled; wet at the edges, it opening up slightly between her hips so that a big fat cock could thrust in and fill her…

Wait, what was she thinking? She turned back around and stood up to collect her thoughts. Was she just… wait what? At that moment she felt a wave of shame rush over her as she stepped out of the tub and sat down in the corner of the room. She thought, "What the fuck is wrong with me? Did I just fantasize about… that? Do I… do that sort of thing?" At once all her resentment of the more sexually promiscuous and more "adventurous" girls from high school and college came flooding back to her now. She rarely masturbated, and often did so only to relive stress or feel connected to someone else. She never trailed off into fantasy, even when boys she admitted to be attractive do what they can to flirt with her, and get rejected. But there, right there in the tub, she had transformed into the worst of the Beckies, Brittanies, Sashas, Trixxes, and Kourtneys which she found revolting and even pitied. She started crying. She was emotional, not sexual. If she was to marry, she would do based on personality, charm, and kindness, not dominance, appearance, or… penis size. Trying as hard as she could to empty her mind, she sat for a few minutes and then quickly entered the tub to wash off, and after brushing her teeth got to bed as quickly as possible.

"It was just a weird moment, probably will never happen again." She thought to calm herself down, "Why am I freaking out so much, we all have intrusive thoughts, but only recurring when they tie to the person we are, and I'm not that kind of person. I … uh… never find that kind of stuff sexy, or attractive, or… anything. I'm a smart girl, women with 35s on their ACT and valedictorians are not… sluts. I am not a slut." She continued these internal affirmations until she no longer felt affected by the incident, and drifted off to sleep.


1 comment

  1. Not sure entirely where you’re going with this but all I can say so far is please do go on

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