[MF, MILF] My friends hot mom Pt.2

She puts her hands on my shoulders and slowly crawls up to where she's straddling me. She leans in and I kiss her. Her lips are so soft, just like I would imagine that they'd be. She returns the kiss, but more enthusiastically than I could have every imagined. She's good with her tongue, and the lip-biting that she's doing is really turning me on. When she pulls back from a kiss she tugs at my lips some. Not enough to hurt, but enough to be noticeable and an indicator that she wants me. She goes down to my neck, kissing and working on giving me a hickey or two. Wow…it feels so good. Incredibly good. The whole time that she's doing this, she's working her way closer and closer to me. She's already in my lap, but she works her way up to where we're chest to chest. I fall backwards (with a little help from her), and things seem to be getting hot and heavy quick for her. I'm usually the kind to take my time and tease, but there's no time for that it seems. She lifts my shirt and keeps kissing on me, working her way down to my pants. She undoes my belt and unbuttons my pants. Wow, straight to it, huh? The recent shortage of blood to my brain has me still just laying there like a deer in headlights. She's unzipping my pants and pulling them down now. I can feel the warmth of my cock against my leg, ready to do whatever she wants to do. She pulls my boxers down and her face lights up at the site of my happy little soldier gladly standing at attention. "Oooh, gimme gimme…" she says in almost a whisper as she wastes no time in wrapping her lips around the head of my cock and starts sucking.

So far I haven't really been of much help here. I can't believe what's happening quite yet, and I just sit there and watch as her head bobs while she gives me head. She occasionally looks up at me with eyes that tell me that she's both satisfied but wanting more. She's not worried about being nice and neat, that's for sure. Occasionally she'll pull away from my cock to adjust, and when she does some of her spit strings from her lips to my cock, almost like grool. She's messy, and I like it. Damn I'm hard. I take the opportunity on one of her brief pauses to grab her arm and give her a tug. "Slide up," I tell her. She moves forward a bit, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She gets close enough that I can grab her thighs and pull her until I get her where I want her. I slide down further under her to where she's sitting on my face. I can smell her pussy, it's so inviting and tempting. My body surges as my nerves send a wave of shock through me. I slide a finger under her panties and pull them to the side. As I do, I can feel just how wet they are from her. Her pussy is right in front of my face in all of it's beauty and glory. I waste no time in first kissing it, then sucking on her labia a little as I pull away on the second kiss. As I go for another one, I slide my tongue up and down the outside of her lips. The taste is a little salty, but just right for putting in overtime going down on her. As I continue my warm up, she gasps and puts both hands on the top of my head, grabbing handfuls of hair and squeezing. I run my tongue over her clit and shake my head side to side. I feel her grip on my hair tighten and she moans loudly while thrusting her hips forward. Hell yes, ride my face! I would be perfectly fine with that! She does exactly that, keeping her rhythm and slowly sliding her hips forwards and backwards on my face as I eat her pussy. I give her a quick slap on her ass and she squeals. "Fuck!" she shouts. "I want you to fuck me, ok? Fuck me like I know you've always wanted to. Fuck me baby!" she says as she's looking down into my eyes while still riding my face. You don't have to tell me twice. I slide out from under her as quick as I can and stand to turn around and face her. She's still in the same position on the bed with her back to me now. I grab her ankles and pull her to me hard. She falls forward as I do, and now she's bent over the bed and in the perfect position. I hope she meant that she wants me to give it to her right now, because I'm definitely ready to do exactly that.

She obviously is, because she puts one hand on her ass and pulls so that her ass and pussy are open to me. I spit on my cock and give it a quick jerk, then go for it. I slide my head along her lips and slowly slide in. She's so warm and tight. As I push all the way into her as deep as I can go, she gasps again and looks back trying to see me. She lets out a quick "Fuck, baby!" and reaches back trying to grab me. I ignore her reach and put both hands on her ass, giving it a slap again. I start humping and pumping as fast and as hard as I can, squeezing a handful of her ass in each hand as I go. She moans with every thrust. I don't get to do this for long until she says "Wait!" and puts a hand up. I pull out slowly and her lips pull like they don't want me to leave. A string of grool is still attached as I pull away, stringing from the tip of my cock to one of her pussy lips. It might be hers, it might be mine. I'm not sure at this point. I produce a lot of pre-cum normally, and I know for a fact I am right now, so it's most likely a mixture of both of us. I'm still looking down as she unhooks her bra and rolls over. Oh ya, we still haven't even really undressed yet. I take the cue and get my shirt and pants off as quick as possible while she finishes taking her bra off and slides her panties off. We finish at about the same time, and her legs are straight in the air as she finishes working her panties past her feet. As soon as she gets them off, I grab her ankles and spread her legs out. I look down and try to aim my cock into her pussy. As I try to make my first attempt to slide back into her, she reaches down and helps guide me in. Back to playtime. I don't let go of her ankles, keeping her legs spread out as far as I think they can go. She's pretty flexible. I've got her almost in the splits and she seems to be fine with it. I look down to watch as I thrust into her and pull almost all the way back out. Her lips sliding with my cock is incredibly hot. When I go in they give, as if wanting to take everything I can possibly give. When I slide out, they hold on to me like they don't want me to ever leave. I find this to be one of the hottest things to watch. Unfortunately, I don't get to do it for very long at all before she reaches up and grabs me. She grabs my traps and I can feel her nails digging in. It starts to have a little bit of sting to it, so I thrust as hard as I can. She screams again. "Fuck!" Come to think of it, I've never heard her cuss at all. I guess that probably shows how much she's been wanting this. Wanting it so bad that it makes the hard-working, always polite mother express her gratitude for what I'm doing using words she usually doesn't. Or maybe I'm just over-thinking it. This whole time I'm still giving her the proper fucking that she wants, but my little side-track daydream helped me take my mind off of how incredible it feels, helping me last a little bit longer. She moans with every thrust, and on one she throws her head back against the bed and bites her lip. She closes her eyes and lets out a moan so hollow that she barely makes a noise. I stop what I'm doing while I'm all the way inside her. I can feel her having her first orgasm of the evening. At least I think I can. It's either her throbbing or it's me. Either way, we're both feeling good right about now. As I watch her for a few seconds and feel her body react to the orgasm that I just gave her, I wonder how long it's been since she's felt this. A strong, single, independent mother that's been on her own for several years? I have a feeling that big O was just one of many to cum. I smirk at my thought…good one.

She recovers and attempts to pull her legs back together. Until now, I've resisted any such plea, but this time I let go of her ankles and back away from her to let her recover. She sits up on the side of the bed and looks up at me. "I want you to fuck me in my ass…" she says, almost as if asking. I nod and tell her yes. Now this is new territory for me, something that I've wanted to try but have yet had the opportunity to experience. She leans over to a nightstand beside the bed and opens up the drawer. There's a few things in the drawer unrelated to the subject at hand, but there's a few others that would be perfect for the occasion. A bottle of baby oil, some toys that I'm sure she uses quite regularly, and some handcuffs. Handcuffs. The baby oil is the kicker for me because I love a woman covered in baby oil, but when I see the cuffs I get an idea. She grabs the baby oil and I reach for the cuffs. She shoots me a quick look but makes no protest. Instead, she goes about what she was doing, rolling over and getting up on the bed on all fours. She opens the baby oil and hands the bottle back to me. "Only a little bit…if you mess my sheets up I'm gonna kill you." Ok, sounds good to me. If by killing me she means bang my brains out, then prepare to get your sheets messed up. I start by squirting a little bit of it at the top of her ass, and run a line all the way across. I close the bottle and throw it down beside me as the oil on her starts to run down her ass. I use a hand to start spreading and rubbing it over her. As I admire her magnificent ass and continue rubbing the baby oil over her, she throws her head back and arches her back in enjoyment. I grab the bottle and squeeze a little bit more down into her crack so that her asshole would be covered good. I toss the bottle aside again and put a hand on her pussy to catch the runoff as it drizzles down her. As soon as a little hits my hand, I slowly slide my hand up her ass and between both cheeks. The tip of my middle finger brushes over her asshole as I do. She squirms a little, letting me know she wants more. After a few more runs, I return to her tight asshole. She wants it so bad. She keeps jerking and tensing up with every little move that I make. I press the tip of my middle finger against her asshole again, but this time I keep it there and apply a little bit of pressure. She relaxes enough for my finger to slowly slide inside her. As it goes in further, I push my thumb into her pussy. I can feel her tense up. Her asshole tightens on my finger. Damn…she's gonna be so tight…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2l655n/mf_milf_my_friends_hot_mom_pt2

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