First time writer, please read [ MF ]

Hi guys, basically I had a chat with my girlfriend yesterday and I was telling her I used to love to read the naughty letters in the back of porn mags when I was a kid and I told her I would have a go at writing a short erotica story for her one day. She asked me to go for it. I wrote a little something on my commute to work. She loved it and I decided to send it out into the big bad world.

I haven’t proof read it so I’m just going to post it here and any feedback would be greatly appreciated. It’s a fair read by the way. Thank you.

I was behind the C block of Madame La Forte’s reform boarding school for girls, a place where I have worked for the past 18 months as resident handyman. The pay is decent, I can keep to myself and there’s always something for me to do.

I was busy putting the bolts back in when I heard “Hey Jimmy” this is nothing new as the campus is full of pre and post pubescent teens and apart from a few older professors there’s not many men here so I usually do get things shouted. I pay no mind as I have a niece about their age and wouldn’t dream of touching them inappropriately.

There was something different about this voice. I automatically recognised it my employer Audrey “Madame” La Forte.

This isn’t the wrinkly old french lady who started this school for wayward teens in the early 1900s. This school has passed down from generation to generation. Audrey was one of those women who oozed power and sex appeal… and she knew it.

“Hey Jimmy” she says again as her blazer was undone with her shirt struggling to keep in those big ample breasts and her tight pinstripe skirt showing me exactly was shape the perfect ass was.

“Working hard I see?” She asks “Yes Miss La Forte” I say. “Come on Jimmy, how many times do I need to tell you it’s Audrey” “Yes of course Audrey, I’m sorry” I sheepishly say.

“I’m very jealous Jimmy. I see the way these girls look at you and it’s not fair that I can’t just sit by and watch you work all day. I see what you are like with those tools”

She comes im closer and whispers into my ear “You know your way around…. complicated things”

I looked at her, she smiled and licked her lips before grabbing my long hair and kissing me passionately on the lips. I couldn’t help but think that I could be fired for this. Then I remembered I was about to fuck my boss so who was going to fire me?

I started kissing back just as hard, that made her moan. I knew where this was going….

I kissed her neck while biting ever so slightly I knew this is what she wanted from her heavy breathing.

I pushed her back against the wall and held her hands above her head while still gliding my lips down her soft warm neck.

Normally she is in control…. not today.

I work my lips up her neck to her cheek while grabbing a handful of her silky brown hair, just making her wait until our lips meet.

The moanig is coming stronger now as I kiss down one cheek to her jawline and back up the other.

I look at her as she struggles to focus. She smiles as she knows this is what she wants. I pull her closer to me biting her soft plum lips making sure she knows who’s in charge.

I feel our tongues wrap around each other like they are performing the world’s hottest dance. My heart was racing as I knew we could be caught any second but I knew I couldn’t stop right now.

I pushed her back against the wall and pulled off her jacket I could see those amazing breasts just waiting for the spring breeze to flow across them. I undid the buttons slowly to add small tease element. What was revealed to me was something I had thought about many evenings.

She wasn’t wearing any form of a bra so when I revealed her large luscious breasts to the world her nipples were already screaming “suck us”.

I of course obliged and put my mouth over her left nipple while groping her right. Her right was being massaged slowly with my big hand while my lips and tongue took care of her right breast.

I can feel my rock hard cock waiting to burst out of my tight jeans. That will soon come… and so will she!

After switching back and forth between her glorious breasts my left hand starts to wonder down her body, touching her stomach and hips and down her legs before working it’s way back up her skirt and of course no panties… she fucking wanted this!

Before I even reach the top of her legs I can feel the heat radiating from her I fit her perfectly sized pussy in the palm of my hand and she is so fucking moist. I have to have this pussy. I start to rub the outside of her lips and she is moaning so hard right now, I lift up her skirt and just have to give her clit a little kiss. My warm lips edge closer to her and her face looks nervous as she awaits the moment. She is still standing up so I can feel her knees tremble as my hot breath cascades over her pussy. I can smell her from here, I can smell the sweet smell of her vagina begging to be ravaged.

My soft wet tongue slides from the bottom of her pussy all the way to the top of her clit and she shudders with passion. I know I have her in the palm of my hand.

I continue to lick in the same fashion and now she is massaging her own breasts while her eyes are closed and head looking up at the sky.

I insert one finger into her extremely wet pussy she gasps out loud before I pull that finger out and insert two digits. She reverts back to looking back at the sky.

I pull my fingers in and out, in and out just listening to the moans. I still lick her clit which has swelled up so much by now. I work at her pussy while watching her face. Her leg’s feel more stretched and her body just seems to be clenching. Could this be? Could she be close? Her breathing and moaning was a lot more erratic now, she tries to scream out “Don’t stop” as that just spurs me on more.

There was a few more seconds of this before a big scream was let out and…..

She came HARD! I could feel her hot steamy come run down my hand as I pull out my fingers her knees go weak again so I stand up and hold her close seeing if she was ok.

She looked at me with glassy eyes before refocusing on me and giving me this look like she had just been possessed… she smiled and straight away went for my buckle undoing it with ease before undoing the button and zip and in one swoop pulled down my jeans and boxers.

My cock was of course hard as rock so when the burden of my clothes was gone he was standing to attention ready for action.

She wasted no time in putting my throbbing member in her mouth, her lips were hot which felt so good as the breeze was against my naked ass. She started giving me a hand job while she looked up at me.

At that moment I lifted her up, bent her over the air conditioning unit and slid my wet dick into her wet pussy. She let out a huge gasp.

I held her by the hips and thrusted. I could see her large breasts bouncing against the air conditioning unit.

She is trying so hard to keep her screaming in. It’s turning me on so much. As her moaning is more erratic again I know she is close. I am too… I keep going and as her pussy muscles tense up it makes fucking her do much hotter she screams for her second orgasm and I am coming too. I pull out, she grabs my cock and continues her hand job from earlier and I let my hot seed shoot over the floor.

I hold her and she whispers “Thank you”. She cleans herself up and makes her way back to work.

Best job ever!
