A new quick story I wrote in work so sorry for any errors. (Public)

You arrive at the hotel I tell you to meet me at. It's a large, traditional hotel. The gardens outside are filled with red roses and tulips and you feel the serenity within yourself. As you push through the big, heavy door you are welcomed by a tall, slim bellboy in a red coated uniform. He takes you and your bags to the room. As you climb the steps your body tenses in anticipation as you think of the things we could do in this beautiful setting. You reach the door and open it. You look disappointingly as you notice I'm not there. Then you spot a note resting on a black dress. You read it to yourself:- "Put on this dress and thes panties and make sure you look your best then go downstairs and ask for the cat that is ready for you it will takr you where you need to go. You have one hour. See ya soon mwah." You lift the dress up and you notice it is very short and very figure hugging and you Smile knowing how much I love your body and how I want to exploit you. As you look at the panties you notice they are heavy and have something attached to the front. You read the label and giggle :- "vibrapanties – for fun anytime." You slide them on eagerly to try them out but you notice there is no remote. You place the dress over your body amd stare at your self as you see your figure hugged tightly and you run your hands over your curves admiring yourself. You touch your makeup and hair up then slide on your 6" stiletto heels watching as your legs define more and your bootie pops out more which always makes you feel sexier. Your hour complete, you descend the stairs to reception. You request your car and they tell you its waiting outside. As you leave the hotel the driver exits the car and opens the door for you. He drives you away and you wonder where you are going. As you reach the restaurant your face braces in glee, you know this restaurant, you know its a famous chefs restaurant and you can't wait to try it. You exit the car and enter the restaurant. You spot me instantly next to the window as I eye you from across the room you blush knowing how sexy you look to me. You walk to mr swaying your hips and everyone else in the room vanishes you are the only one there and you know thats true for me. You reach me and I pull out your seat as your bum reaches the seat you get a strong sensation rushing through your clit and your hand grasps the table as you let out a soft mumbled moan and I smile deviously at you. You start panting a bit as you face the window your hand clenching mine as you squirm and moan you let out a gasp and blush as your grip gentles and you settle back to normal you push your hair back and smile at me. The waiter comes over and asks what we would like to drink I order a bottle of champagne and a whiskey on the rocks for myself and as I turn to you to ask what you wish your body quickly tightens once more as you squirm in your seat you try to utter the words a medium glass of a dry pinot grigio I smile sneakily as the waiter leaves and as your eyes roll back I stop the vibrations you look at me sternly, not saying a word. You slip your shoe off and slide your bare foot up my leg reaching my crotch snd you trace the outline of my penis with your toes. As you rub up and down my cock starts to grow. The feel of your smooth silk tights rubbing against me through my trousers turns me on more. You notice the gleam in my eye and you start to rub faster. The waiter walks over and you stop, my cock pulsating wanting more and my voice a little huskier than normal thanks the waiter and requests that we order. As I order my starter and main I flick the switch again and your leg kicks out and you shuffle your bum and bite your hand. The waiter asks for your order you start to speak as I increase the power your voice gets higher and louder as you gasp agaim mid sentence you try to say you would like the meatballs you moan it out. "Can I have the mmmmmmmmmeatballlllls pleaseeeeee". The waiter smiles as he turns and leaves you grip the table harder your head goes back and you moan softly trying to keep it in so I stop yet again. You stand, excusing yourself as I watch you walking away pushing your hair back and panting a little. My phone goes off and I look. The picture of your tight, clean shaven pussy soaked with two fingers slid inside filled my screen. My cock grew instantly I replied :- "stop playing, that's my treat later". You emerge from the bathroom and you smile as you walk to me your hand brisks over your dress correcting yourself. You sit bsck down and smile coyly you ecplain you didnt finish yourself but that your pussy needed filling so badly. I smile and say all in due time baby. Our starters arrive and the waiter says enjoy. You start to cut through your meatballs the cheese melted on the top and the sauce flooding the plate as you cut your body tenses again as you moan :- "you son of a bittttccccmmmmmm" I tell you to keep eating as I tease you your hand shakes moving it to your mouth I turn it up harder again and your mouth opens wide and your head moves back as you try your hardest not to make a sound. I lower the power to a mere mumble against your clit so you can take a few bites but your clit is so sensitive from the teasing you start to boil over again. So I stop. You groaned and bitched that I'm a tease I smile and mutter that you love it. You drop your fork off the table and the thought runs through your mind you reach under the table and grab my cock, you jack it forward and back quickly my legs brace and you watch as I stiffle a moan and then you stop. You watch me your eyes burning into mine with want and lust. There is no teasing now we want eachother, we need eachother you excuse yourself and tell me to come find you in 5 minutes. I wait watching you eagerly as you enter the ladies you text saying its all clear and that you are ready for me. I walk briskly towards the toilets check to see no one is watching and enter the bathroom. You open your stall knowing its me my foot steps echoing off the tiled floor. I walk towards you and spot you through the mirror bent over dress lifted up. I'll turn the remote again your knees buckle slightly as I enter the stall and grab your hips I close the stall and make a rip in your tights at your crotch my cock hard and ready I move your panties to the side the vibrations still on your clit as you moan more. I force my cock between your lips as you start to moan your body tenses and you push against me my cock entering you fully as your pussy pulsates around it as you grip and scratch my legs. You let out a louder moan as you cum. Your body shudders and I start to move in and out of you, we know we cant be long we know they'll notice us both missing so I start to fuck you harder and faster your bidy clenching again as you cum once more. My balls hitting the vibrator incorporated into the panties pushing it harder against you. You can't stop yourself as you moan again and again ad I grab your hair you thrust yourself against my cock you moan louder the harder I pull your head back as you go to cum again I spank you hard. My hand print red and welting on your bum. I spank again as you let out a final moan and grind yourself against me. You pull forward and get to your knees taking my cock in your mouth, as you pull out your tongue slides along it. Your eyes never leave mine as my cock reaches the back of your throught again you gag and push a little harder your lips touching my balls as your hand cups them and caresses them. As you pull my cock out again you twist your hand around my long shaft sucking on the end. I grab your hair and start to fuck your mouth. I get deeper into your mouth and fuck you harder as you scratch and dig your nails into my ass. I moan loudly and push your head deeper. My load bursts out into your mouth as I stop moving you keep thrusting your head my legs going weak with how sensitive my dick is you suck every last drop as you groan. When you pull away you put out your tongue and show me my cum. You roll your tongue back and gulp it, swallowing the whole load. You stand up grabbing my cock hard and kissing me softly. You whisper thank you for the release. You walk out and check the coast is clear as I follow you out. We reach the table and our food arrives quickly after as we sit breathless eating your thoughts return back to the hotel where you know we'll be having more fun …….

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/2jlkjh/a_new_quick_story_i_wrote_in_work_so_sorry_for