My /u/NaughtyFox69 Tail Plug Fantasy [M,f,Str8]

I have been a Fappy Redditor for a long time and /u/NaughtyFox69 is the closest to perfection I've ever come across.

Her 1 post under /u/meowelix is without a doubt the hottest album I've ever seen on Reddit, and it inspired me to write this.

It doesn't take long for me to lock eyes with the younger girl across the table from me. She goes to school with a co-worker of mine, we've never met, but her blond hair, heavy chest, and thick behind have my attention, and I want her to know. The first gaze says it all, I give her a sly smile and she returns the same with an intriguing raised eyebrow. I can tell she's done this dance before, fuck I love girls like this.

I offer to get her a drink, and she sends me to the bar with the name of some fruity cocktail I've never heard of. I grab myself one last beer as well. I had a terrible experience with whisky dick lately and I'm not gonna risk reliving that nightmare. Like trying to cram a busted ass bill into a vending machine, only to have it spit back out with no candy. I sit back down, beside her this time, and slide this towering pink drink she wanted in front of her. She promptly picks out the cherry garnish and I watch it disappear into her mouth. I have the first sip of my beer and set it down as she looks me in the eye, then proceeds to pull the knotted cherry stem out of her mouth. My face goes flush, my cheeks get red, and my mind shouts out, "freebie", which was my self proclaimed term for potentially bedding a women with very little effort.

Sensing her playful side, I ask her if she could tie my cock in a knot that easily. She responds in kind, telling me she could do what ever I wanted to my cock. We continue to talk dirty to each other as our friends around the table discuss school, work, and other non fuck worthy topics. I love this dirty talking shit… it gets me so turned on. I tell her how I want her to sit her big ass on my face, to smother me with her pussy, how I want to use my tongue as a straw to drink the juices pouring out of her. She starts to squirm a bit in her seat, a sure sign to me things are getting hot and wet in the downstairs region. I place my hand firmly on her thigh, making contact for the first time, the touch makes her quiver. I look her right in the eye and tell her I want to fuck her till she squirts all over me. Now she gets flush in the face, but responds that, that would have to be pretty hard. I dig my fingers into her leg and respond that I'd fuck her so hard her hair would fall out. As I release my fingers from her thigh I slide my hand into the crease of her legs. She parts them slightly as she pushes back into the bench cushion, heaving out her voluptuous chest in the process. My pinky finger finds it's way onto the seam of her crotch. It's damp and hot. I ask her if she's wet, and she tells me shes soaked. I tell her I love how dirty she is and she tells me she's even dirty then I could imagine. I push my luck and ask her to describe her pussy in explicit detail to me. She gets a little quieter but tells me exactly what I want to hear. Her description is perfect, completely hairless from front to back, with soft suckable lips, a tiny clit that gets rock hard, and the pinkest asshole she says I'll have ever seen. My mouth waters, I am so fucking turned on by this girl I forget we're in a crowded bar, I just want her fucking pussy on my mouth. She places her hand onto the bulge growing in my pants, subtlety rubbing my shaft through my jeans with her thumb. She starts to tell me how much she likes her ass played with, and asks if I'd tongue her pink asshole. I'm so unbelievably horny now… I tell her I'd destroy her asshole. I don't think that's exactly the response she expected, but my enthusiasm definitely excites her. I describe to her this fantasy where shes bent over, I'm fucking her hard from behind, spitting on her asshole and rubbing it in with my thumb. She corrects my fantasy to include my thumb pushed deep inside her ass as I fuck her. I describe the hand prints I'd leave on her ass cheeks from the spankings I'd deliver as I filled each of her holes.

By now were both aggressively rubbing each others shit under the table. The more I feel her get wet the more thirsty I get to drink her up. She tells me she owes a butt plug and wants me to insert as we fuck hypothetically. The visual of looking down at her gaping asshole is almost too much and my voice starts to crack as I explain how that's a rare unfulfilled fantasy of mine. She tells me how the plug has a tail on on the end I can tug on once it's inside her. This does it. I mean this, actually, breaks me. My brain is so filled with testosterone it flips a fucky switch. The one and only fetish I've ever been interested in has just been put on the table. This thick Aphrodite has a fucking tail, and I want to fuck the fuck out of it. I try and compose myself enough to speak a phrase that for the first time will have more sincerity then anything else I've ever said to anyone in my entire life, "Sweetie… we need to FUCK". Somehow, she genuinely understands the pure desire I was putting forth, accepting what I said, she tells me that she lives just around the corner.

I've ditched friends for ass before. But I barely even stood up straight before I was out of that bar. We were 5 steps out the door before she even realized she had forgotten her coat. I was so cunt hungry I told her I'd buy her a new coat, a better coat, ANY fucking coat she wanted. In my mind nothing else mattered more then getting this girl bent over something. I put my hand in her back pocket to gently push her along even though I had no idea where we're going. She wasn't kidding about how close she lived, before my cock could even stop throbbing from the under the table OPHJ (over-the-pants-hand-job) we were at the font door to her college house. We get to the top of the stairs and she looks at me almost afraid to deliver the news, her keys are in her jacket, the door is locked. My brain is in sexual overdrive, I grab her hand, pause for a second, and put my foot to the door, shattering the frame as the door swings open. Fuck… maybe I had drank a bit too much, or maybe I was purely drunk off desire for this girl, but a locked door was not going to slow this train down. As she lead me to her room I assured her I'd buy her a new door, a better door, ANY fucking door she wanted.

She assures me her bedroom door is unlocked as she throws it open, she starts to turn towards me as we enter the room but I toss her immediately onto her bed. Her legs spread as my body comes crashing down on top of her. The heat coming from between her legs is pulsing as we start kissing wildly. We'd described in detail these dirty things we'd wanted to do to each other but hadn't even kissed… this was so fucked and I loved it. I climbed to my knees, to allow my hands access to her pants button. I flip it open with my thumb as I fall back on top of her. She reaches down to pull my shirt over my head as I shove my hand up the back of her shirt, undoing her bra. I shift down on the bed to grab her pants and start ripping them off her legs, as I do she rips her own shirt off, then grabs her bra and tosses it against the wall. I start to explore her body with one hand as I struggle to remove my own pants with the other. I'm able to kick them off as my body falls to the bed beside her. With her on her back and me on my side she turns her head to face me and we start kissing again. As we make out I grab wildly at her breasts, pinching her nipples till they're rock hard. My hard dick rests on her leg as we suck each others tongues, oozing with pre-cum, I leave a trail on her thigh. She grabs my cock hard as I slide my hand down to her soaked pussy. My middle finger disappears in between her lips, where I slide it from bottom to top, pressing on her clit before I raise my hand to my mouth and suck the juices off while we stare into each others eyes. She is jerking me off so aggressively I think she's trying to start a fire. I tell her that I need her on my mouth. She quickly sits up, flips on her side to face me and pushes me onto my back. She swings her leg over me and straddles me on the bed. Her soaked pussy is sitting directly on top of my rock solid dick, she grinds her hips and I feel my shaft slide through the folds of her wet lips. She is grinning from ear to ear and I can only imagine the look on my own face. She swings her leg back off me, spins around and swings her other leg over me. Watching her thick thighs pumps blood to every last available part of my cock. She is now facing backwards on top of me, she grinds her hips over mine again. I watch her hair swing across her back and her plump rump grinding away on my body. After a few more swirls she shuffles her ass backwards towards my head. She pauses for a second as I lay a solid slap to her right cheek, before continuing to drag her soaked box up my chest. Finally she stops, her pussy directly above my mouth. I admire every crease of skin as I dig my fingers into her ass cheeks. I bring my mouth up and pull her dangling lips in with a gentle suck. I fell her grab my dick and start stroking it again as I suck on her pussy lips, tasting every part of her soft labia. As she leans down to complete the 69, taking my entire rod into her mouth, I find myself staring right at her asshole. She's right, it's the pinkest Cheerio I've ever seen, I pull down on her hips bringing it close so I can reach it with my tongue. I lift my head up and run the tip of my tongue around her hole, I feel her exhale a breath of hot air on my cock as my tongue brings her so much pleasure. She sits up slightly, which places her asshole directly on my lips. I push my tongue out running it over her hole over and over, each time I feel it relax and loosen. As the pleasure build she sits up straight, putting her weight squarely on my face. My face is covered with her wetness, I feel her lips draped over my nose and mouth as I suck on whatever comes by my lips. I extend my tongue as far as I can pushing it inside her, she feels the penetration and starts to ride my tongue. Her pussy pins my head down as I hold my breath and tongue fuck her, the feeling of her labia draped over my mouth driving me wild. I continue to suck, lick, and nibble on her as she rides my face, I wish I could see her, she is so sexy. I imagine her grabbing her breasts as she rides my nose like a Sybian, her head thrown back in ecstasy. I feel her lean forward slightly as I continue to lap my fat wet tongue across her clit. Her hand comes around back and I feel her spreading her ass cheeks above me. I feel a new rhythm start as she starts fingering her own asshole, as she rocks her knuckles press into my forehead, I fucking love this girl. I take her clit in my lips and swirl my tongue around it, the direct contact make her legs quiver as they squeeze my head between them. She keeps her finger lubricated by spontaneously pulling it out, sliding it into my mouth to get it wet, before continuing to finger herself. For what seems like an eternity I devour her delicious pussy. As she gets close to climaxing I pull back my tongue motions, getting her to the edge but then pulling her back, letting the sensation grow and grow. She rides my face so hard I fight for breaths when I can get them, knowing if I was to die this would be the best way to go. I can tell she can't take much more. Her motions slow a bit before she swings her leg over me, I see light for the first time but my vision is blurry with her juices covering my face. She grabs my cock and puts her mouth over the tip. I fall back flat as she flicks her tongue down the shaft while accepting my entire cock into her throat. She sucks hard on her way back up the shaft, swirling her tongue around my tip one last time before I hear the pop of her mouth as her lips slide off the tip. She stands up off the bed, tells me she'll be right back, and disappears into her washroom.

I lay on the bed waiting, with one of those feelings you get that's like, how did I get so fucking lucky. My sexual apatite only briefly quenched by the aggressive cunnilingus. I stroke my cock and picture her thick ass coming down again on my mouth. My dick is so covered in pre-cum I slide my thumb around the edge of my tip, my ass flexes with the sensitive touch as my blood flows even faster and my nipples get rock hard. The anticipation of her return is driving me wild. I don't think I've ever been more turned on in my entire life. And with that thought, the washroom door opens, and I see her beautiful figure silhouetted in the door frame. She walks towards me with a confident wiggle in her step, crawling back onto the bed one knee at a time. As she crawls closer I reach around to grab her ass, as my fingers dig in, my cock hardens up again. Kneeling, she twists to point her bum closer to my reach. I feel the soft caress of something furry brush across the back of my hand. As my heart beats harder my dick bounces around with excitement. She turns further to the side so I can see her behind, as she takes my dick in her mouth. As my muscles clench from her the touch of her lips, her tail swings around into my view. I loose a breath as I see my deepest fantasy coming to life. She deep throats my tip as I gently stoke her furry tail, pulling on it ever so slightly. Her ass raises and falls like I'm petting a cat, my arousal is absolutely burning for this women, I cannot believe she exists. As I tug a little harder she pops my dick out of her mouth as she looks at me with a grin and says, "Meow". My hunger for this pussy cat's pussy takes hold as I jump up from my back. As she straightens I push her face down, ass up, and jump behind her. She wiggles her ass for me slightly as her tail swings back and forth across her ass cheeks. I grab it firmly and pull it up, exposing her delicious lips as they poke out from behind, begging to be sucked. I hold her tail to the sky as I bury my face into her behind. Sucking her soft lips into my mouth again, I am in heaven. I lick, over and over, bottom to top, every inch of her exposed box. With my free hand I stroke my dick, until the pleasure of her taste almost pushes me over the edge. I pull my tongue out of her, sit up straight, and drag the wet tip of my cock up through her soaking lips. I hear her moan into the sheets as I slide my rock hard cock inside her for the first time. I never let go of the tail, pulling it in every direction as the plug moves around inside her. My dick disappears fully inside, which feels wetter than any pussy I've ever been in, and twice as hot. As I pull my shaft out I watch her juices soak me as I thrust it back in. Our rhythm increases as the bed starts to rock, her lips grab my cock and I watch them stretch as I slide my dick in and out of her. I toss her tail up towards her back as I grab both of her hips for leverage. My thrusting gets harder as my body smacks into her ass, pushing her up on the bed. I watch her asshole tighten around the tail plug as I fuck her. Pulling my cock out far enough that when my tip slides out I can see the gape of her pussy hole before sliding it back inside. I drag my nails across her back, down her butt. I am so horny for this girl my brain doesn't know what to do. With her face in the mattress she reaches back with one hand to grab the tail, and I feel her other hand start massaging her clit, occasionally grabbing my balls as they swing into her. She pulls hard on the tail, enough that the plug comes out ever so slightly, stretching her asshole open. I lean back to watch as my hips crash into her behind over and over, the bed now moving across the floor with each thrust. We fuck, as my hands explore every inch of her, grabbing at her beauty and leaving marks with my nails. I'm using all my strength to thrust now, our bodies slapping into each other, I feel her aggressively rubbing her clit and I know the faster she gets, the closer she is to cumming. I ramp up my own game slamming my cock deeper and deeper with every thrust. She whimpers with every breath, I beg her to cum for me. The request pushes her to climax, I feel her walls squeeze my dick head as she starts to cum. Her hand shakes on her clit, all rhythm going out the window as the orgasm takes control. I thrust deep and hard as her body shakes, the motion causing her to pull out her tail plug. I look down at her asshole, now gaping from where the plug once was, which throws me over the edge. I cum harder then I ever have before, continuing to pound her pussy while I paint her insides with my semen. I push my cock in as far as I can as I feel my last shot shoot deep within her pussy. We are both panting as the bed comes to a rest. She collapses forward on her stomach, and I see the nail marks I've left on her behind. I fall face down beside her where we just lay there, catching our breaths as our heart rates slow and our bodies cool. This was absolutely the hottest sex I've ever had, but I wont tell her that. I draw designs on her back as goosebumps rise behind the trail of my fingertips. She lets out a final big sigh as she turns on her side to face me, she has a big smile I can see through the mess of her blond hair. I'm smiling too and I embrace her with a big hug, pulling her in for a soft kiss. Her breasts push into my chest as our bodies come together, we kiss like teenagers, peckish and short. My last memory before falling asleep is a voice from outside her room, "WTF happened to the front door!?!". I guess her roommates got home…



  1. Fucking awesome. Hmmm maybe I should get a tail. Never though of how sexy it is. Thanks for the amazing story and please post more. *MEOW! *

  2. I’m so flattered. I loved every bit of it. You seemed to somehow capture my personality without even knowing me ;) Well done.

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