Curiosity made Daphne a new pussy, and Betty a new baby. [Part 9 of 9] [trans]

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9

You're ready.

You want Master to release inside you. You want to cum on his cock; to feel those sensations you didn't have before. Before you took the drug. You feel grateful, for those sensations of lust inside of you. You want to feel Master's cock spurting into you, impregnating you with his seed.

You move forward, to kiss Master on the mouth. You're full of passion, and Master, very surprisingly, caves in. Soon, you embrace him, passionately caressing his back; your tits grazed against his toned chest, as he moved his hands down toward your ass, your wet little slit.

"Betty," he says, pulling away from you. His breath is warm, gentle. "I love you, Betty. Bear my child for me."

You gently pushed Master onto the bed; you caress Master's warm, toned abs. His invitation for you to bear his child made you feel even more aroused.

"I love you, Master." You slowly make your way to his now erect cock, and wrap your tits around them. Master's cock is so hard – yet it feels so soft on the skin of your pillowy, perky boobs; you wonder what sort of magic made that possible. You feel Master's heartbeat through his cock; and his cock begins to twitch in the cradle of your breasts.

You drool on it, lubing it up specially for him. You feel his every vein in between your soft, warm boobs; and as you move your tits up and down, you find that indescribable pleasure whirring inside you – the pleasure you're so grateful for, the pleasure you were missing before you took that drug.

Your lips part in a slow moan, as Master looks at you lovingly. An affection towards him has already pervaded you, from the moment you met him at the lab. An affection that has turned to lust, as a hotness churns and spreads in your loins.

You want his child. You want him to cum, inside of you.

You crawl forward and straddle Master's hips, positioning his cock direct toward your tight, wet slip. You pull yourself downward, his cock parting your nether lips; and as your pussy bears down on his great girth, you feel him filling you up, satisfying that hotness and hunger in your loins. You close your eyes, and you focus on your slow rides on Master's cock.

A familiar giddyness and pleasure pervades your body – you feel like you're going to cum, so bad, the intense pleasurable waves threatening to break over you; the urge to squirt all over his cock growing and growing. You feel Master's tension building up within him as he slowly thrusts into you; but just as you are ready to come, Master holds you back, grabbing you by the hips as he thrusts his full girth into you.

Master feels so hard; and as you clench on his hardness, the tides of pleasure recedes, just for a little. You want him to cum with you; you want to feel his joy and ecstacy along with you.

"Let's cum together, Betty."

Master picks up his pace again, and you feel the tides of pleasure come back. Your hips gyrate and grind him, as though you want to milk Master's cum – all of it – and you inadvertently focus on the speed of his thrusts – the pleasure that's building up within you; the pleasure that's building up within Master – and you are close to release, so close… you buck yourself against Master, desperate for that pleasure to crash all over you, and as you feel Master's cock throb, you bring him to a passionate kiss.

You come. The tides of pleasure culminate in a tsunami that inundates your senses as Master's cock spurts hot cum into your warm, welcoming pussy. Your pussy contracts more and more, greedy for all of Master's cum; and a blanket of placidity slowly calms you down. As Master's hardness pops our of you, you feel completely satisfied.

You have his seed. You have his child.

"Was that good, Betty?" he asks.

"Y-yes," you find yourself saying, smiling at him. "Yes, Master. It was lovely."



Date: 06/23/2001

Subject: Don't worry about me

Dear Eric

When you read this email, I should probably be in New York.

I want to confess to you that I know that something is dearly wrong with me.

You should know. My lack of passion in bed has made our relationship stale. I can see in you a desire to make me happy, to make me cum , but I just can't.

I went to see the gynaecologist for the second time today. He told me that I had anorgasmia, that there was a special drug I could take to cure that. It's like Viagra for women, but much, much stronger. It's still in being tested on humans, and they've told me that I should probably seek your permission. But I really don't want to hurt you or trouble you – I know you'd probably not want me to go – and I have thus gone for the drug trial myself. I took a plane from Houston to New York, where the company is located.

It's weird though. The company's nurses all have big, shapely chests; what's more, they seem genuinely pleased to have me as a test subject. I'm only relatively shapely, and I feel… jealous.

I should be back in a few weeks' time.

Your wife

Jenna Fitzgerald

You wake up, feeling a little nauseous. Your breasts are even more tender than they were yesterday.

You look into the mirror that's next to your night stand, beside your schedule. You do look more radiant.

The girls were jealous when they saw Master's cum drip out of your pussy that night; especially Daphne, who asked to eat you out during your first Special Privileges session.

Of course, you agreed.

As the days went by, Daphne began to look more feminine; her genitals began to shrink, as the skin on her girl-testicles became smoother, her penis gradually turning into a little sensitive clit. She looked happy when the chastity belt came off, leaving only the chastity cage. Her breasts began to fully form, though not sizable, they looked soft and pillowy – and her black hair now draped over her shoulder, occasionally brushing on her nipples, sending her into a bout of titters. She would spend time twirling her hair, brushing it on her erect nipples again and again, reveling in that sensation.

Daphne really began to enjoy the Special Privileges session. She would suck your strap-on while Wendy fucked her now very sensitive ass and vice-versa. Sometimes, Master would join in, and Daphne would get to suck on Master's cock. Occasionally, her girl-cock was uncaged; this usually happened when she was on the bed, with the other girls crowding around her genitals – each would take turns to stroke Daphne's girl cock, and the one to make her cum would be the loser. Wendy usually won, and the reward was a good fucking with her strap-on.

Your pregnancy slowly and surely progressed, and with it came a whole new set of insatiable appetites. Master's growing baby dominated you; your breasts are now even more and more swollen, aching with milk; and occasionally, you got the girls to latch onto you during their Playtime to ease the aching in your breasts.

You became even more hornier, too; it was perhaps fortunate that Master allowed you and Wendy to masturbate; even though Daphne would usually give your pussy (or Wendy's, if she wanted) a good tongue bath, culminating in pleasurable contractions, a massage for Master's growing baby.

Dear brother,

I'm writing to tell you that I have left home.

Truth is, curiosity made who I am today. They say curiosity killed the cat. But I'd say that curiosity made me a pussy.

I've always understood and knew that I was a sissy. I wanted to be a girl, even though I wasn't born one. And when I chanced upon those sissy videos on the Internet, I realised how much of a sissy I was.

You see, the videos never meant to force me to be a sissy. I caved in to my sissy desires. When the voice told me to swallow, I did. When the voice told me to wear bras and a panty, I did. When the voice told me to cave in to cocks, I did. And when the voice hypnotised me into believing I had a vagina, that's when I realised I wanted a vagina.

I understand that you've always never liked me. You knew I was a sissy. You knew I was a woman. You were disgusted, when you saw me eating my own cum and enjoying it. You were disgusted when you found a blouse and skirt inside my wardrobe. You tried to rectify this on your own, by introducing some of the girls you've met to me, but they never made me aroused.

I'm sorry to have done this to you. I love you. But in order not to hurt Mom and Dad I have gone on someplace else. Let's just say that I am safe, and I will write back soon.

Your former brother

Daphne Waters

Sometime during the seventh month of your pregnancy, Daphne left to complete 'bottom surgery' as Master put it. Her boyparts would be removed, and transformed into girlparts, according to Master; the procedure will last 8 hours at Doctor Grey's.

Doctor Grey was actually very pleased with Master's initiative with giving Daphne the drug – he was surprised that Daphne transformed so quickly.

And she did. Her voice was more higher-pitched, sounding less like a boy and more like a woman; she could be sultry, or giggle bimbotically if she liked. And her lust was insatiable; Master said she gave the best blowjobs every morning, and she did give Master a blowjob almost every morning. She loved it when she got to suckle on your breasts, or ate Wendy out; but she loved it even more when Master invited his business friends over for a sex party. She loved all the cocks that were presented to her, and filled it in all of her holes. Like you, she wanted more. She wanted to be a slut.

The surgery would have left her off a diet of glucose water and milk – in order for her to keep her anus clean, she had sworn off food for a few months. She felt like a girl when something penetrated her, she said.

She returned three weeks later, with a fantastic new pussy. The girls all cooed over it, even you, as you admired Dr Grey's work – Daphne's new pussy could be wet when she was aroused, like yours.

Her return led to a full-on orgy in the dining room; the girls collapsed into a heap, with Samantha tasting Daphne's new pussy, followed by Master penetrating her for the first time. Each climax led to moans, screams and titters all around; love and sex was in the air.

All good things come to an end. Except, perhaps, this one.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9



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