The Rental Slave: [bdsm] [mf]

Sid has rented me to a childless couple. The woman is tiny and elegant. The husband is tall and handsome, with cold blue eyes, even colder than Sid's. I have been kept naked for a month now, with my arms fastened by a short chain that run through a collar around my neck. I am completely vulnerable.

Every day starts the same: He begins with my mouth, sliding all the way in, down my throat, I am used to deep-throating men, Sid made sure of that, be he is large and relentless. His wife amuses herself by pinching my nose shut, so that I struggle to breathe. Then he plunges into me. He likes to place me on top, but facing away, so that my back is towards him. His wife sits facing me, and runs her hands over my stomach so she can feel his penis moving deep inside me. I am a slender girl, and I can look down and see it making a slight bulge as it moves in my belly. As soon as he comes they flip me onto my back before pulls out. They make my lie with my legs together.

I am hugely pregnant now, and they have begun to stretch my vagina so their baby will have an easy entry into the world. They are using a device not unlike a pear: the insert in into me, and turn the crank a turn per day. It is excruciating, but also arousing. They do not allow me to orgasm any more, but enjoy seeing me frustrated. They believe arousal makes my vagina more elastic.

They invite their friends over and I walk naked around the party. The guest rub my huge belly and squeeze my breasts. They enjoy forcing me to trot across the room so that my breasts bounce. The men enjoy my breasts, one friend of Sid's, who always shows up drunk, likes to pull me around by my tits, as if they were handles. He sometimes squeezes one with both hands while peering into by face, and asking, "does that hurt?" Sobbing, I nod. He doesn't stop until I am screaming. The wife will interrupt him and make him stop, on the grounds that she doesn't want them damaged. She arranged with Sid to rent me for another 6 months. I will be be a wet nurse.

She is frustrated that the baby seems to be having trouble nursing. I am loaded with milk, but she does not think it flows quickly enough. She ties me so I am completely immobile. The plunges a very large needle exactly into the center of my nipple, creating a hole. The milk pours out. The puts a round metal clamp on my nipple, to stop the milk from coming out. She puts a strong elastic band around each breast, so they stand out from my chest.

"Just tight enough to increase the pressure," she says. I am modified to produce a huge amount of milk now. Once the metal clamp is loosened, I jet like a fountain. As I can be drained more often, I produce more. Sid drops in often; he enjoys allowing my breasts to fill to where the are enormous, tight and as firm as they when they first sprouted. He likes to slap them; the pain is excruciating. He says it makes my milk homogenized.
