Changes of mind and body. [Part 8 of ???] [trans] [BD]

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9


Esther and Samantha, wanting Wendy's special privileges, got themselves into a nasty surprise, when they find a butler in the room with Wendy…

"You will become a girl, like us."

The butler shuddered when he took the pill. His vision doubled for a while, then it cleared and refocused. It was as though something powerful was taking hold of him. Something… feminine.

"What's your name?" Wendy asks. Her hand cupped his chin, and she turned him to look into her. With her other hand, she grabbed Esther's blonde head, still bobbing up and down her strap-on. Esther was relentless; she hated Wendy, but she knew pleasing her would make Master happy.

"My name is… my name… is… Daniel…" the butler replies, a little woozy from the drug.

"You're Daphne now. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Don't pretend you don't like it. It's what you wanted anyway. Master told me all about you."

Daphne, spent from her sessions with the vibrator, shuffles over to Wendy. Wendy snaps at Samantha, who is still dipping her fingers into her own hotbox. "Get me the chastity cage."

Samantha, slightly shocked and aroused by what happened, proceeds to take the chastity belt, which was next to the bottle of pills on the nightstand. She passes it to Wendy, who proceeded to clip it over Daphne's package, enveloping her little cock, still dripping shame juice from when she was just 'the butler'.

In a brief moment of sadism, Wendy teased Daphne's groin area again; pain shot up her little cock as it strained in its chastity cage. Daphne, former butler, cringed in pain, trying to hide her desires.

Esther's vigourous sucking soon distracted Wendy though; every push and every thrust by the blonde stimulated Wendy's clit. Yet, the strap-on wasn't doing enough to satisfy Wendy.

"Stop," Wendy ordered. "Stop, you little slut. Take off the strap on for me."

Esther obeyed, fumbling with the latches, but managing to take off Wendy's strap-on. Wendy lay herself down on the bed.

"Come, the two of you." Wendy directed them to her open snatch, glistening with her wetness. She wanted release, and the girls were a pleasant surprise. Dominating Daphne was never really any fun.

Esther and Samantha lay themselves next to Wendy, observing her glowing, glistening pussy, her clitoris throbbing from Esther's vigourous attack from the strap-on. Daphne could do nothing but watch, her little cock aroused from it all, yet unable to grow beyond its chastity cage.

"Lick it."

You, spent from a night being tortured by Master's fucking machines, end up in Master's bed.

You find yourself in a dream.

It's a dream, you know it is. Yet it is so surreal.

Another man appears in your dream. It's not Master, but you have this sense of odd affection toward him. As though he is a memory of your past.

Memory. The drug you had, way before you met Master, seems to have made that word meaningless.

The man kisses you, his hands feeling their way down the supple skin of your waist, all the way down onto your butt. He brings himself close to you, and you feel his hotness spread on your belly.

But you feel nothing. There is no warmth inside of you; no desire to have him inside of you. Yes, you love him, and very much so… but you don't want to…

You don't want to have sex with him.

The thought of his penis inside you makes you feel ashamed. Like you would betray something of you.

Master. That's who I'll betray if I let him in me. you think. But no, this is a dream. Or maybe, even a memory.

"What's wrong?" the man says.

"Nothing… it's just… I… I don't feel very turned on…" you find yourself saying. But I'm always very turned on. you think. This is a dream.

"I can help you with that," the man says. He leads you to his couch, and slowly, tenderly, caresses you; unbuttoning your blouse, your bra…

I was clothed back then? you thought.

He pulls down your panties, his breath warm on your little nub and moist slit. You're aroused. You want him to give your clit the loving tongue bath he wants to give you.

And he does. He suckles on your pink clit; the feeling of his suction over your mouth is incredible. It gives you joy, pleasure. Arousal. You find yourself slowly getting wet.

"Eric." The man stops. I got to stop myself from talking like that. you think, but you find yourself adding, "I think I'm ready."

The man – Eric? – takes off all his clothes, finally revealing his cock. It wasn't big like Master's, but it was hard. He kisses you again, and you find yourself directing his cock into your entrance. "I'm ready, I'm ready," you find yourself saying.

Despite your slickness and moistness, the man still eases his way into you, gently, as though he might hurt your fragile little slit. His cock fills you up, and you feel his hardness inside of you; you clench on his hardness.

What about Master? you think. This is just a dream, I guess. Master won't mind.

He moves inside you, slowly, building up the tension within him. But you don't feel your tension building up. You don't feel like cumming. That's weird, you think, as he slowly quickens his thrusts. He doesn't elicit any desire, any lust inside you. The waves of pleasure you are now so used to are absent. So are the whimsical feelings inside of you.

You feel his characteristic throbs – it seems that you have known him, for quite a while – and you know he's about to come. A strong need to fake your passion comes through. You feel desperate, as you buck yourself against him, desperate for your loins to feel something – and as his cock throbs and spurts into you, you bring him down for a passionate kiss. And as his hardness pops out of you, you feel abnormal, from being unable to cum.

"Was that good, Jenna?" he asks. You don't know who Jenna is.

"Y-yes," you find yourself saying. What is wrong with me?

You walk back to the breakfast table, where the girls are assembled. It's four days since you went away; you think they would miss you, but they don't.

Instead the girls are all sorts of weird this morning. Esther had red welts on her face, while Samantha had bruises on her breasts and neck; Samantha's red hair was tousled, even worse than before. The duo's nipples were swollen and red, instead of the usual hard and erect. They lowered their heads, and they had the resigned look in their faces.

Wendy, however, was all sorts of radiant. She was dominant at the breakfast table, engaging in conversation with Master.

Master, on his part, didn't ask for a blowjob today. That wasn't the oddest part, however – the oddity was the man with his cock caged in a chastity belt, standing behind Wendy. He looked a bit young – 18 – and he was really a boy.

"Who's that?" you couldn't help but ask.

"Oh, that's Daphne. Master tasked me for her training. She wants to be a girl," Wendy giggled. "I gave her the drug yesterday; she has to take it everyday, though I might forget. Master always reminds me though."

Master nods, sombre. He asks: "How are you enjoying it here, Daphne? Has Wendy been treating you well?"

Daphne has a pained look in her (or is it his?) face. But she steels herself, her voice sultry, sounding more like a boy than a man. "I'm okay, I guess. I quite like it here; I love being a girl!"

She did a little twirl, making Wendy giggle even more. Her head of black hair was already rather long, and they were of a silky nature, instead of the rough tousled hair of a man. There was no hair on her legs or armpits, nor any hair on her little package. Her breasts were growing; it wasn't big, soft, perky and pillowy like yours, but it was perky, her nipples erect. Her little package dripped occasionally, and she strained to get rid of the belt, which was undoubtedly scratching against her already sensitive skin.

It's an anomaly, you guess. Or it might be the drug. The drug you vaguely remember taking.

"Daphne really wants to be a woman," Master said. "Scratch that, she is a girl. Make sure you treat her as one of your own, Wendy. Though you can occasionally dominate her."

Master sent for you after lunch, just before your play time.

You are led to the same bed where you slept with Master yesterday. You sit at the edge of the bed, waiting for him to arrive.

You recall yesterday, and the day before, where you were being tormented in the Dark Room. Being denied from cumming. Being made to cum over and over. Feeling that scratchy skirt on your own sensitive skin. Master yelling at you.

You want him to release inside you. You want to cum on his cock; to feel those sensations you didn't have before. Before you took the drug. You feel grateful, for those sensations of lust.

It seemed like quite a while before Master arrived, naked, as usual. His large cock was limp, but it was ready for you to pleasure, you were quite sure of it. You wanted his child. You wanted to be his.

"Hey Betty," he says, gently.

"Master." You look into his eyes, intently. "I think I'm ready."


"I want your child, Master. I'm ready… to be yours."

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
