The Meeting [M/F]

I tap my pen against the hardwood desk, watching the clock slowly make its way past three o'clock. Sweat drips down between my breasts and my hair sticks to the back of my neck, making me feel even more uncomfortable and anxious to leave.

I glance out of the window, my torment, as I see all the people down below in the warm air walking up and down the sidewalk. It’s stampede season and the street is buzzing with excitement and activity, cowboy hats moving through the crowd like bees in a hive. I would give anything to be going to the grounds with them for an ice cold beer, but instead I am stuck here. Awesome. I just wish our 'guest' would hurry up and get here.

“What time is it?” My boss snaps at me as he glances around for the clock, which could be going backwards if it were moving any slower. He's anything but his usual self, and is fidgeting in his seat, looking very irritated.

“It’s 3:25pm, so we still have five minutes to go until Mr. Hunt gets here,” I reply. I smooth my tight black dress down my legs and shift in my warm leather chair, feeling my thighs sticking to it. God I hate leather in Summer. “I just hope that I don’t melt in the meantime. I still don’t understand why I need to be here. Did you want me to take notes or-”

“No, you’re here Zoe because I need someone easy on the eye to… soften him. I hear that he's got thing for beautiful women and, to be frank, you're the only one in our office who is even remotely close to his known standard. So, you're going to sit there, look beautiful, pretend to take notes, and help me close on this deal. He could make us into a successful editing company instead of bottom feeders! Do it well, and I'll see to it that you get a raise.”

Usually I would give him some sassy response back about me being his assistant for four years and that he owes me one already, but instead I feel the air catch in my throat. He has to be joking right? He wants to use me as a distraction?

I glare at him and open my mouth to give him a piece of my mind, when the door swings open and a man enters the room.

Oh my god, if the room was hot before, it was certainly scorching now. He commands attention and my eyes roam across his body, which is dressed in probably the most expensive suit I'll ever be around in my life. His eyes flash over in my direction from under his jet-black hair and I hurry to snap my mouth shut. I feel a blush rise into my cheeks as I push some of my wild curly brown hair behind my ear. His eyes dart to the exposed section of my neck and his lips quirk up in a crooked smile, making me feel uncomfortable, yet somehow very turned on.

His gaze is almost paralyzing and I find it hard to do anything but stare helplessly. His predatory eyes lock with mine and I try to escape by looking down at my papers and start to write nonsense, hoping that I won't have to speak very much. To be honest, I don't think I would be able to string any intellectual thoughts together right now.

My boss jumps out of his seat to greet him, stuttering and almost falling over himself. I mentally roll my eyes at him and I continue my doodling, trying to think of anything but his strong hands running through my hair and his full lips on my neck. God, I’m a mess. I am a successful business woman. I don’t need a man. I am independent and smart. I am a strong business wom…

“Uhh, Zoe?” The bosses voice breaks me out of my mantra and I snap my head up and see Hunt standing in front of me, his hand stretched outwards with an expectant look on his face.

“Oh! I’m sorry!” I jump up and take his hand, dropping my notepad onto the floor. His eyebrow raises as he takes my hand. It’s smooth and strong as I thought. “Zoe Strand. It's nice to meet you Mr. Hunt.”

“Likewise,” he growls, his dominant, sexual glare bearing into me. I stumble backwards, stoop to pick up my notepad, and sink down into my chair. “Mr. Ayers, I trust you have been working over the proposal I gave you?” I sigh and shrink back into my chair, glad that the focus is no longer on me so I can finally pull myself together.

“Y-Yes I have,” he replies. I can see his hand shaking on his lap. He looks small and intimidated in front of this powerhouse before us and I can see why he's been wary to meet with him. Usually dominant men don't have any affect on me, but I can't take my eyes off him. He steeples his fingers below his chin and rests the tips against his lips, which curve into a smile when he notices my gaze. His attention turns back to Tom and his eyes harden to cool steel.

“For the record, I would like to take control over your company and have it under my name. You'll be our only editors. It will almost triple your client base and ensure job security for all your staff. I know that your company is running into the ground and I intent to stop that from happening with my name on the roof. We'll merge our current editors into your staff to help with the increase in clientele, whom will be under your directive. You'll receive a 25% increase in salary with a semi-annual bonus. You will answer directly to me. Remember, I want full control, as with all things.” His dark eyes turn to me and the tension is almost tangible in the room. Tom says something, but I can't seem to focus on his words.

Hunt's eyes flash down to my chest and I see his breath quicken with anticipation. I know exactly what he wants and the thought makes me knees feel weak with lust. “I will leave this contract with you Ayers. I hope to see this back onto my desk by Tuesday.”

He rises from his chair with grace and shakes both our hands, lingering longer in front of me than absolutely necessary. “I hope to be seeing a lot more of you Zoe. A lot more,” he says quietly to me before leaving the room.

Tom breathes a sigh of relief. “Well thank god that’s over. Want to go celebrate?” He asks, trying to tempt me. I picture sitting in a bar with him, sipping drinks, and nothing sounds less appealing to me at the moment. I just really want to get home and have a cold shower to bring me back to my senses. Plus, I really don't want to be alone with him. He's a nice enough boss, but sometimes it's almost awkward when I can feel his eyes practically undressing me when we're alone.

“No, I should really get going. I will see you Monday!” I wave as I bolt from the door, glad to get out of here. I jump into the elevator to go down to the parkade below the building, where I've left my car. All I can think about is Hunt and his intense gaze on me. What has he done to me? The woman’s cool, robotic voice announces that I'm at the right floor and the doors slide open. I step out and round the corner and he's there. Oh my god, it's Hunt. What do I do?

“Zoe,” he says in his low voice, my name almost a caress over his lips. He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the elevator and towards him, my body crushing into his. I look up and see his face so close to mine that I could kiss him if I leaned forward slightly.

I make to pull away, but the divine smell of his expensive cologne invades my senses, making me dizzy and clouding my judgement. I stagger slightly and feel his hands come around my waist, steadying me as his eyes locked onto mine. His eyes are dark with desire. “I don’t know what you did to me up there Zoe, but I intend on acting on it.”

“And what would that entail Mr. Hunt?” My voice is barely audible over my excessive breathing. Why must I breathe so darn loud? It's almost embarassing. I try to quieten myself and I peer up at him from under my long lashes. His eyes are practically smoldering with the lust that's radiating like heat from his body.

“You’re a very bright, young woman, yet you ask me the most obvious question? You know what I want. I wanted it as soon as I saw you and I know you want it too. I want you, right here and right now.” His voice rains authority over me and I feel helpless. However, I take a small step backwards to put some space between myself and this inferno in front of me.

"And I suppose you think I'm the kind of girl that would just fall into bed with you?" I put my hands on my hips and glare at him intently. The corner of his mouth twitches as if he were trying not to laugh at me.

"No, but my car is closer," he mutters, his eyes not leaving my face, gauging my reaction. I don't give in. I keep my face as blank as possible, turn on my heel, and walk over to my car, unlocking it using the keyless entry as I go.

"Goodnight Mr. Hunt," I say with a bored tone, pulling open my door. His hand stops the door from opening and pushes it shut with a bang that revirbirates around the parkade.

"You're just going to walk away and break the contract?"

"The merger?" I spin to look at him, letting the anger on my face show. "The contract hasn't even been signed yet."

"And it never will be if you walk away," he says huskily, leaning in close to me with his hands pressed against the car on either side of my body.

"It almost sounds like you're trying to blackmail me. And there I was thinking that there might be more to you than a good body and sexy voice. Now I know you really are bad news."

"Just admit it, that's what attracts you to me the most. I would hazard a guess that you always play it safe and that the thought of laying on your back inside my car with me between your legs excites you beyond what you would openly admit."

I press my lips together, not wanting to reveal anything, but failing miserably when he sees my expression. He gives a small chuckle and my face reddens slightly. Raising his hand, he brushes the back of his fingers across my cheek.

"Pink is a beautiful color on you," he whispers with a smile.

"I can't risk my job for this," I say whilst pushing his body away. Oh my god, his stomach is like chiseled stone.

"You won't have a job if this merger doesn't happen. The company will go down in a matter of months."

I stare at him with an open mouth, hoping that what he's saying isn't true, but something tells me it is. I try to think of another excuse to allow me to walk away from this, but my mind stops stone dead.

He runs one hand up my back and into my hair. “Stop thinking. Let me do that for you,” he murmurs as he grabs my hair and pulls my head back to claim my face with his mouth.

His lips are soft and warm as he presses them into mine. I can't even remember the last time I have had a kiss like this. Perhaps never. Butterflies flutter inside my stomach and I feel my legs weaken. I know I should stop, but I don't want to. The sex goddess part of me wins, and I press my body into him with excessive need.

He runs his hands down to my curvaceous ass, which he grabs and lifts me with ease, to wrap my legs around him. I feel us moving and I know where we must be going, but I don't care because my mouth is busy nipping and kissing his neck. He grunts in pleasure and lowers me down onto my back inside the back of his spacious SUV. I'm thankful to see that it has tinted windows.

“I wouldn’t usually do this Zoe, but I can't wait to get you to my place, so this will have to do for now,” he says, whilst lowering himself on me. “Are you on the pill?” He asks gruffly, as he kisses the tops of my breasts.

“Yes,” I reply breathlessly, and I feel his hand running up the inside of my leg, his delicate hands driving me wild as they brush across the sensitive skin their. He removes my underwear in one movement with his skilled hand and pushes my dress up to my waist. I'm too turned on to feel any kind of shyness or embarrassment, so I sit up and allow him to remove it. He pulls it over my head with lightning speed, obviously not wanting to wait any longer. He pushes me down and lays over me, his face hovering above mine.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispers. “I am going to fuck you now. Undo my pants Zoe, I need to know that you want this just as much.”

I don’t need to be told, I'm already there, frantically undoing his belt and pants. I reach my hand inside his boxers to find what it is that I want. Unprepared is an understatement for what I found in there. Pulling him free, I can see his impressive length and girth, making my breath catch in my throat. I grab him by his tie to bring him closer for a deep kiss, my tongue invading his mouth with soft flicks, which he reciprocates.

His hands are everywhere on my body, leaving nowhere untouched, nowhere without a caress. He kneads my breasts and I’m secretly glad for wearing my new lace bra today instead of an odd mix-match emsemble as per usual. He runs his hand between my legs to rub my cleft, searching for the small, sensitive organ. He finds it with ease and pinches at it gently. A moan escapes me and my back arches up, pushing my chest against him. Oh my god, he’s good at this.

“Please Hunt. Please do it now,” I gasp into warm air, which is heavy with the scent of my arousal. He grunts and moves down, away from my face. He grabs my torso and pulls me further along the seat so I am almost touching the door.

“Not yet. I need to make sure you’re ready. I don’t want to hurt you,” he murmurs into my stomach. He kisses his way downwards and kisses the tops of my legs. “And I want you desperate for it. For me.”

His tongue then invades my slit, attacking me, and I can fee the pressure instantly building inside of me rushing like a volcano ready to erupt. His tongue is relentless and I know I won’t last long. My breathing quickens and the pressure climbs up, making my legs shake, but then he stops. He waits a couple of seconds for the intensity to subside and then starts the torment again. Three times he dishes out this torture, always stopping right before the peak of pleasure.

“Do it! I can’t wait anymore. Hunt, for the love of god, fuck me. Now!” I shout at him and feel his smile against my leg.

“As you wish.” He smiles and lays on top of me, pressing his hips against me. “Keep your eyes open. I want to see you when you come hard for me Zoe.”

He leans close to my face and I feel him pushing slowly into me. Wow, he is so big. He sighs and starts to move slowly, pushing further in each time until he can’t get any deeper. I have never felt anything like it before. He finds that perfect angle that makes me cry out and then starts pushing harder and faster.

My whole body is shaking with desire and I wrap my legs around his waist, scraping at his back with my nails. As I move them to his sides, he grabs them and pins them above my head, pounding into me so hard that I almost forget how to breathe.

I gasp into his shoulder as he nibbles on the side of my neck, my core clenching. He slams into me over and over, as relentless as he was with his tongue, almost desperate for it as I am. He looks into my eyes intently, his jaw tense with concentration.

“Come now.”

His words are my undoing. I explode into a million pieces and pleasure runs through my whole body. I feel him still as he finds his own release.

“From now on Zoe, you’re mine.”


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