A Night on the Town [MF]

The night was dark and rainy, like many are in October in the bustling metropolis of London. It had been a long day at work for Amanda, but thankfully, it was Friday. She had nothing to do the next day, except perhaps sleep late and pamper herself with a bath. As darkness fell, the gloominess of the day was banished by the lights of the city. Like any other Friday, the city had a buzz of cheer and excitement as people made their way home for the weekend, despite the chill and rain. Amanda took the tube back to her small apartment. She had been invited out by her best friend Sarah, for a night on the town, and the prospect excited her. The 26 year old marketing associate was glad to strip off her low heel shoes, fitted black slacks and jacket. She took a second to look over her body while undoing the white cotton shirt that covered her upper body.

“Not bad”, she thought to herself. Her body was holding up quite well, thanks to her disciplined diet and the twice weekly yoga sessions. The shirt hit the floor and her eyes were drawn to the delicate white lace boy shorts that clung to her curvy hips and bottom. Her gaze drifted upwards and noted a slim belly with a slight rounding that she could never quite get rid of. This bra made her 34C breasts look great, holding them up and slightly together. The cups were of a similar soft white lace, which was comfortable but also devastatingly sexy as it allowed a little skin to show through. While Amanda was currently single, she continues to treat herself to expensive lingerie, and wore it for herself sometimes. It gave her a little thrill to know that underneath her conservative business clothes, there was a little hint of naughtiness.

Snapping out of her moment of reflection, Amanda quickly removed her underwear and hopped into the shower. Turning the water almost fully to hot, she washed the work day off of her soft skin. Checking the time as she dried herself, Amanda realized it was almost time to meet Sarah. She rushed into her closet and grabbed the dress that she had picked out the previous evening. It was a simple cocktail dress that showed a hint of cleavage and ended just above her knee. She hurriedly did her makeup, choosing to go minimalist but with a little Smokey eye shadow. Running out of time, her hair was left with its natural somewhat curly state. Amanda dressed, deciding upon a black lace balconette bra that worked with the dress, and its matching thong, a mere tiny wisp of fabric. Her ensemble was completed with her favorite pair of 4 inch heels, they hurt after a long night out, but damn she loved them. On the way out of the door she threw on a long beige raincoat that made her feel like she was in a 1940s movie, while also protecting her from the drizzle.

Rushing into the pub, Amanda saw that Sarah was already sitting at the bar surrounded by three men talking and laughing with her. Amanda was a little self-conscious as she joined her friend. Sarah was tall, slim and annoyingly beautiful and she had no problem attracting men. The group chatted for a while as Amanda gulped down her first martini. The group largely ignored her, focusing on Sarah who was seemingly becoming bored with the attention. Her diminishing interest became obvious the men who took their leave after one of them had given Sarah his phone number. The two girls got more drinks and began chatting. The pub got busier as the night progressed, full of noise and laughter. Sarah suggested that they leave and go to a small club just around the corner. Amanda was reluctant, weariness and alcohol reduced her excitement about the loud and crowded club. After some gentle persuasion, she relented and left arm in arm with her friend. As the pair entered the club, Sarah saw an old boyfriend that she still held a flame for on the other side of the dance floor. She abandoned Amanda and rushed over to him, promising that she wouldn’t be too long. Amanda knew this was unlikely, as the pair would probably leave together after an hour or so of making out.

“Well damn it, I’m here now, I may as well have one drink,” she thought to herself. She sat at the bar for a few minutes sipping on a cocktail. A few young, cocky men came and sat next to her trying their best cheesy chat up lines. Amanda turned them down politely, not in the mood to deal with their immature antics.

Boredom began to set in and Amanda found herself reading posts on her phone gradually zoning out to the pulsating lights and the hypnotic bass line of the pounding music. After some time she became aware of a person sitting to her left who ordered a neat scotch. She resumed reading her phone and ignored the presence sitting next to her. The alcohol began to warm her belly and relax her mind and she decided to turn to look at the stranger beside her. She recognized him from the club, having noticed him for his kind, masculine face and muscular build. He smiled and nodded slightly, showing a hint of recognition in his eyes.

“Hi’ he said

“Hi” she replied, subconsciously staring on to his eyes and moistening her lips with her tongue. They engaged in small talk and his deep voice and eye contact began to make tiny butterflies flutter in Amanda’s chest. She found herself drawn to him and began to have deliciously naughty thoughts about what she would like to do with him. Her clit began to tingle and wispy thong started sticking to her slick pussy as she squirmed in her seat.

After finishing another drink he leaned in and growled into her ear

“Let’s get out of here”

Amanda’s head span but she found herself standing without words and slipping her raincoat on, he gripped her hand firmly and led her out into the fresh damp air. He guided her around the side of the club into a dimly lit ally way. He turned to face Amanda, pausing only briefly to look into her eyes before their heads swiftly guided their lips into a hungry kiss. Each tasted the drink that the other had been drinking as they pulled each other into a close embrace.

He stepped forward and pinned Amanda against a wall, almost crushing her against it. He was enjoying the feel of her body through his own as he smashed her breasts against his breathless chest. Tongues began to tease and search the others mouths, sensations flowed from their lips creating a runaway heat and passion between them. His hands left her back and swept up her body, briefly lingering on her breasts before continuing up to hold her head as he kissed her. She felt his steel erection grinding against her and she reached down to feel his hardness. His kisses moved from her lips and he moved to behind her ear and down to her neck. He trailed down to her neck and began eagerly caressing her breasts, pulling her dress down searching for her nipples. The excitement combined with the cold air had made them rock hard and he bent down to draw one into his mouth where he sucked and teased with his tongue. This sensation almost overwhelmed Amanda and her pussy felt as if it was literally dripping wet.

She began to search for his zipped and fumbled to pull it down. After releasing his cock she felt is heat, weight and hardness and immediately yearned to feel it inside her. As if reading her mind he turned his attention from her tingling nipple and reached ups her dress and briefly teased her swollen clit with his strong fingers. Sensing her wetness, he grabbed the small piece of material and tore it from her body. The swiftness of his action startled Amanda briefly, and the sensation of having the fabric torn away was quickly replaced by a feeling of exposure and arousal. He kissed her deeply and pulled her legs around his waist before pressing her once more against the cold brick. Each maneuvered their bodies until she felt his thick cock penetrate her. Becoming accustomed the sensations the pair kissed each other deeply and urgently as they built up a rhythm. Gradually, his thrusting grew in speed and the pair began to emit mall grunts and sounds of passion. Amanda felt a tide of pleasure building up within her body center on her clit. With her weight supported by his strong body he fucked her deeply and ground their pelvises together. He was getting close but managed to hold back only until he felt Amanda begin to shake and buck against him. He thrust into her one last deep time before submitting to his own orgasm. The pair relished the pulsating heat as his cum was pumped into her.

Both of their legs were shaky when they finally released their embrace and he lowered her gently to the ground. The couple fixed their clothes in silence, neither knowing what to say. He led her back around to the taxi rank and helped her into one. They kissed deeply through the window just before the cab drove away. Once Amanda had let herself in and sat down on her couch she began to think about the experience. She was still bathed in the post orgasmic glow and enjoyed the wetness between her legs. Her only regret was that she had not got her head straight enough to talk to him after and swap phone numbers. As she stood up and took her coat off she felt a small card in her pocket. It was the stranger’s business card, he must have slipped it to her as they were getting the taxi. She smiled slightly and headed to the shower knowing that there would be lots more fun to be had in the future.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2hmwke/a_night_on_the_town_mf

1 comment

  1. Huge wall of text. In the future, double tap enter to space it up. Otherwise, very nice.

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