Swim Coach M/f, spank, reluctant

I've had several similar fantasies for years and am starting to write them down for the first time. I welcome comments and messages.

Coach Barry is our school's assistant swim coach. He is also my friend(enemy), Nicole's step-father. She is away for the summer at swim camp and Coach Barry said I could come over whenever I wanted to use their pool and get a head start on our last high school season.

Coach B is a little intimidating. He is very tall and really muscular. I wish guys my age had chests and abs like his. Not that guys my age really look twice at me. My body is straight as a board, except for my bottom, which is sculpted from all our kicking drills, and I have barely any breasts. Plus I always smell like chlorine. Coach B is also the strict coach, the one who assigns drills, the one who criticizes, and the all around bad cop next to our head coach.

I was doing laps, just warming up when Coach came outside with his stopwatch and signaled me to pick up the pace. I put a little more effort but got distracted thinking about how many laps I would have to swim before I'd burn off the Slurpee I wanted to get from 7-11 later. It was July and it was hot…..but Coach B had given us a list of "yes foods" and "no foods" to guide us over the summer.

"Lilly!" I heard him call me out.

"Yes, sir?" I climbed out the side of the pool.

"Arms up." I put up my arms and Coach moved them through my stroke, then his hands went to my sides rocking me, and he tapped my legs as he lectured me on my form just like always. He patted my bottom and blew his whistle signaling me to dive back in.

I worked hard on my form this time, and couldn't help but wonder how hot it would have to get for him to pull off his polo shirt or if I could get him to come in the pool with me to move me through my strokes better. It is so much harder to mimic things out of water and then have to dive back in.

"Can you help me in here?" I asked, floating on my back, when he blew his whistle again. Coach looked as if he was considering it. I really felt a rush whenever he seemed to be studying my body, but it was hard to feel flattered when his job is to study my body. But he pointed to the side of the pool calling me out again.

Coach gave me the stroke and the distance and a time goal. Then he blew his whistle and I dove back in. I hadn't had time to focus like I usually do and I was confused because there are no flags above his pool. When I hit the side he motioned me up, angrily and obviously frustrated.

"3 seconds over! 3 seconds, Lily!" I was still catching my breath and pretty sure Coach didn't want to hear flag excuses either so I stayed quiet. Then Coach Barry slapped my butt three times. Whack! Whack! Whack! He did it so quickly and it was so loud, his hand smacking against my wet bathing suit. I would have fallen in the pool if he hadn't put his other arm in front of my stomach. I looked at him shocked, and I covered my bottom with my hands. This wasn't the typical celebratory tap. "Trust me," he said in a low voice that made me anxious, "I know what makes good swimmers become the greatest swimmers." Then he blew his whistle again and what could I do but dive in and swim as fast as I could?

Coach moved to a lawn chair after that, absentmindedly blowing his whistle and calling out drills and times as he worked on a laptop, but he seemed happier with my times and I certainly felt motivated! I was just going to let him know I had to go so I could hang out at the 7-11 for my well deserved Slurpee, when he called me over to the reclining lawn chair he had been straddling. I couldn't help looking at his stomach, just above his belt loop for a little too long.

"Better, right?" he said, almost teasing, and obviously pleased that spanking me had improved my training. I started to tell him I was leaving when he asked, "Let me see your spine." I turned around. Coaches and physical therapists have always wanted to see my spine and want to talk about my alignment. I felt his warm fingers, two of them, glide behind my pony tail, and tap down my neck. At the top of my Speedo he tugged at my zipper and I stiffened, but stayed still. He unzipped the back of my bathing suit and continued to tap and glide his fingers down my spine until he reached the small of my back and lightly knocked my back with his fist saying, "Touch your toes." As I bent over I looked at him suspiciously, I mean, he did just spank me! But he looked very serious like he was concentrating or maybe calculating something so I didn't interrupt. His hand continued down to my tail bone and he motioned me to come up slowly with his finger which I did as he moved his hand back up to my neck, rising to a stand this time so when I stood upright again he was towering over me. He patted my head, smiled, and told me to do two more laps with my zipper down so he could watch my alignment.

I walked quickly back over to the pool, but after I had dived in I realized, without my bathing suit zipped up my breasts would peak through the sides and top as I moved my arms. I hurried through the drill, hoping the water would hide most of me, because I knew if I didn't pay attention to my form Coach would be mad.

"Better" he said when I was done and I zipped myself up as quickly as I could. He handed me a piece of graph paper covered in notes saying to study it at home and told me to come to the kitchen for a minute. Once inside the air conditioning made me shiver and my nipples immediately got so hard they almost itched, Coach appeared to notice and smiled almost apologetically, but instead he asked, "Have you been following the 'good foods' 'bad foods' chart I gave everyone?"

I nodded.

"Wonderful! Let's see how you're doing." He pulled out an old, large balance scale.

I began to panic. "But my suit is wet!" I looked around for another excuse. "And I have to go to the bathroom."

Coach, unsympathetically, motioned to the bathroom off from his kitchen and said flatly, "You don't have to wear your suit."

I went to the bathroom and sat there trying to think of a way out of this and I guess I was in there a while because Coach knocked loudly on the door. I used a towel to dry my suit as best I could and walked out crossly. This was suppose to be my summer break!

I stepped on the scale and Coach fiddled with the sliding weights. He was holding a file and I peaked over to see the chart from our last weigh-ins. "Stand straight!" coach commanded and I felt the him backhand the side of my bottom. Now I was very nervous, all alone with Coach in one of his moods. But I should have been more nervous about my Slurppe and pizza habits. "5 pounds?! Lily!" and I barely felt Coach backhand my bottom again I was so stunned and disappointed in myself. I considered removing my bathing suit, but doubted it would take off even a pound.

Coach had already stormed off to sit on a bench next to a small desk in the kitchen and was filing his papers away. I really felt terrible. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, Coach B. I'll lose it right away. It's just that it is summer and and and." I was blubbering and didn't really know what to say. Thankfully Coach put up his hand to stop me and pointed to the bench next to him. I sat timidly very aware of how close to Coach I was sitting and how awkward I felt still in my bathing suit in the air conditioned kitchen next to Coach in his polo shirt and khaki shorts. Coach's eyes were very sad as he looked at me and looked me up and down. I felt terrible.

"Don't be sorry to me, Lily. I am not the one who will have to pull that extra weight through the pool. This is your senior year, your future, you are jeopardizing. I just thought you cared more."

"I do! I do care!" I felt defensive. Why can't teenagers get a little break sometimes? Why does everything I do have to matter so much all the time?

Coach cupped my chin in his hand and I felt his steel grey eyes look right into mine. "Will you let me help you lose the weight? Will you let me get you into college level shape this summer?" I nodded. "This means eating what I say and exercise how I say. You are giving your whole body to me this summer." I started to nod again, but he was firmly holding my chin and I crinkled my brow thinking about the last thing he said. "Lily, yes or no? Motivated people do not not shake their heads."

"Yes, Coach." I said quickly. He had me. I was scared of him, but he is in better shape than any adult I know and I am competitive and want to be the best.

Coach seemed pleased and he rubbed the side of my jaw gently with his thump as he was still holding my chin. He looked down for a moment, almost embarrassed and then looked into my eyes again. "Lily I know you have a crush on me," and I turned beet red. This just goes to show how freshman year slumber parties with truth or dare games can come back to bite you. I hadn't thought about Coach like that in a while, but when you are accused of having a crush, denying it never comes across as believable. He repeated himself, "I know you have a crush on me. Maybe you could use that as motivation to get in shape and have the body I want for you. My job comes first, of course, and that is to make you into the best swimmer you can be, but if you work hard you never know what can happen. I really appreciate hard working athletes."

Now I was stunned. If I wasn't so nervous about his meal plans and spanking it almost sounded like Coach had a crush on me too. I started to think back about how I felt when I first met him freshman year, but Coach was not done. He had unzipped my bathing suit again and was using both hands to slip the straps off my shoulders. I crossed my arms together just before my breasts could be seen, but Coach ignored this taking each breast out from behind my arms and squeezing them in his hands. "I knew when I saw your little titties had grown, that you had gained weight." he criticized. "These are too big for someone as petite as you," he went on, leaving one hand on my right breast, he moved his other hand between my legs, grabbing one thigh and pinching it. "And your thighs have grown closer." I was so embarrassed and ashamed I just looked down at the floor. "I am so glad you are letting me help you," he almost whispered and then kissed my cheek gently with a tenderness I had never seen in Coach before.

"Come," he commanded. "I know just what to do first." And he put his arm around me, pushing slightly on my lower back and led me to the bathroom.

To be continued.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2h6frb/swim_coach_mf_spank_reluctant

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