I stay under your desk. [M/f] [Oral]

I am your desk slave. I stay under your desk until you are ready to use my throat to forget about your work.

I am on my knees, stowed away and salivating, waiting to accept my order. My greatest joy, I finally feel it. Your hand slips around my throat and pulls me closer towards your lap. This is my favorite moment. I feel fulfilled to serve my purpose in your life. I am wanted, never needed. You pull me halfway to your lap and I come towards you completely. I do as you wish silently, never needing more direction. I feel a bulge through your slacks and I try carefully to keep my hands from trembling as I undo your leather belt. I slip the button out of the loop as your cock throbs and attempts to escape from your slacks. I draw the zipper down slowly, wanting to bathe in the anticipation. Your boxers are so soft, Sir. If only you never had to work again and I could lay my head in your lap forever.

Your cock springs forth and I am so grateful. I hold it against my cheek for a moment wishing to feel close to you before servicing you. I am hungry for you. I stop swallowing and allow the saliva to pool in my mouth. I part my lips, the lips you tell me are so soft, your lips. I close my eyes and move forward, taking you into my mouth slowly, covering your cock in my spit, so it can go down smoothly. I let you hit the back of my throat. I pull my head back folding my flat tongue to give you just a little bit of suction. A little bit of anything I can do to take your mind off your paperwork.

I swirl my tongue around the head of your cock, enjoying the feeling of fullness that you give my mouth so graciously. I open my eyes to look up at you. Master, I love to look up at you. I look up to you always. Is there any better place to be than at your feet? You look down to me and I feel an immense sense of pride. I can see on your face that you have left your office, not even in the back of your mind, but a place far away. There is only us, at your desk now.

My thighs feel wet. I love to serve you. My cunt is throbbing and so ready for you. But that is not my purpose. I am to be used for your pleasure alone. But ah, this is my pleasure, Sir. I live only to please you and I am grateful that you entrust me to carry out that task. My head bobs up and down. I enjoy the feeling you give my throat. A fullness I cannot compare. I recall when you first collared me, how I used to gag. Master, be proud of me, for you have trained me so well I gag no more. I feel you throb and you need not say anything, I know to go faster. You spread your legs a bit more, your head leans back, your breathing quickens. The other men in slacks would never guess. They would never guess the bond between you and your little desk slave. I am honored to know you the way that the other men in slacks will never know you.

You begin to shudder and I see beads of sweat dripping down your neck. I am so excited now. I go faster and faster. My mind is nowhere but here, with you, servicing you. I am your pleasure. Finally, that beautiful moment. I feel hot cum spurting down my throat. Every twitch, every throb, I feel it down my throat, down to my inner being. I suck out every last drop of you. I want to take you in me. This is my favorite way to see you, Master. I love when you let go. My submission is my gift to you, Sir, for no one deserves it more than you.

But alas, my task has the saddest ending, for my duties are solely temporary. I pull up your stiff slacks. I put the zipper where I found it. I thread the button through the hole. Your paperwork calls back to you. This makes me so sad. If only I could service you all day. But then I hear you speak out those two words:

"Good girl."

And everything is right in the world again.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2gx09h/i_stay_under_your_desk_mf_oral


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