Read Velocirapture for free on Kindle Select!

Velocirapture is an erotic tale of scifi fantasy like nothing you've ever experienced. This is a 12,000+ word exploration of wild beast sex and forbidden pleasures.

Dr. Lexxia LaBelle is not just one of the most brilliant scientists of her age, she is also an adept trained in the graceful art of harnessing the sexual pleasures of the flesh. When the galaxy is threatened by an unknown energy field working to tear the very fabric of space apart, she vows to use all her training to stop it. She discovers Astra, a beautiful primitive whose sexual power is drawn from the center of the rift, a primal place in space and time whose raw energy offers mankind's best hope for saving the galaxy. But to travel to that primordial plane means leaving her own flesh behind. She must capture the ancient hunger of the velociraptor in order to return with the power she needs.


The chieftain took his position behind her. With one mighty arm the chief of the man-brutes pressed down on her shoulders until she was bent over as far as the straps on her wrists would allow. With the other hand he pulled her hips closer to his own until his tip brushed against her loin cloth. Impatiently he tore away this obstruction and swelled at the sight.

The other ape things grunted in a rhythmic drumbeat at the anticipation of their chief’s conquest. The girl struggled against the inevitable penetration that was to follow but could not resist her bonds or the iron grip of the proto-man. Her writhing only made her more inviting to him and he drew back to thrust himself inside her.

Lexxia’s mind was gripped with terror at the prospect of such violation. She was a woman of a civilized age and such abuses were not tolerated in her time. But when she cried out to give voice to that terror, the sound that issued from her was something else entirely.

Her primal howl of rage broke the percussion of the man-apes’ grunting as she broke through the tree-line. They all froze to mark her entrance. Even the chieftain stared at Lexxia, paralyzed with fear. His eagerness waned and he softened at the sight of her. The women stared at Lexxia with awe but showed none of the terror that had overcome their captors.

She definitely was not a velociraptor like those of her own time. They stood half the size of a man while she stood taller even than the chieftain of the proto-men. She was the God of Raptors, the megaraptor, and she had come to the defense of these simple savages who clearly worshipped her saurian brethren. And she had come to deal out sanguine retribution to any who sought to do her children harm.
