Pets, Day 1 Part 3

The first part of this story can be found here:[1]

He had to empty the bucket one more time before he released her later that evening, just before dinner. He allowed her to stretch her cramped muscles whilst he ate, enjoying watching her lithe body move into interesting positions, almost always exposing some enjoyable part of her anatomy. After a particularly interesting form, she had faced away from him, spread her legs and tried to touch her toes, she sat down next to him to receive her share of the dinner which was fed to her in a similar way to breakfast. They went into the garden and George asked her to open her legs. Nervously she did so, allowing him to reach between them and gently tug out the butt-plug. After her sigh of relief, he slid his hands between her legs again, this time to gently twist and pull the vibrator out of her. As the knot emerged, a downpour of trapped liquid came with it, inducing another, even more heartfelt, moan from her. He told her to run them a bath as he put the toys away, listening to her arranging towels and turning taps. When it was full, he stripped and removed her collar before getting into the bath and holding his arms out to her. "Join me." She slid into the hot water between his legs, breathing a sigh of relief as she could feel her abused muscles relax a little. George began fondling her breasts, gently squeezing and rubbing them, enjoying how the water made them feel slippery. She leaned back, her eyes closed, making little sounds of pleasure and comfort. "Are you enjoying this?" He asks, his hands still busy on her chest. "Yes, it feels nice. Like I am being looked after." She sighs again, a contented smile on her face as she felt her stiff body begin to relax further. She opened her legs slightly in order to allow hot water to sooth the areas that needed the most attention. After a few minutes she began to drift off, the hot water and gentle massage making her sleepy. "Don't fall asleep, I have something important to tell you." George whispered in her ear. "Hmm, what?" "I have a name for you." She gasped, waking up quickly. When a person volunteered they gave up all ties to their old life, including their name. It was up to their new master to give them one. George had been thinking hard on the subject since she had first come to live with her and had decided. "Your new name is Zara." Zara sighed contently. She was now her master's, truly. "Its a beautiful name. Zara, I am Zara. Thank you master." She leaned back further and tilted her head for a kiss. They stayed like that for a long time. Soaking in the bath, kissing passionately and all the while his hands massaged her, moving from her breasts to her thighs and then to her arms, working the stiffness out of them. Soon his fingers moved between her legs and she grunted approvingly into their kiss, pressing her hips into his hand. "Are you sure you want to?" George asked "You must still be sore down there." "It will feel much better if you keep rubbing it. Please Master, I need you to, oh keep doing that! Mph." He had begun to caress her labia, both of his hands at work, palming the outside of her slit has he continued kissing her. As Zara felt her orgasm approaching she broke away from him. "Please stop now, I'm not sure I can cum again without it hurting." "Ok honey, I hope that helped a little though." He took his hand away and re-occupied them on her breasts again. "It was amazing master, thank you." He grabbed the soap and began rubbing it onto her breasts. "Have you enjoyed today?" "Yes, I enjoy being naughty." "You are a little minx when you want to be. That's alright though, because I enjoy punishing you." "Hmm, I know. You love watching me squirm and squirt don't you." He had moved his hands down to her belly and begun to wash her there. "Yes, I have no idea how that much liquid can come out of you!" "I don't either, I just know it feels amazing when it does. Even though I ached, I still loved it when it came out of me. It hit so many nerves, it was amazing." "Yeah, I love it when you cum, its so erotic. Can you stand up please?" She stood up facing him in the bath with her legs spread as wide as the tub would allow. "Hey, I have an idea, if you'd like to play a game?" She smiled and nodded. He brought the bar of soap up between her legs and slipped it inside her. "The idea is to keep it in there as long as possible whilst I do my best to distract you." He brought his lips to the very top of her slit and peeled back the clitoral hood with his fingers. Sticking out his tongue, he proceeded to gently poke and stroke her exposed nub with it. Though it was obviously affecting her, Zara didn't let it distract her. After a moment or two, George put both of his hands around her hips and spread her buttocks, slipping one of his fingers inside. Despite gasping in surprise, she hung on grimly to the bar of soap. Grinning, he recommenced licking her clit and tried to slip another finger into her anus, this time from the other hand. With a bit of wriggling, he manged to get it in, the look on her face showed that it was severely damaging her concentration. The final straw came when he began wriggling his fingers around inside her. A small scream of frustration erupted from her, closely followed by a bar of soap and a small stream of her juices. Her knees turned to jelly and she swayed slightly before they crumpled under her. George quickly caught her and lowered her safely into the bath. "I didn't give you permission to cum you naughty girl." "Mph, I'm sorry Master, I just couldn't help it. You know what that can do to me." "Yes" He kissed her on the forehead "I do. Don't worry about it, I forgive you." They relaxed some more in the bath, George spending some time washing Zara, carefully avoiding the abused areas between her legs, before they got out, dried off slightly and walked into the bedroom.

Zara crawled onto the bed and wriggled her bottom at him, opening her legs to give him a good view of her red raw slit."This is what you did to me, and I enjoyed it. Since I came in the bath, I should be punished, don't you think?""Yes, I think you should." George grinned as he knelt on the edge of the bed next to her. His hand smacked against her dainty behind."Hmm, I think you can do better than that, I have been very naughty today." She wriggled her bottom again, a dirty smile on her face."Yes you have, i think you have been THIS" He brought his hand down on her ass with a smack, making her jump and leaving a red hand print "naughty.""Oh yes, I think I've been that naughty." He smacked her a few more times, until her buttocks glowed with almost the same intensity as her pussy did and the cloth between her legs was splattered with drops of her arousal."Oh, master, please forgive me!" she cried as his hand fell for the last time."I guess your horny now, hmm?""Yes, I'm so horny, need you now! Please Master…"They got under the covers and began kissing, gently at first, soon becoming more passionate as George slipped his hand between her legs and began touching and stroking her sore posterior, his arm bumping and rubbing her wet, used pussy."You need your rest, I can't let you hurt yourself more." George said, untangling himself from her."Nooo, but I'm so horny, please!""Go to sleep my little Zara, I'll play with you tomorrow." He said, kissing her goodnight. Zara lay awake for hours, frustrated, aching and horny, but unable to satisfy herself without her master's permission.

This is the end of day one. I have already written a large portion of day 2, before i lost interest and gave up on it, but what happens on day three will be up to you guys, if you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to post them, i'll read them all and if i'm suitably inspired then i'll write some more!
