Excerpt from Velocirapture by Desdemona Devereaux [mf],[ff],[oral],[bi]

“The galaxy is broken,” Lexxia had informed the Academy of Spirit-Sciences. “Dying. We harnessed the greatest power in the universe without properly understanding it, now we have reaped the consequences of that folly.”

She looked out over the audience seated in the amphitheater. It was a sparse group, thinned out and indifferent. She hadn’t expected anything more. It was not a popular theory.

“The source of that power is inside us all, as you know. It is the Salaxastrum, the Spirit-Element. Those adept enough to manipulate that energy can draw upon it. When this is done properly, with the appropriate training and discipline, wonders can be accomplished. When it is not…”

She looked to her assistant and the young woman brought up an image on the great screen that stood behind her. It depicted the rifts that cut across the galaxy like jagged scars. It was as if space itself were cracked like glass and prepared to shatter.

“But we have discovered something in what was broken that may allow us to repair it,” she promised, looking to her assistant. “Bring out the specimen,” she commanded.

Lexxia’s lab assistant disappeared, returning with another young woman. She held the girl’s hand to reassure her as she led her out before the assemblage.

The specimen was a girl not much older than Lexxia had been when she had begun the trials of the Drawing, no older than twenty certainly. She wore a sterile paper surgical gown but it was clear even beneath so unflattering a garment that her body was made of soft graceful curves. Her pale face had an innocent beauty framed in long dark hair. She looked nervously at the crowd but was otherwise unafraid.

“Disrobe her,” Lexxia commanded dispassionately.

Her assistant complied. The covering effortlessly tore away and the girl stood in glorious nude in front of Lexxia. Her body had been branded with tribal tattoos of serpents coiling around her arms and legs, down her belly and around her breasts where eager snake mouths were poised to sink their fangs into her nipples. Down her bare back was a mural of a serpent consuming its tail, fashioning itself into a perfect circle.

Admiring the artwork as well as the supple shape of her nubile form, Lexxia continued her lecture: “Many have believed, quite incorrectly, that Salaxastrum is the product of evolutionary advancements in human development. But this specimen will demonstrate that this supposition is not only untrue, it is antithetical to the true nature of the Spirit-Element.”

She wheeled a cart over to the specimen. It contained a diagnostic device that Lexxia refrained from using until she could better explain her hypothesis.

“This is Astra,” she said, presenting her naked specimen to the crowd.

They at least were more interested now that Astra had been bared before them.

“That’s what we call her. Astra does not speak. We don’t know if she is capable of speech or if her primitive mind can comprehend the concept of language. But there is one thing we know Astra can do.”

Lexxia turned on the machine and the diagnostic display filled the screen behind her. She removed a silver disk from the machine that was about an inch and a half in diameter. Reaching out to Astra with her other hand, she lightly caressed the girl’s left nipple in a slow circular motion. Astra inhaled sharply and the nipple firmed as though obeying a silent command.

“It’s okay,” Lexxia whispered to Astra, who returned her smile.

Lexxia licked the disc and placed it on the pert nipple. It conformed to the shape of the nipple and remained in place as Lexxia released it. Lexxia removed another disc from the machine and similarly placed it on Astra’s right nipple.

Diagnostic information drawn from the contact points Lexxia had attached to Astra fed into the machine and displayed on the screen. Lexxia removed the final contact from the machine, a long metallic rod almost as big around as the discs.

“We rescued Astra from an aperture that opened in the rift. We believe based on chronogenetic testing of her DNA that she comes from a point in time that is far more primitive than our own. In most respects Astra’s physiology is identical to our own, with some more primitive distinctions. For example, you may note the curious presence of body hair on the pubic region. Where we once possessed this characteristic, our bodies have long since evolved beyond the need for it.”

Still smiling at Astra, Lexxia took the rod into her mouth to moisten it, then drew it out slowly. She reached down and gently inserted it in the warm slit beneath Astra’s primitive pelt.

Astra moaned as the final contact went inside her and the screen behind her filled with diagnostic data. Lexxia licked her fingers and massaged the veil of flesh that hooded the vestibule of Astra’s womanhood. Astra’s breathing quickened to keep pace with her heart. She grew hot to Lexxia’s touch.

“If you will note the baseline readings,” Lexxia told the gathering, “you will see that Astra’s salaxual energy is well above the standard, even above adepts who have been trained their entire lives on how to manifest and manipulate those energies.”

Astra gasped again as the rhythm of Lexxia’s fingers shifted both in position and tempo to avoid desensitizing her. The screen flickered behind them as Astra moaned with primal pleasure.

Astra moaned louder, seizing Lexxia’s wrist as if afraid she would withdraw it. Her nails dug into Lexxia’s skin as she was overcome.

The display screen flickered in tempo with Astra’s moans and the lights in the amphitheater also flickered.

“This power could be the key to repairing the rift and restoring the galaxy,” Lexxia said boldly, speaking up to be heard above Astra’s cries of pleasure. “Using Astra as a focal point, I believe I can harness her salaxual energy to travel beyond the rift, through the aperture and into the point in space-time from which she came. If the Salaxastrum is more potent there I can draw on it. Once I’ve gathered enough of it I can return here and use it to repair the damage we’ve done!”

At last Astra reached the climax of Lexxia’s efforts. Her hips writhed and spasmed wildly and she cried out a final time. The lights shattered above them and the diagnostic machine exploded in a brilliant outpouring of sparks and smoke. Finally the great glass screen behind them shattered and rained down to the floor in a cascade of great shards. They impacted violently against the cold tile with a resonant report.

Some of the audience cried out in shock or fear, rising to flee or simply paralyzed at the spectacle of it. Lexxia looked up at them resolutely as Astra, spent, fell down to her knees.

“With this kind of power,” Lexxia insisted to anyone who might still be listening, “we can fix the galaxy.”

(This is just a little taste of the wild sexual scifi adventure that is Velocirapture! You can download the entire book on KDP Select for free!)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2gsz8v/excerpt_from_velocirapture_by_desdemona_devereaux