First cuckold kiss, The taste of betrayal

This is the story of the second time I was cuckolded. This was about 8 or 9 months after my first experience as a cuckold. Me and Rylee had broken up. I had gotten kicked out of our school. She started going out with this older kid who had choked me unconscious in the hallway once during a fight. The whole school knew they were fucking. Honestly he was probably fucking her while we were dating. I was still a virgin, she had never let me get farther then 3rd base. The closest thing id ever gotten to sex was cumming on Rylees feet and leg while she was passed out after she had just let another boy fuck her on my bed.

But life goes on, I started to go to a new school. The school that Rylee had just transferred from to go to the school I had just been kicked out of. So incidentally she had a lot of friends at that school. I started going out with a going out with a girl named Sierra.


I called her SeSe. She was a year younger then me. I was in the 8th grade she was in the 7th. Her and Rylee were friends. I'm sure she knew Rylee cheated on me and there was already a rumor I had a small dick. We had been dating for a couple months. One night a bunch of guys and girls met in a place we called "the gully" there was a trail with lots of trees and it was about a mile long and had a small stream with a bridge crossing. No one ever went down there so it was a good place for teenagers to get drunk. A few of the older guys brought some beer, vodka, and whiskey and everyone tried some. It was the first time her and I had ever drank. I didn't think the beer tasted too good but she did and drank most of the first beer that we shared. She had 2 more beers and a few swigs from the vodka bottle and was getting very buzzed. I had one more beer but took me a while to finish it. I was talking to a few friends when I noticed that I had lost track of where my gf was. I assumed she was with some of the girls.

At this point most of us were pretty buzzed. I walked over to where the girls were and didn't see her and started to worry. After about a half hour I decided I had better go and look for her. I saw a group of people gathered around the bridge. When I got a bit closer I saw why everyone was gathered…. My girl was on her knees with this kids cock in her mouth. Her shirt and bra were on the ground next to her. As I moved closer almost in a trance, I saw the boy cum in her mouth – she swallowed it all. He then stepped to the side, zipped up his pants and moved back into the group, as his buddies laughed, in awe. As he moved back into the crowd another boy got in front of her, unzipped his pants, pulled his cock out and stuck it in her face- She obediently began to suck his dick, he groaned and helped himself to a hand full of her breast. I was so embarrassed and humiliated, because I knew almost everyone there and everyone knew we were dating.

My head started spinning so fast, I felt like I was going to throw up.(& not because I was drinking) I watched in horror for a minute before I heard someone say "Oh shit there's Cade." I heard someone else say "Who cares." SeSe looked over at me, she took his cock out of her mouth and stared at me for a moment. Then the guy she was sucking off, slapped her in the face with his cock and said "Come on , don't stop." She gave me the naughtiest nastiest look, before looking up at him with big sappy eyes and putting his cock back in her mouth.

I walked away from the crowd that had gathered around her, my head hung in shame and embarrassment. As I walked away I could hear guys around her yelling and laughing as she continued suck off my classmates. I felt completely sick to my stomach and very dizzy. The haze of the alcohol made it feel like a bad dream. It just seemed absolutely unreal. I was so angry and jealous. I couldn't help but wonder how many guys she had serviced, and how far she would let them go. I thought of how she had never let me do those things to her. I wandered around in my mental anguish, and burning jealousy for a while. I found a bench and sat alone with those thoughts.

After about a half hour she came back to me. She was a complete mess, her white shirt had dirt on it from being on the ground it also looked like she had used it to wipe the cum and lipstick off her face, she no longer had a bra on, her eye makeup had run down her face and there was lipstick smeared on her chin. I found out later that her eye makeup had ran down her face from a combination of guys cumming on her face and her eyes watering as boys were shoving their dicks down her throat. She walked over to me and could tell I was pissed. She said "Aaah,Hey babe", then put her arms around my neck. She smelled like sex, and cum along with beer. She looked up at me with those sappy eyes said "I'm sorry" then leaned in to kiss me. At first I thought about pushing her away, but something stopped me. At first I didn't kiss her back. I could really smell cum now, as she pressed into me I hesitantly began to kiss her back. I felt her tongue trying to get in my mouth…..I was horrified as I felt my mouth open allowing her tongue to enter my mouth. She tasted so different from other times we had French kissed, obviously from the cum that she had swallowed.

After a long kiss, she looked up at me and said "Do you forgive me?" I didn't answer her. By this point the sun had almost gone down. She asked me if she could stay at my place tonight. She said "I just wanna be with you. I love you." We walked back to my house, which wasn't far. I snuck her upstairs to my room, where she proceeded to take off her shoes and shirt then immediately fell asleep on my bed. I was pretty bummed, for a second I thought I was going to get laid. I stripped down to my boxers and crawled into bed next to her. I laid there in my bed, next to my gf who was still a mess, covered in cum and god knows what else. After about 45 minutes she asked me if I was awake. I was. She said "You know I love you right?" I didn't answer. She put my arm around her and snuggled up next to me, before reaching into my boxers and starting to stroke my dick. She started to kiss me again, this time I kissed her back passionately. I ran my fingers through her hair, but my fingers kept getting stuck in the dried cum that she was covered with. I was so turned on at this point. She pulled my cock out and said "You still want me don't you?" Before putting the head of my cock in her mouth. She started circling the head of my cock with her tongue. I came almost instantly. "Do you forgive me?" she said with her mouth full of my cum. I watched her swallow my load. "Yeah I guess" I said. "I love you." She said and leaned in to kiss me one more time. We had a long deep kiss, before she fell asleep in my arms still a complete mess from her betrayal.

The next day, when I went to school, everyone was talking about it. So I got all the juicy details. Apparently she was really drunk and started saying how she was really horny ,taking her shirt and bra off and fingering herself. It was only a matter of time before someone took advantage. I found out she got double teamed by the two older boys who had brought the alcohol.(Dylan and Walker) From what I was told, when they were done fucking her, Dylan offered her to one of his friends, who was watching and asked him if he wanted a bj- Told her to suck his friends dick, and she just did it without question. After he had cum on her face, She said "Whose next?"

All n all she ended up fucking two boys, (one of which got to cum in her pussy) and sucked off four others Dylan got to fuck my girl, cum in her pussy and in her mouth and on her face. My friend told me all of this and asked me "Are you going to keep dating her." I said "Yeah", I guess love it blind.

Sierra continued to fuck Dylan behind my back. But I stayed with her. I ended up losing my virginity to her.(Which was another cuckold experience, I will eventually write out)

Hope you liked my experience. This is a true story. Comments always welcome, let me know what you think!
