Doctor Finally Gets to Play [Part 2] [Mf]

Part 1 is here.

Dr. Manning started off his meal by twirling his wet tongue around Cassie's clit. Her clit was much bigger than other women's, and made Dr. Manning's job very easy. He trailed his tongue from her soaking wet pussy up to her clit, leaving sticky juices up through her slit. He stopped again at her love button, and sucked it into his mouth, pressing his tongue against the tip as she screamed out from his abuse of her sensitive place.

She had never had a man between her legs this way before, and she couldn't help but lift her young body up to press her pink womanhood further into this hungry doctor's awaiting mouth.

He continued his assault on her pussy; sticking his tongue out and making it rigid, wetness dripping off of it, perfect for sliding into Cassie's little love tunnel. Dr Manning slowly slid his throbbing tongue into her slick but very tight and fresh entrance.

Time almost seemed to stop for this newfound woman. She knew what Dr. Manning was doing, but couldn't yet comprehend that his mouth – his tongue, was going inside of her. Inside of the place she had always been told to keep secret, hidden from the world, and most of all, away from men. It seemed that, at that moment, her heart and pussy were connected. Connected by strings of wet, gooey, uncontrollable lust.

Soon Dr. Manning's mouth pressed against her sweet body once again, but this time they were connected. His thick tongue was now embedded deep in this little girl. He could taste her on the inside, and his mouth would not stop watering: spreading her juices mixed with his liquid lust for her all over her writhing mound. The wetness dripped from her onto his chin but he didn't have the faintest thought to ever stop being this close to her.

On reflex, Cassie tightened her pussy, making her clit twitch slightly and become even more engorged. Dr. Manning could feel her tightening on his tongue, and started sliding it in and out of her tasty honey pot. She could not handle this sudden movement and tried to back away from the intense pleasure.

He acted quickly, grabbing her wide hips and pinning her down to the bed. Cassie struggled, naturally, but this animalistic man was much too strong. He held her little body in place with almost no effort, which was even easier considering her weakened lustful state. Dr. Manning continued his oral crusade of her sweet flower. Cassie moaned uncontrollably, throwing her head from side to side as the ecstasy overtook her. Without her consent, her body was being manipulated in unimaginable ways – at least to her inexperienced mind.

She bit her lower lip hard, and Dr. Manning withdrew his sopping wet tongue from her to begin lapping at the nectar that now fully coated her slit. He dug his tongue from her entrance all the way up to her throbbing clit, which looked so engorged it might burst.

Even though Cassie didn't emotionally know what was happening to her, her body reacted in a way that signaled she had been needing this for years. And Dr. Manning would unabashedly oblige. Not only would be oblige, he would indulge. All of his primal instincts could no longer be kept behind the cage of his eyes. Every day Cassie had walked into his office in her short school skirts and tights, every time he was forced by his oath to look at this girl's perfect pussy inches away from his face, so close he could smell her but never say a word, every night he returned to his office to touch himself in the dark after hours – sitting on that very place her pussy had leaked onto his awaiting fingers and the table…Every one of those tortures he had endured was now being repaid.

No matter how much Cassie's beautiful mouth protested, Dr. Manning knew the truth. Her form was a map. Showing him the places to lick and caress just-so, to bring her to that nirvana, that place above the pink clouds that she had never dreamed of being before. It was his mission to take her there.


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