Pets Pt2

The first part of this story can be found here:


George wriggled out from under her and grabbed a roll of tissues from the kitchen which he put into her limp arms. Walking into the bedroom he recalled again what a good idea it was to replace all the carpets with lino. It said on the volunteering page that she was a squirter so he had accommodated that. It was well worth the expense he concluded as he dressed. Back in the front room, she began clearing up the mess she made, wondering at how so much liquid managed to come out of her and how it could feel so good. Thankfully her insides seemed to have gotten used to the vibrator, otherwise being on her hands and knees to clean up the cum puddle would have been painful. Sitting with a handful of soggy tissues she had a naughty idea. Knowing that she had to hurry, she executed her plan and was sitting innocently by the sofa when her Master emerged from the bedroom to begin his day. On the way to his study she made a pitiful sound and looked at the front door. "Do you really think you deserve to be walked?" he asked, coming to stand in front of her. She nodded slowly and reached to unzip his fly, unleashing his cock. Leaning forward, she took it into her mouth, feeling his hand resting on her head. Encouraged she used her tongue to stroke the head as she moved her mouth back and forth. Peeling back the foreskin with her teeth, she quickly flicked her tongue over the very tip before thrusting forward, allowing it to go far down her throat. Suddenly he pulled back, his cock popping out of her mouth. He quickly put it away and pulled her to her feet. She looked at him with confusion, but he ignored her and lifted her foot onto the arm of the sofa, exposing her puffy pink slit with its accompanying toy. He reached down and flicked a switch, and she felt the head of the dildo begin to rotate inside her. "Oh my god, hmmm" she begins, closing her eyes to feel the sensation better. She could feel a finger beginning to manipulate her clit, adding a whole new dimension of pleasure. "See what happens when your a good girl?" George asked her in a sultry voice, noticing the beads of her lubrication begin running down her leg like little dew drops on young grass. "Uhuh, urh, mmm" She responded, leaning against him for support and breathing heavily in his ear. "don't stop, please, ohhh…" He kept her on the edge of orgasm for many minutes before finally pulling his finger away and gently lowering her foot to the ground into the small lake of arousal that she had produced. They walked over to the door, and he attached an extendable lead to her collar before they walked out into the sunshine.

She ran to the end of the path, glorying in the feel of the bright sunshine on her bare skin and the sensation of the still rotating toy inside her. George followed her out of the door, grinning at her childish delight. As they proceeded down the street, she stopped and found a suitable tree. Walking up to it, she squatted slightly and, with an expression of relief and pleasure on her face, began to relive herself, urine spraying and leaking down her leg, the jet obstructed by the twirling toy. Sneaking up behind her, George pulled her into a bear hug, slipping his finger inside her vagina to press against her urethral hole, blocking the flow. After a few moments he began moving his finger in circles, never quite uncovering the hole, kissing her neck as she squawked and moaned in protest. She began sobbing in frustration and discomfort, George refusing to allow her to pee, her weak struggles making no difference. Soon drops began to escape as the pressure built up, the tightness created by both the vibrator and the finger no longer enough to contain it. Kissing her one last time, he pulled his finger from her and held her up as amber liquid poured from her stretched slit and her legs turned to jelly from the sensation of sudden relief. A large yellow puddle remained as they walked back over to the pavement together. "That was mean" she accused, her tone changing to worry "what did I do wrong?" "Nothing, I just felt like you needed to appreciate these walks much more. Now you know what it would feel like if I corked you like some other master's do." She shuddered, knowing the practice of 'corking' was not uncommon. Though there were very few laws governing pets, one of them was that a pet was not allowed out in public unless escorted by their master. 'Corking', the practice of placing a rubber 'cork' in a pets urethra, prevented the pet from urinating and meant that busy masters did not have to take their pets out as often. "Please promise me you'll never do that to me!" She begged, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "I might do." She looked at him with open mouthed astonishment. She was so cute when she wanted or, more accurately, didn't want something. Laughing, he told her to calm down and pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry Honey, I would never do that to you. Except maybe as a punishment." he whispered into her ear. Leaving her with that thought, he continued walking down the road, slowly in order to allow her to catch up. Walking past a neighbors house, they saw a head pop up. "Hey, how are you two today?" said Nicole from behind the bush she had been pruning. "Oh my, what did you do to deserve that?" she asked George's pet, looking between her legs. "She was a very bad girl this morning, I caught her masturbating." "Well, I don't blame her." She had walked to her garden gate and opened it to join them on the pavement. "It looks uncomfortable" Nicole crouched and reached between her legs to fiddle with the dial, making her squirm at the changing vibrations. Settling on a speed, and from the look on her face it was a very pleasurable one, she stood back up. "Have you thought of a name for her yet?" Nicole asked, leaning against the bush. "I have, though I don't know if she deserves to be given one yet." "Oh, stop being so harsh on her. She should come round sometime and play with Stella, see how a real pet should behave. I would like to spend some time with her myself…" she looked down at the heavily breathing pet, appraising her. "I might take you up on that, but only if I can join in as well" George grinned, looking at his lovely neighbor. Her light blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail to keep it out of her way when gardening and her clothes did little to hide the lovely figure beneath them, showing breasts that were used to being admired, by both men and women. Her shapely legs emerged from a short skirt. The pet, perhaps wanting to thank Nicole for turning up the toy, had snuck her hand up the short skirt and was currently doing something that was making Nicole gasp and clutch at the hedge behind her for support. George crossed his arms, obviously enjoying the show. The hand emerged, tugging down a pair of white panty's with a large wet spot on them. Quickly, the vacant space between Nicole's legs was filled with a red head, a slurping sound following soon after. It was obvious at this point that the only thing keeping her standing up was the support gained from being able to lean against the hedge."Oh god, hmmm, keep doing that. No, stop, stop, that's enough" She panted, fishing under her skirt to get her out. Grinning broadly, George repeated his question. "Defiantly" she said, breathing heavily "This bitch owes me an orgasm" Nicole drew her up and kissed her deeply, muttering something in her ear before turning to George and engaging her mouth there as well. Turning, she walked back into her house, waving goodbye as the door closed behind her.George continued down the path, his slave trailing along behind. Tiring of her tardiness he turned, about to berate her but noticed her strange expression. Her eyes were rolling back in their sockets, her face screwed up in concentration, her breath coming in short desperate pants as she stood with her hands on her knees. Glancing between her legs he noticed that his dirty neighbour had turned on the vibrator up to full, and it was still twisting inside her. Juices were streaming down the insides of her thighs and dripping down onto the pavement below. He went behind her and turned it off, ignoring her frustrated moan. George smirked, imagining how he would make Nicole pay for her little deception tomorrow. "Come on, lets finish your walk, then I might let you have a little fun." Mollified slightly, she followed him to the park. "Let me off the lead, I promise I'll be good!" She gave him an imploring look "Please?" "Hmmm, ok. But leave your toy in, your still being punished." her master said as he unhooked her lead. "Awww, but it hurts!" Seeing the determination on his face, she gave up and ran off to play with another pet whilst he walked up to its owner and began a conversation, keeping a careful eye on the two of them. "Miss the Autumn?" George asked casually. "A little, I like red and gold. But the rain always ruins it I feel." "I know what you mean, she doesn't like to go out when it's raining, and I don't blame her." "Frank never likes to either" He gestured at the two pets "Still, they know what they sign up for when they volunteer." "Yeah, I know. Oh, whats going on there?" The pets had stopped playing and she had leaned up against a tree with her legs spread. Very little of Frank's head could be seen as it was stuck between her legs. Noticing their master's walking towards them, they separated, a guilty look on her face, a pleased smirk on his. "What was going on there?" The other owner asked. "Um, I was just showing him my new, um, thing." she finished lamely. "Oh, what thing?" She glanced at her master, she saw him nod. She lay down on her back and, knees bent, opened her legs. "Oh, ok. You must have been a very bad pet in order to deserve that. What were you doing to her Frank?" "I was, um, helping her." "Helping her what?" George interrupted. "I, um, she had gooey legs, and er…" "I wanted him to help me clean up, since I cant reach down there." She interjected. Her thigh's did look cleaner, free from the various liquids that had splashed and run down them that morning. "Hmm, ok I guess." George said. "But we have to go now anyway, it was nice meeting you though." He directed this at the two men. After they had said their goodbyes and parted ways she spoke again. "Your not angry with me again are you Master?" "No, but I wish you hadn't wound up Frank so much." "Yeah, I made him really hard" She giggled girlishly. "I should have let him fuck you, since you made him so horny." "But you said I couldn't take my toy out Master." she said innocently. "Exactly" he gave her a level look and gave her plump behind a squeeze, suggesting an alternate hole for Frank to use. She shuddered. "But anyway, its too late now." She sighed with relief and they walked home in silence.

Inside the door, he turned towards his study, leaving his pet to settle down for a nap on the sofa. Moments after he had entered however, he called her. Hurrying in, she saw his briefcase open, filled with soggy tissues. A powerful smell of sex emanated from them. "Would you like to explain this?" He asked her, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Er, no." she answered, remembering her prank from earlier. She had hidden the soggy tissues she had used to clean up her puddle in his case. "That" He gestured at the toy between her legs "Is not going to be coming out any time soon if you keep behaving like this. Come with me, your not getting a nap today." He lead her to the bedroom and fetched a large length of rope, a clock and a bucket from under the bed. Directing her onto the bed, face down, he pulled her foot up to her bum and tied it to her thigh, doing the same with her other foot. Then he pulled her arms behind her back and wound rope from her elbows to her wrists, knotting them securely. Next, he attached the two ropes together, forcing her to arch her back and spread her knees wide. Tying a rope round the knot joining her limbs, he walked over to the middle of the room and passed it through a hook in the ceiling hauling her up into the air about a foot from the ground in the center of the room. He tied off that rope and carried the end over to another hook set in the ceiling about a foot from the last. He passed it though that and grabbed hold of her hair, entwining the two. Lastly, he grabbed the clock placed it in front of her where she would easily be able to see it and placed the bucket on the floor beneath her inflamed pussy. He stepped back to survey his handiwork She was suspended about a foot from the floor, her hair pulled back by the rope on the ceiling forcing her to look at the clock. If her movements would cause her to spin, she would be jerked back, painfully, by her hair. The first time he had tied her up in this way she had thoroughly soaked the floor under her, prompting the need for the bucket this time. He went round behind her and turned the dial on the vibrator up to almost full power, engaging the rotation feature as well. "You see that?" He said, pointing at the clock "Every time it beeps you have permission to cum, once and once only. I have set it to beep every ten minutes. Have fun." He kissed her on the lips, and then left to clean up his office. He worked as a novelty toy designer, creating ideas for sex toy's for the mass market. He found the soft moans and sudden bursts of sound, approximately every ten minutes, inspiring in his line of work. An hour or so later he took a break, got a coffee for himself and went to watch her jerk and struggle in her captivity. The bucket was almost half full, making him wonder just how much she could cum in a day. At that moment the clock beeped, inspiring muffled screams and geyser to spurt from her into the container. Taking the bucket, he emptied it into the kitchen sink, before returning it to its original place. He took another instrument from under the bed, this time a butt-plug that measured three inches long and just under an inch thick. She moaned when she saw it. Though she didn't like things being put in her ass, her body enjoyed it. This butt-plug was special because it had a vibrating function. George knew it drove her crazy, and she would have trouble not cumming before the bell rang. He teased her with it, rolling it around in her lubrication and pressing it against the small brown hole. Holding her to keep her from swinging, he pressed, sliding it in smoothly, despite her howls and protests. He moved round the front and kissed her, enjoying her conflicted whimpering, loving it even more when he reached round and flicked the switch, her shuddering mimicking the vibrations running through her nether regions. He decided to finish his day's work in the bedroom, watching his pet jerk and groan in her bindings, occasionally releasing another carefully timed torrent into the bucket.



  1. Throwaway, cause throwaway. Is there more? Please more? Your stories get me do hot and bothered. These are really good!

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