Doctor Finally Gets to Play [Part 1] [Mf] [Pseudo-Psych] [Lactation]

Dr. Manning smiled down on Cassie as she awoke softly from her medically-induced sleep. Her eyes fluttered open and she moved to stretch, but found herself strapped in place on the bed. Her foggy mind suddenly started to form coherent thoughts and she became alarmed.

"What…?" Her inner voice wanted to scream. "This isn't a hospital…w-where am I?" Cassie's eyes watered as she became frightened and realized fully her helpless situation.

"Don't be scared, little kitten…" Dr. Manning cooed to her as he loosened the restraints a bit. "It's okay. It's okay. No one is going to hurt you, it's only me." Dr. Manning's strong tone soothed her. The tone of this man calmed her senses and lulled her into a sense of warmth and security.

Cassie's mouth finally started to work. "Where am I? Why am I here? I thought I was only going for a check-up and then…" Tears formed in her blue eyes once again. "No, no everything is fine honey." Dr. Manning hugged her little body. "I just needed to bring you here because I needed to experiment. The world of science has recently made some exceptional advances in attachment theory in the last few months, as I'm sure you know."

Cassie thought back to the day when her psychology teacher came into their classroom a month or so ago, newspaper in hand, excited about such advancements. Recently psychologists and scientists alike have found that the attachments (or lack there of) formed between infants and caregivers can be rectified in early adulthood/late adolescence.

Before, if an infant was to not form an attachment with anyone, that would cause the child (and later on the adult) to be unable to make deep meaningful bonds and connections with others in the future, or to attach too strongly to almost everyone they came in contact with. However, recent studies suggest that this can be rectified in early adulthood/late adolescence. If the teen was to have an attachment re-introduced to them in these years, they would have a very good chance of experiencing normal relationships in the future.

Dr. Manning leaned up and spoke softly. "The only problem with these new advances is how to create this attachment. Since they are no longer an infant and not entirely dependent on others, it's hard to form that deep of a bond with someone else because the bond between an infant and caregiver is largely dependent of the caretaker meeting the infant's needs. I, however, may have the solution. And I need you to help me test my theory, love."

Cassie's eyes widened. She had no idea that Dr. Manning knew about her past. That she had never really formed a strong attachment with anyone due to the abuse she suffered.

"You see, babydoll," The word sent shivers down Cassie's 19 year old spine. Her body instantly softened and she felt warm all over as soon as he said it. "My theory is that this attachment can be made with sex. Sexual intimacy, if never experienced before, is very strong and overpowering. I know you have had boys before, but none have made you feel right. Not even close. In fact, in my eyes you are a virgin. Pure and delicate;like a little flower. And now it's time for me to show you pleasure, and what true love is.

Her heart fluttered as Dr. Manning leaned down and kissed her lips passionately. He watched as her eyes closed gently and she leaned into the kiss, as much as she could with the restraints restricting her movement. His soft tongue glided past her silky smooth lips, and met her wet, anticipating tongue with lust. Their tongues danced together, his experienced one against her pure-hearted, almost childlike young one.

He slowly let his hand drift from the side of her face down to her breasts. Emotionally she was underdeveloped, but ever since she was twelve years old her breasts have been developing bigger and bigger. Right now they were 48DD's, and a big handful for Dr. Manning.

He felt himself growing hard under his coat, and grabbed her soft breast harder. Cassie moaned out softly, squeezing her thighs together to push on her clit as it became swollen.

Dr. Manning, becoming angry with all of the restrictions, quickly untied her, knowing that her womanhood would persuade her mind not to run from the imminent pleasures to come. He was right, and Cassie only moved to wrap her arms around his broad shoulders.

He unbuttoned her pink blouse softly, not pulling back to reveal the treasures underneath until all of the buttons were undone. He cleared away the thin fabric and found a dark green lacy bra, with black trim and pink bows. Her nipples were visible through the bra, even though it was made of a heavy material due to her breasts being so large.

Cassie was so turned on that her nipples had become very hard and wanting. She blushed as he saw her bra like this, and moved to cover her breasts with her arms. When she did, the sudden pressure on her chest made her breasts leak a small amount of sweet milk. She gasped and looked down at the little wet spots that were now on her bra, and was shocked.

"Looks like the injection I gave you to induce lactation worked, huh?" Dr. Manning whispered into her ear. All she could do was let out a small squeak before he attacked her rapidly filling breasts with his tongue. Pulling her bra to the side, he pulled her hard little nipple into his mouth and flicked it softly with his tongue. Sweet milk poured over his taste buds and made his eyes close as he savored this young maiden's virgin milk.

She had never produced before, and he was the first to enjoy the nutrients her body had to offer. She shivered and moaned as she felt the warm milk flow through her into his awaiting mouth. Cassie arched her back and pressed herself deeper into Dr. Manning's mouth as he suckled with such vigor that Cassie's nipple started to swell along with her clit.

After Dr. Manning had his fill, he kissed Cassie roughly so she could taste herself on his tongue. This was when she noticed his hardness against her hip for the first time. It radiated heat, and had an almost comforting quality. He was softly humping her hip, very turned on by the suckling session that had just taken place.

Dr. Manning noticed right away her shift in mood. Her body had become rigid and her eyes became scared. He licked her neck softly and calmed her. "Don't worry babydoll. I won't use my penis yet. We will go nice and slow." He slowed his humping of her hip to a soft rhythm that soothed her mind. Her body became warm again and he climbed into the bed with her and held her close to his chest.

As he cuddled her, Dr. Manning reached around her back to unhook her bra. He did so expertly, and soon Cassie's bra was on the floor with her blouse.

He rested his head on her soft pillowy breasts and ran his hands along her body. He traced from her prominent ribs down to her soft hips and thighs. He did this over and over, until her body and his hand had worked up a sort of rhythm. She would exhale, and he would run down her ribs, when she inhaled, he would be at her hips, drawing little circles on her thighs occasionally.

After a while of this, Dr. Manning addressed Cassie once again. "I'm going to need you to turn over dear, for the experiment of course." She accepted his command and rolled onto her tummy.

He gazed at Cassie's body, from her silky white shoulders to her perfect little ass. He ran his hand over it once, twice, and cupped it gently. It was the perfect size, muscular but so soft. He grabbed it with both hands and put his face to it, inhaling deeply.

He could smell her pussy right away. It had gotten much wetter than he expected. Her pussy smelled like pure lust, wanting and needing to be filled by him. He backed away and slowly lifted her lace skirt to see what lie underneath.

It was skin-tight pink and white lacy panties, similar to what a child might wear. These spread over her ass nicely, pulling tight and slightly pulled up into her ass right before her pussy started. He lifted them up a little, so they would become stuck in her beautiful ass, and felt exactly how wet she really was.

Her panties were soaked. Absolutely see-through in the front, like they had been dipped in water. At that moment, Dr. Manning was no longer a doctor. He was just a man, needing for a woman. This woman.

Cassie was no longer a patient in an experiment, she was a little girl who needed to be shown what pleasure and love really feel like. Dr. Manning flipped Cassie around, and started sucking on her panties roughly. He could not stop himself even if he wanted to, he needed her. Needed to taste this little girl's nectar.

He tongued and sucked on her clit through the panties, and Cassie could not stop moaning and screaming in pure pleasure. She had never felt this way before, so wanted…and helpless against Dr. Manning's perversions.

Dr. Manning pulled her panties finally to the side and got started on his real feast; that of a fresh, young, shaven innocent little girl's virgin pussy.

Part 2 is here.


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