The Hotel Room (Mf) [light bd]

This is a chapter in a longer piece I'm working on. Comments appreciated.

The hotel lobby was big and imposing. Gilded crown moldings and over-stuffed brown leather chairs with overpriced suits sitting in them. Adrienne walked quickly through the lobby with her eyes lowered afraid the concierge or desk clerk would ask her a question or offer to help. She paused halfway through the lobby to get her surroundings. The front desk was to the right with two clerks one of whom was helping a guest and the other who was… looking right at right at her and smiling. She quickly turned to the left and noticed a hotel bar. Maybe a quick drink would calm her nerves. No, he was waiting somewhere upstairs in this overly elaborate monstrosity of a hotel. Why would he stay in a hotel this expensive? She never understood why someone would pay this much money for a place they’re only going to sleep. Clean, yes. Nice design, great. But this overly elaborate lobby and bar with a… tuxedoed piano man? Jeez. This was the type of place her friend Claire’s grandparents would stay at. They were always trying to show off their money. She hated Luka a little for making her come to this type of place.

-Can I help you Miss?

Startled, Adrienne turned to stare into the face of a bellhop. He seemed young and energetic. What was he 16? She figured you had to be older to be work in a place like this. Wait what was he asking?

-Um no. I’m fine thank you.

-Very well; he replied.

He turned to leave and she thought: there goes my chance to get out of this lobby.

-Uh, actually; she called out.

He looked back at her. Eyes wide he was excited to be of help to a girl this pretty; it made him feel like he had a purpose working in this place. He was hoping she would ask him to leave right now and get a drink around the corner.

-Could you point me in the direction of the elevators?

-Of course. To your right; next to the front desk follow the hallway then the elevators will be on your left. I can walk you there.

He looked into her eyes and wanted to kiss her right there. She gave him a slight smirk and he instinctively gave it back. Now they were full on smiling at each other. Just staring into each other’s eyes and grinning like two awkward teenagers in the middle of a hotel lobby. She broke first.

-Thank you. I’ll find my way.

Adrienne walked briskly with her head down and her cheeks flushed. She was a little taken aback by the forwardness of the bellhop. Perhaps he wasn’t as young as she thought or perhaps everyone else in the world was a little more comfortable with the opposite sex than she was until very recently. His smile was arousing but perhaps sarcastic. Hell, she looked like a cheap hooker walking around clinging her Burberry overcoat shut. God forbid someone sees what she was (or wasn’t) wearing underneath.

The young bellhop watched her go. The tight brown coat clung to her body. Black high heeled shoes with red soles walking away in a fast direct clicking toward the elevators. He followed her heels to her stockings with a perfect vertical seam running up her calf before disappearing at her knee under the brown coat. Someone was in for a wild night. She wasn’t a call girl. Call girls always know where the elevators are at the Piedmont Hotel. Most likely she was someone’s mistress; perhaps an expensive date night for a couple looking to spice it up. He hoped it was the latter. Girls who looked like that, a mix of sex and innocence, was what he was searching for.

Adrienne stepped in front of the elevator banks and pushed the up button. With her hands in her pockets she fingered the post it note with Luka’s room number on it. 1954. She didn’t need to look at it as she memorized the number as soon as he whispered it breathlessly to her over the phone. The elevator doors opened efficiently and revealed a large mirrored interior. Taking a gloved hand she brushed her blonde hair behind her ear and stepped inside, glancing up slightly to get a look of herself in the mirror. It was a combination of the soft white lighting and dark reflective glass but as she peered into her own eyes a pure honest thought flashed across her mind: “God she is beautiful.” A pure opinion unhindered by her hang ups or self-deprecating modesty. A wave of confidence and relaxation crashed over her. She knew where she was going and she knew she wanted to go there. She pushed the button for the 19th floor and smiled mischievously as the doors closed silently in front of her. The elevator arrived on the 19th floor with a sudden stop; the inertia giving her stomach a lift and adding to her energy level. She turned and walked down the hallway; back straight, chin high, and ready to see Luka in person for the first time in almost 3 years. The hallway was long and she continued counting the room numbers, until finally, at the corner of the hallway, a single door to her left with gold numbering: 1954. Adrienne smiled to herself inhaled a deep breath and confidently knocked on the door. She waited a moment and heard movement inside. The turning of a lock and then the turn of the knob. She drew in her breath and held it as the door slowly opened; only to be stopped by the door chain. A hand reached out holding black material and reaching toward her. The hand was followed by a wrist covered with a white French cuff shirt. When she could see the bend of an elbow she was left looking at the material and reached up to take it from the hand. As she did, the hand slowly withdrew back behind the door, which was then shut. Adrienne looked at the material in her hand and turned it over. Even before examining it she knew what is was. It was a large black velvet blindfold. She looked up into the keyhole where she knew Luka was watching her to see what her reaction would be. He was wondering if she was the same closeted little girl he met three years ago, the shy girl, scared of sex, that he met back in New York. But she wasn’t. Not anymore. She looked into the peephole, into his eyes, and pulled the blindfold over her face blacking out the whole world. As she dropped her hands to her side she heard the door click open.

His hand took hers and gently pushing the small of her back Luka guided her into his hotel room. Five or six steps in, he stopped her gently and let go of her hand. Adrienne heard the door close and then lock behind her. She could hear him move about the room and tried to get a bearing on her surroundings. She strained her ears listening to the swish of his clothes and looked for a clue as to what lie in the room with them. She reached up slowly with her hands; pawing at the air to see if he was nearby. The anticipation was eating at her; she felt a shiver run up her spine. Then she began to hear music the slow strumming of the guitar and a raspy voice. It was a deep slow song and she might have felt herself sway. Then from behind she felt his hand brush her hair away from her neck; his lips gently pressed onto her skin softly kissing below her ear. Luka slid his right hand under her hair cupping her neck while pulling the collar of her jacket open to expose more skin which he begin to kiss gently and continuously. Adrienne moaned at the physical touch she had been craving at long last. Her eyes closed underneath the blindfold; she pictured Luka behind her with his short black hair and unshaven face. She tried to maneuver her shoulder to see if she could feel his beard but as soon as she did he gently pushed her shoulder down with the flat of his palm. He moved his hands to her waist and nuzzled his chin into the small of her neck. “He shaved” she thought. She could feel him breathing now. Warm breaths on her neck. His hands reached in front of her and slowly untied the belt loop of her jacket. He leaned into her neck and kissed, touching his tongue lightly to her neck. Distracted by his soft kisses, Adrienne barely noticed he was unbuttoning her jacket until the final third button was open. As she leaned her head back onto his shoulder Luka grabbed the sides of the jacket and opened it carefully. He lifted his head off her shoulder and pulled the jacket down her arms. He stepped away to look at her outfit and Adrienne forced herself to control her smile. He might have anticipated a black dress he did not anticipate her wearing this outfit.

She noticed he wasn’t touching her now. “He must be enjoying the view” she thought. What a view it was. Her black lace bra and panties matched the garter belt that held up her thigh high stockings. The leather elbow length La Perla gloves gave her a look of strength and the heels she wore gave her an extra 3 inches of height. The white pearl necklace she borrowed from her friend Claire completed the outfit. As Adrienne noticed that she was missing his touch she also noticed the music had changed. The bass was deeper but the voice was still dark and raspy. She could feel the music wash over her body and was enjoying the feeling until she suddenly felt the touch of Luka’s index finger on her hip. He let his finger linger and then began to move around her body. “He must be circling me” she thought. His finger ran over her stomach and waist, then across her lower back until it was back to her hip bone. He continued to trace his fingers over her until he again was directly behind her. This time he pushed his crotch into her ass from behind. Pushing his hardness against the soft lace material of her panties. Adrienne swooned and begin to push back; grinding against the growing arousal in his pants. She felt him again move her hair to the side and start to kiss the back of her neck. They continued like that grinding into each other as Luka started to lick down her shoulder stopping every few inches to give her a playful bite. She could feel him get harder behind her and reached up with her hands to grab his hair but he quickly took her wrists and brought them to her side. While there he took the opportunity to grab her hips and pull her even harder into his crotch. She let out a light moan as his fingers spread on her stomach and began kneading her soft skin. He was getting worked up now and raised his hands to her breasts. Feeling the soft lace material of her bra he grabbed each cup softly. He slipped two fingers behind the material and ran his fingernails over her nipples. She felt how hard her nipples were and could feel the wetness between her legs. This teasing was taking too long she needed to feel him inside of her. Instead of giving her the release she craved he moved his fingers and hands away from her chest and began to unhook the clasp of her bra. As he pulled the straps down her shouldersthe lace material fell away from her body. Adrienne stood there topless and exposed. As Luka again moved away from her body, allowing her to feel the music which was deep and bluesy. If this lasted any longer she might be forced to take matters into her owns hands and force herself on him. As soon as the thought crossed her mind she again felt his hand take hers and lead her deeper into the room.

Luka must have turned the music louder because she could barely hear their steps. He stopped Adrienne by putting his hand on her stomach; then placing one hand on her shoulder and pushing down gently with the other pushing the back of her knee she went to her knees feeling a soft, well-placed pillow below her. Kneeling on the pillow she arched her back to expose her breasts a little more for Luka’s benefit. He seemed not to notice as he was behind her and was busy wrapping a soft leather band around her wrist. He then tied the band to her second wrist behind her back. The anticipation grew as she knew what was coming. It started with what she thought was a kiss but in fact was the tip of Luka’s hard dick rubbing slightly against her lips. She opened her mouth to take him in but he must have pulled away. She could taste his pre-cum and licked her lips enjoying the scene she must be making. Then his dick came back to her mouth and this time he allowed it to sit on her lips. Desperate for a taste but not wanting to ruin the mood by speeding up the proceedings, Adrienne sucked in the tip of his dick. Licking the underside and then rolling her tongue around the entire head. She took it out and turning her head sideways gave a long lick down his shaft then sucking and kissing the side of Luka’s dick on her return to the tip. Once again she took the head into her mouth and sucking hard flicked the underside with her tongue before shaking her head slightly left and right running her tongue back and forth. She then tried to take him deep into her mouth and could feel her nose brush against his abdomen. She felt him shudder then and was sure if the music wasn’t so loud she would have heard him moan. She bobbed her head up to the tip and then down his shaft again. Though not as far as the first time. She was getting herself into a steady rhythm. Sucking and bobbing on his cock. She couldn’t help but speed up and kept up a fast licking method with her tongue. Rolling her tongue around his head then sucking down the shaft with her tongue on the underside of his dick. Only to bring her mouth and tongue back up to the tip; then again roll it around his head and back down. Adrienne could sense his excitement and knew she was pushing him to the edge but she didn’t care, she wanted to taste him. Suddenly, she felt his hands on the top of her head as he forcefully slowed her down. Luka held her head in place and slow swayed his hips back and forth. He was careful, only allowing half of his eight inches into her mouth. He slowly fucked her mouth like this while Adrienne sucked on him harder than before. If he wouldn’t let her have her fun then she would make life hard for him. Using his dick like a straw she attempted to suck the cum out of him; the pressure from the suction surrounding his cock. At last unable to take anymore Luka pushed her head away and withdrew himself from her mouth.

Adrienne sat on her knees and smiled, knowing how good that must have felt for him. She breathed deeply as her heart raced. Listening to the deep rhythmic bass of the music in her rib cage gave her energy. She wanted to be out of these leather bondages and she wanted to fuck. He had her on the edge and she just needed him to penetrate her. Then she felt the tug on her wrists and knew she would be free. Luka worked efficiently to undo the leather straps from her wrist and then in one strong motion placed his hands on her ribcage and lifted her off her knees and off the floor. Adrienne stood there a bit shaken from the immediate rise and catching her balance while standing. She swooned slightly as the head rush and music hit her at once; as she tilted on her heels she could feel Luka’s arm wrap around her and pull her down again while his other arm scooped her up from underneath her thighs.

He carried her for a few steps and she lay her head against his shoulder. Slowly he extended his arms and gently laid her onto the bed. Her head rested on a pillow and she could feel the soft sheets on her skin. She purred to herself in pleasure and gripped the bed sheets in delight. She could feel Luka watching her and she didn’t care. Her eyes blinded, breasts exposed, and garter holding up her stockings in this expensive hotel room she felt like the sexiest woman alive and wanted him to watch her and enjoy the view she was giving him. Luka obviously had better ideas than watching her; he took both her wrists and pulling them away from her sides raised them above her head. She could hear the clicking noise before feeling the cold metal brush against her skin. The handcuff went on her left wrist first and then the right. She pulled her wrists a bit testing the strength and give of her shackles. She played with each handcuff feeling its weight and metal with her fingers. The chain was smaller than she imagined but the clamps were larger. She pulled again edging herself up the bed an inch or so. Then just as she was going to work her way up she felt the drip of cold water between her breasts. Just a single droplet at first; then followed by another. The dripping continued slowly up to her neck and then chin. Each cold droplet falling a little farther north than the last. Then after a drop fell onto her lips and she lustily licked it up, the droplets stopped. She was again left untouched and listening to music. Then a shot of freezing cold. The cold of an ice cube on her nipple. Only for a second. A cube dropped to touch her nipple and then back up. Then the other nipple was hit. She arched her back in a mixture of pleasure and discomfort. She felt the ice circle her nipple before the warm touch of Luka’s tongue licked the melted water. He sucked her tit engulfing as much as he could in his mouth. He slowly let it out of his mouth keeping the suction constant before letting it go with an audible popping sound.

Luka swung his bare leg over her body and pressed his full weight on top of her. She could feel his chest on hers and his hard cock pressing between her legs. Her wetness dampened her panties and she rocked her hips trying to moisten his erection. He kissed the side of her neck sucking and biting it slowly. Cupping the back of her head in his hand he gripped her hair tightly which just caused a pleasurable tingle to shoot down her spine. Even with the blindfold on Adrienne clenched her eyes with pleasure. Luka kissed down her neck alternatively kissing and licking down the middle of her chest; playfully biting the middle of her breast bone before reaching the soft smooth skin of her stomach. He played with her stomach; kissing in circles around her button and biting the soft flesh lightly. Adrienne felt his hands move from the bed to just under the top of her legs. His strong fingers wrapping around the legs just below the bottom of her ass. The soft wet touch of his tongue briefly shot under the band of her panties. Adrienne could feel his lick and as he turned he rested his head on her stomach. She could feel his hair on her skin; his chin on her abdomen. She wanted to break free of the handcuffs and grab his head and pull him close to her. She wanted to run her hands through his hair, grab his ears, and shove his face into her crotch. But instead, she felt the cold metal cuffs on her wrists and his hands grabbing the top of her legs his face nestled against her belly.

She was enjoying the sensation emanating from her stomach so much that she barely noticed his fingers creep up and begin to pull on the band of her underwear. Luka begin to kiss her stomach again but this time as he kissed lower he lowered her panties. Working his way to the very top of her shaved pubic bone he stopped and leaned up. He slowly pulled her panties away from her pussy and down her legs. She smiled finally being freed from the material; raising her legs to allow him to remove the black satin material completely. Resting the sharp heel of her shoe on the bed and the other on his chest she playfully pushed him back as though to tease him away from her. Luka smiled and grabbed the ankle in front of him pulling it away from his chest up to his mouth. He kissed her Achilles tendon working his way up her calf. He grabbed her other knee and pushed it away opening her to him. Luka leaned forward and kissed up her inner thigh. Reaching the edge of her stocking he bit one of the plastic round garter straps and undid it with his mouth. It snapped back and hit Adrienne's stomach making her jump. She twitched from the feeling of the strap on her stomach and then again when she felt the soft wetness of his tongue on her pussy. Instinctively she ground down onto his tongue but he moved it away before she could bury it inside herself.

Luka kissed above her garter again; licking up the inside of her thigh until he could go no farther. Then he begin to kiss up the v of her abdominal, working towards her hip bone. When he reached the bone he began to move back down the line to her thigh. Finally reaching near the soft wet lip of her waiting pussy. He licked upwards outside her lip to the top of her vagina. He softly kissed above her clitoris before licking downward outside the opposite lip. He licked around her pussy again in the same manner; grabbing her bare ass in his hands as he did so. After circling a third time he stopped at the lowest point and slowly licked the inside of her lip. Letting the wetness drip onto his tongue he moved upward feeling the lip move with his head. He rolled her clit beneath the underside of his tongue before working down the inside of the opposite lip. Again he circled slowly in this way three times before teasingly stopping at the bottom. Then Luka flattening his tongue and licked up the middle of her pussy trying to stretch her lips as wide as possible until he reached the bottom of her clit at which point he circled around her engorged clitoris. Teasingly he waited to put the underside of his tongue on top of it and when he finally did so he could feel his pulse and hers as one. Adrienne’s breathing was quickened now and Luka opened his eyes to see her breasts heaving above him. He began to stroke his tongue downwards on her clit; slowly at first but building up to a medium speed matching his stroke with the bass of the music in the background. When the music began to pick up he began to lick upwards sending intense waves of pleasure through her body. She felt his fingers squeeze her ass hard and she wanted them inside her but was being worked over at his whim. She was powerless but enjoying the sensations. She let out a loud audible moan that Luka heard over the music and taking one last long lick up the entirety of her pussy he pulled away and began once again kissing up her stomach to her breasts.

Adrienne let out a scream in frustration and desire.

-Give it to me! Stop playing with me!

Luka put his index finger to her mouth quieting her. She attempted to bite it but he pulled it away from her pearly white teeth and slowly traced it down her neck. He ran his index and middle fingers between her pert breasts and down her stomach. He paused at her pubic bone before touching her swollen wet clit. He made soft circles on her most sensitive area eliciting moans and causing Adrienne’s hips to buck in the air desperate for a rougher more forceful touch. A few moments of teasing and Luka briefly inserted half his index finger inside her damp pussy. Another moan escaped Adrienne’s lips; this was loud and guttural. It was the moan of a woman no longer concerned with her appearance or turning on her partner; it was a moan of desire and animal instinct. She wanted him inside her and she didn’t care for his pleasure or his satisfaction. She wanted him hard and rough, she wanted to be filled, and to feel wave after wave of orgasm. And then his fingers were inside her. Two fingers buried in her pussy up to the knuckle. Luka’s two fingers rubbing the top of her vaginal wall. She bucked into his hand wanting more trying to get the orgasm she so desperately craved. Then he began to move his fingers in and out of her fucking her with his hand. A slow hard rhythm that he slowly sped up. Adrienne caught her breathe and begin to match her hips with his motion; she fucked into his hand getting herself closer and closer to release. His fingers worked vigorously and Adrienne could feel it build inside. Then with a sudden jump she felt a shot of freezing cold ice touch her clit.

-You fuck! She screamed.

With that his fingers left her cunt and the cold wet ice began to rub the lips of her vagina. She strained against the handcuffs and let out another string of explicatives.

-You fucking bastard! Motherfucker! Get that ice off me! Stop it now!

He removed the ice and put it to her lips but Adrienne was too upset to be teased. She sucked the ice into her mouth and spit it as far from her body as she could. Luka smiled at this angry blindfolded girl beneath him. He quickly moved his mouth over her cunt and enveloped her pussy. Feeling the cold wet numbness he sucked and licked it warm; letting her juices flow into his mouth and down his throat. Adrienne once again moaned with pleasure but not without swearing at him a final time.

-Stop it now and give me your fucking dick.

He released his mouth from her and crawled up her body. She could feel his chest on hers and the tip of his dick rubbing against her pussy. Adrienne instinctively spread her legs and arched her back into Luka’s cock. Luka pushed her hip down onto the bed and teased her with the head of his cock. He dipped into her slowly moistening himself with her juices. He pushed deeper into her inch by inch until his eight inches were fully buried inside Adrienne. He left it there and began to grind his hips into hers. Allowing her clit to feel the pressure of his abdomen. Adrienne could feel his breath on her neck and clenched her jaw not allowing him to see how close she was. The clockwise motion of his hips was working her clit perfectly and with his full manhood inside her she was so close to her orgasm. Luka pressed into her harder and rocked his hips faster keeping up with the bass of the music. Adrienne was so close but tired of being teased; she strained against the handcuffs and wrapped her legs around Luka squeezing him tightly. Then she got what she came to this hotel for. Wave after wave of intense orgasm. Her body convulsed as she let out a loud low guttural scream. She could feel the flush heat from her face and chest to the soles of her feet. Luka instinctively pulled back but she gripped him even tighter with her legs. Like a vice she squeezed him into her and he answered her desire by grinding his pubic bone against her clit.
-Into me!, yelled Adrienne, Shoot in to me. Luka moaned in response. He was bucking his hips now unable to control the orgasm about to be squeezed out of his cock by her convulsing pussy.

-I want your cum. Cum into my pussy Luka! Let me feel it. Do it for me.

That sent Luka over the edge and he exploded inside her wet tight womanhood. His sperm being released into her snatch with each quiver of his muscles, until finally he stopped and with his dick still inside her, Luka collapsed on top of her. He nestled his head onto her shoulder and with his hand, held the back of her head. They lay like that for a long moment, both exhausted and relieved.

-Can you uncuff me now?

Luka raised his head and propping himself onto his elbow, unshackled her wrists from the metal bondage. She brought her hands to his shoulders and for the first time that night Luka kissed her softly on the mouth. Embracing her tongue with his, she melted at their interaction and wished it would never end. Luka finally pulled away and slipped his cock out of her, dropping beside her on the bed.
