Your perfect fantasy.

You walk in looking sexy as hell. I make you strip for me. Slowly savoring the moment. Once your down to just your underwear I pull you to me. Sit you on top of me. Almost instinctively you start moving and grinding. I smirk knowing where this is going to go. I place my hands on your hips. Gently slowly moving up. I get to your bra and begin to unhook it. You slap my hands away. I lower my hands pulling you into me. Kissing your neck. Biting your lips. Kissing my way down to your breasts. Take it off I say. You follow orders. I cup your breasts kissing sucking biting. Your hands move under my shirt feeling my body lifting my shirt over my head. I pull you in again whispering what I'm going to do into your ear. I feel your leg twitch on mine. You stand up and bend over. Pulling your underwear down for me. One had caressing your back my other one makes it's way to you. Already wet. I lightly tease around the edges. Then slip one finger in just barely. You try to push back begging for more. My free hand pushes you away. You look back at me longingly. I slowly move my finger teasing feeling your anticipation. I add another. Again just barely. I slowly push deeper feeling your wet warmth. I pull you closer keeping fingers still but moving you. I start moving and rotating fingers hitting the spot over and over. Your leg shakes. I stop. You look at me almost upset. I pick you up feeling you wet against my body. I carry you to the bed lay you down turn my back. You sit up about to ask what. Without looking just listening I tell you to be quite and lay down. You follow. You look on the bed and see two dress ties. I come back something In hand you can't see what. I lift a tie and cover your eyes. I pick up the other and tie your hands above your head. You feel nothing. I'm not touching you at all. I kiss your lips then your neck then your breasts. You feel me moving down. Anticipation. I hover right over. You feel me breathing begging me to do it. I kiss your leg move to your ankle. You sigh. I start kissing up your leg again my lips gently grazing your pussy. Again nothing. I reach my hand under your back and kiss your neck. My hand gently caressing your body. Then by your surprise lightly touch your beautiful wet lips. You let out a gasp. I slowly circle around your clit. And again push my fingers into you. I move my mouth over my fingers. And gently bit your wet lips. Pulling. And sucking. Hour legs tighten around my head. I know you want to grab my hair. You start to wiggle arms. Stop I demand. You again listen. You feel nothing just my absence. Then cold around your breasts. Then lower. The room smells of chocolate. You feel me suck and lick around getting every drop off. Then a pressure. Me just gently teasing you barely putting it in. You move hips to push me deeper. I push into you. Your back arches. I move slow making every push count and pull out almost completely teasing you of the thought of leaving.

Wording used for a specific person I wrote this for she's picky about words used.
