[M4F][Str8][When ex-es reignite] …Here’s The Reignition

I'm not the brightest penny in the vault, not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I have a gift, a superpower if you like to think that way. The ability to tune into the moment, hearing the desire that's let loose as the sun comes up, and the aching nakedness of two people that find themselves in a situation where they just want to meld and share their secrets. Or, at least, share the yearning that wells from the core. Those thoughts that manifest, making pupils dilate, flushing the skin in a way that makes you think 'I hope they cant see that'. And yet you secretly hope that they will. Humans doing human things :)

After a thousand encounters, there was always one that tugged away, unable to forget. A chance crossing of paths, and a volcanic expression of lust, and we explored each other, doing terrible things that made the neighbours angry, as each touch created an expression too loud to suppress. She loved to arch her back as my teeth slowly pressed against her swollen clitoris, wriggling to escape, but never doing so, before I unhinged her, and watched her clench, and clench, and clench, breathing raggedly… There's no better vision of a woman undone, when she is as naked as an orgasm rattles through every pore of her skin, laying there, and happy to be so.

And the feel of her desire, when she insisted I lay face down, and hungrily interrogated my earlobes, and smeared her hands through my hair, in order to graze her teeth against the back of my neck… Hunger is always accentuated when skin feels touched by a woman laying against you. The notion of connection. The power of touch. The power of sex.

All in the past.

But I craved such sensation. And I couldnt let it go. We'd connected. And I chased her on BookFace. I chased her on Messenger. I chased her on text. With sappy messages of incoherent nonsense, usually late at night, because I needed to feel that again. I couldnt forget the glint in her eye. It was irresistible. Redheads are like that.

And then she responded. Just a simple text.

'I'm coming over. I'm wearing one thing. Shut up. If your whiny voice appears, I will leave'

The giggle that it created, is still echoing. A lady who simply takes, a Domme who has the confidence and the power to just know herself… The possibilities simply made me hard. All thick and oozing. She was on her way. And when she would arrive, I'm butter in her hands. I want to be the man, and demand, but I know better from the past. Her imaginations are always enjoyable. I'm such a dom, wanting to help my desires explore a playmate, but after a lot of experiences, she's the only one I trust to reach into my brain, and twirl her fingers..

And she's only wearing one thing? Got to be a dress, surely… Hope it's black…

And then the knock at the door.

She ignores the soft eyes of welcome, and sashays past, with a swing of the hips and a waft of perfume, heels tilting as she radiates womanliness. I remember the curve of her calves. Christ – I'd dreamed of them, they were so memorable. And then she did it. Perched one leg onto the side of the couch, digging the heel of the stiletto into the fabric, pressing and piercing…

I could hardly get past the notion that she was here. Mind tumbling. When you feel that sensation of 'errrm'

And then the decision was made. I dont know where it'll go, but circumstances demand I pay attention. You have to be a human being.

Closing the door, gently, with a soft click of the latch, I turned to see you bathed in soft afternoon sunshine, which merely accentuated the curves I'd lusted over in the past, never able quite to shake you out of my head. And now here you were again, and all that lust growled deep inside once more. Shaking off the dust, as that old fire re-ignited and grew hotter. I was almost proud to show what effect you had on me, as I stretched my arms above head, fingers interlocking, feeling my back click, and sighed the sigh of a man in heaven.

Keeping eye contact, I slowly unfurled a grin that could only come from a puppy dog. I'll admit, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I know how to fuck. I leave Noble prizes to those that crave them. Ya see, I cant even spell the fucking word. And then I caught you looking down upon it, for the briefest second, before rolling your eyes again, but you knew it was fucking there, and you knew you had fucking caused it. Thick. Warm. Desire just straining at the leash, waiting for its moment, content to just be worn like a badge of honour. 'This is what you do to me', it said. I swear I saw you turn your head away, apparently dismissively, maybe in disgust, yet here you were, so I must be doing something right.

As I drop to my knees, with a slump of the shoulders letting my head fell, as if I were resigned to my terrible fate. And as I slowly shuffled forward to you, getting ever closer, all I could think of was that beautiful ruffled pair of lips, that I was gonna get to kiss. My cock throbbed as it pressed urgently at the waistband of the black Calvins, I'd picked out after I'd showered, and then run through a quick selection of squats and exercises to put a little sweat back. I knew you liked my natural scent, and all I wanted to do was please you with a memory. But fuck it. I dont quite know what the fuck is going on, but I get to touch you again, and that's all I'm thinking about right now.

I can see shadows come and go, as clouds scudded quickly in the restless weather going on outside, but I can also see you'd gone to the trouble of shaving your legs til they were smooth as ebony. Exposing the curve of your ankle, your calf, more womanly curves that had always driven me fucking insane. And at last, my shuffles had reached you. And I paused, before reaching up to that ruffled skirt, hanging like a curtain, and I lifted it before sliding in between your impatient legs, positioning myself at right angles underneath you, with my mouth craving you so desperately.

And the growl inside just cranked up a notch again, as my cock began slowly to ooze, pulsing with every heartbeat, veins would be working overtime, and standing proud, as each little drop soaked into the prison that constrained them, and I barely noticed. Reaching my hand up, I wanted to just stroke that swollen slit, glistening already, pink and red and all shades between. And then I caught myself. Lick were the instructions. Not touch. I so very fucking wanted to touch. I know there's rules in play, and I dont want to fuck up, so I resist every screaming nerve and fibre, and let my hand drop.

And breathed deep. Drinking in the heat and the scent and the perfume, feeling the tightness and the heat, almost literally dripping from you. The games you play, but here you were, turned on and inches away, and even in the soft concealment of where I am, I can see you twitching, clenching softly, making your lips move, as the anticipation shifts your breathing a little softer. You still have the same perfume, and you still dabbed a little just above your clit, and it was wonderful, smelling that again, feeling it mix with your natural musk, your juices adding a deep sharpness. I closed my eyes.

Shifting weight, as I craned my neck and arched my back, til I was almost touching you, feeling every molecule falling from you, as, licking my lips, I extended the tip of my tongue and landed softly against the wetness that was threatening to drip from your cunt. And felt you clench at the touch, as I breathed hard with a sigh, remembering you loved that sensation of almost a touch, but not quite a touch. Hell, remembered? I'd dreamed of that first touch, over and over. And I gently yet slowly played the very tip of the tongue back and forth, feeling it rubbing and sensing just exactly where those fantastically delicate inner lips were. The taste of you brought back memories of the past, when your pelvis would rock back and then slam against me, and already I could sense you edging in response, clenching fully this time, letting more of you leak onto my lips.

I flicked my tongue, brushing hard against the swollen outer lip, and smeared my mouth against you, unable to control myself, before reverentially dragging my teeth against it, your clitoris being bumped as I drew as much of you deep into my mouth, hearing your breathing getting slightly ragged and faster, as I sucked so gently, increasing the pressure, so that my tongue could slide inside you, and your purple ruffle of an inner lip, such fuckering flesh, so sensitive and almost non-existent just dragging over my teeth, as the licking and sucking became an ebb and flow of imagination. I had dreamed of this fucking moment, so many times, and now I could re-enact it one more time, feeling you respond and build to a rhythm, as my tongue leaves and I smear and flick and anticipate your rocking, pushing you further every time you edge forward, and tighten your hips as I relax, and you breathe and rock, before feeling me push and flick and bury my mouth, striving to experience every fucking millimeter of you….

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2ezxry/m4fstr8when_exes_reignite_heres_the_reignition