Drink Unattended – First go at this. Feedback appreciated. BDSM story.

Author notes: I've been wanting to try my hand at writing for awhile now The only thing that really holds my attention however is porn so I figured, why not give erotica a shot. I've been working on this three nights now. I'm dyslexic so it's difficult to catch misspellings and other mistakes at times. Apologies in advance. Thanks for reading. Hope you get a good fap out of this. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Edit: Correct some mistakes and made some changes.


Chapter One

Wake up, wake up, wake up…

Penny’s dream faded as she drift back into consciousness. Her head was pounding. Her body, tender and sore. She lie there, piecing together memories of the night before. It was hopeless. Blackouts were common. Her drinking the cause. She had a problem. She needed help. I’ll start tomorrow, she’d tell herself.

The moment of clarity between now and the next drink was always the worst. She ached with shame and embarrassment. She groaned aloud, wallowing in self-pity. Where did she go? What did she do? How did she get home?

How did I get home, she thought?

Now, fully awake, she became aware of her surroundings. This wasn’t home. This isn’t her bed. She was lying on a cold concrete floor. It was dark. A lone beam of light shine through the gap near the top of a large warehouse door. What is this place, she thought? She had woken in bad places before but never anywhere like this.

She sat up, resting on her knees. She lifted her foot with a kick, making a move towards the exit but it was caught. She tripped and fell forward. She reached out to break the fall but her hand were caught too. She fell hard onto the cold floor, grimacing in pain. Panicked, she tried again, stepping with all her might. Again she fell. Her face landed hard on the ground. Pain surged through her nerves and amplified her headache.

“No”, she moaned aloud. Her voice was muffled. Something was in her mouth.

She rolled onto her back, on top of her arms and stared at her feet. Her abs strained to hold up her head. Steel cuffs were clasped around her small ankles, connected by a short length of chain. She looked to her side at her wrists. They too were cuffed together.

She sat up again, kneeling with her shins flat on the ground and her bottom resting on her feet. A noise from inside the dark room caught her ear. It sounded like links of chain clinking against metal. Her eyes strained in the darkness, searching for the source. The area was large with a high ceiling and metal walls. It reminded her of the shop she would take her car too. There was a workbench, hoists attached to overhead beams, various lengths of ropes and chains hanging from the wall and finally what appeared to be three square shapes. Her eyes grew wide. They were cages. Inside them were women.

The warehouse door flew open with a loud crash. Penny wrench her head around as light filled the room. The dark silhouette of a man stood in the opening. She stared, frozen in horror.

She listened to his footsteps approach. She began to shake, overcome with fear. Her head fell to her chest. The footsteps stopped. A hand lifted her chin. Their eyes met. He smiled.

“Relax”, he said. “You’re going to be okay.”

He reached for a nearby chair, placed it in front of her, and sat down.

“I caught you last night.” He paused. “You were so easy! Never. Never leave your drink unattended. That’s like, party 101.” He smirked, amused to relay the details of her capture.

“And now you’re here. With me! And the rest of my stock.” He pointed towards the cages. Penny looked. There were five, two per a cage, and one alone. Each was restrained by the wrists and ankles. Each wore a steel collar around the neck. The loner was gagged, same as Penny.

“I caught them same as you”. He lit up smoke. “I’m not a killer. Don’t worry about that. You’re not gonna die” he teased. “This is more of a, uh, catch and release type program. Think of it as a prison sentence. With good behavior, I let you out early. Misbehave” he paused, “I’ll add more time. The choice is up to you.”

Penny was numb in utter disbelief. Her thoughts raced. I’ve got to escape! I’ve got to get away! What am I-

“Hey! Are you listening?” His voice was more authoritative and less relaxed than before. “Nod your head if you understand.”

Penny refocused her attention, and nodded her head, “yes”.

“Good!” he said, relaxed once more. “You’ll address me as ‘Sir’ or ‘Master’. I like either. Understand?”

“Yes”, she nodded.

“Excellent!” he said with a clap of his hands. “Now here’s how this is gonna play out. I’m a man of expectations. Meet or exceed, and we will get along fine. Fall short and well, suffer the consequence.” A smile crept across his face. “Understand that during your stay, you have nothing. You are nothing. You exist to serve and you will obey. You are going to get fucked. A lot! You will do things unimaginable. Your mouth, your cunt, your ass, are holes for me to fuck. Anything I want, you will give. Anything I say, you will do and when I am done, you will thank me for the privilege. Do you understand?’

She was silent, her body was shivering.


Startled, she shook her head yes. She knew it was hopeless. He was in complete control. Her only option was to obey. Her face was streaked with tears. She could feel the eyes of the other slaves. How long have they been here, she thought? How long will I be here?

“Meet my expectations. Serve me. Practice complete obedience and you will know freedom once more. Now, are you ready to begin?”

Penny looked into his eyes. He was relaxed in his chair, grinning from ear to ear. She gazed back down at the floor and nodded, “yes”.

“Good!” He flicked away his cigarette. “Let us begin.”

Chapter Two – Initiation

He stood before her bound and kneeling body. His hand moved to the back of her head and pressed it into his crotch. She could feel his growing cock through his jeans against her cheek. He held her there for a moment. It felt comforting in a way.

The 28 year old was shorter than most girls. Her tits and ass weren’t huge but fit perfectly on her small frame. Her ass was round and tight, still in shape from her days of yoga. Her tits were little more than handfuls, perfectly symmetrical, and with just the right amount of hang from her chest. Her nipples were small and pink. She noticed they had become hard as he pressed her face against his cock.

She was a high school teacher out for summer break. She thought about her 11th grade students and how the boys would go crazy if they saw her like this, naked and submissive. It made her feel good to feel wanted by them.

In public she acted confident and projected an image that she was happy, life was great. Inside however, she was sad. She never felt pretty enough or a match for the other girls. Boyfriends never lasted long. She would put out too soon. For most guys, the sex wasn’t worth the drama. She drank to escape. Alcohol made her feel like the person she wanted to be. Sobriety reminded her of who she was. Her life was a fucking mess. This was rock bottom.

The buckle keeping the gag in her mouth was unfastened and fell to the floor. She opened and closed her mouth to relieve the pain. Zip! He reached into his pants and pulled out his cock. Penny’s eyes widened. It was huge! Long and thick. Bigger than any she had had before. It swung a few inches from her gaping mouth.


She hesitated.

“Suck I said!” On his command, she took his cock into her mouth, sucking it fast, though only able to take a few inches.


She tried harder, pressing another inch into her month. She could feel his cock reaching her throat, causing her to gag and gasp for air.

“DEEPER GOD DAMNIT!” He grabbed her head and forced his cock into her month, holding her in place as she adjusted to each additional inch. Her face was bright red. Her eyes were wide and bloodshot, wet with tears. Her throat resisted. Eventually it was too much. With a jolt her throat gave in and all seven inches slammed into her mouth. He held her there. Her nose on his pelvis. His balls on her chin. Her vision darkened around the edges as she began to blackout.

He released his grasp. She reared back, gasping for air. Thick drool flowed down her chin and onto her tits.

“Now that’s how you suck a fucking cock you fucking whore! Now you do it!”

She continued to gasp for air.


She plunged her month down, this time taking it all under her own power. She kept a steady pace, making long strokes, bringing the tip to her lips before slamming her face back down again. She gagged on each stroke. Thick drool continued to cover her tits and torso and pooled on the floor beneath her. She looked up into his eyes as she face fucked herself. He was smiling, arms crossed, a vision of pure dominance. She could feel his cock swell in her mouth. He would cum soon.

He grabbed her hair and pulled it towards the floor, forcing her head back and off his cock. Her jaw clenched.

“Stick out your tongue”. She did, gazing into his eyes and he pumped hard with his fist.

“I’m coming. I’m fucking coming!” Thick ropes of cum blasted her face. A perfect shot, stretching from her chin and outstretched tongue, over her nose, and onto her forehead. He squeezed the last bit out and into her open mouth.

“Don’t swallow that” he said. “Keep it in your mouth. Don’t move now.”

She obeyed, holding her position. Mouth open. Head back. The taste was salty. Some had dripped into her eyes causing them to sting. She heard a lock open on one of the cage doors and the rattle of chains.

He returned with another slave. She crawled on fours, led by the leash attached to her collar and came to rest on her knees, presenting herself to Penny. Hand placed on her thighs, palms up, she awaited orders.

“This is Madison. She’ll be cleaning you up”

Madison had a similar build to Penny only her ass was a little bigger and her tits a little smaller. Her eyes blue eyes, skin pale, and hair ginger. She looked to be about 25 years old.

“Get to work bitch.”

“Yes Master”, she said happily, eager.

Madison positioned herself between Penny’s legs, caressed her face with her hands, and began to lick cum from her chin and around her mouth, swallowing each mouthful with a smack of the lips. Then she cleared her face and forehead, scooping cum with her fingers and licking him clean. Finally, she placed her mouth around Penny’s tongue and sucked it clean.

Penny held her position. She was aroused, though it shamed her to admit it. She enjoyed being submissive, having her face fucked hard and being covered in cum. The gentle sucking of her tongue caused her pussy to ache. She yearned to be touched. Her nipples were hard and slippery with drool. Her breasts pressed into Madison’s.

“You may reward her.”

Madison slipped two fingers in to Penny’s slit. Her pussy was dripping. Madison’s soft strokes sent pleasure throughout her body. It felt wrong. It felt shameful. It felt, exciting. Her hips began to rock in a slow rhythm.

Madison’s fingers pressed into Penny’s cunt, rubbing firmly against her g-spot. Penny moaned in pleasure. Madison continued to suck her tongue. Penny returned the kiss. Never had she felt this aroused. Never had she felt this much pleasure. She began to tremble as she drew closer to climax.

“Remember slave, you need permission to come. Orgasms without permission will be punished”.

“Please.” she begged, “Please, may I come?”

He was silent. She was fighting to hold back, straining with all her might.

Madison’s fingers pounded deeper and harder into her throbbing cunt. Their tongues moved in circles in each other’s mouths. Madison moaned happily, enjoying to opportunity to please.

“Please! Master! Please may I come?!”

He smiled.

“Yes. You may”.

“Yes! Yes! Oh God yes!”

Her body tensed. Her toes curled. Her back arched. She came hard. Fluid gushed from pussy soaking Madison’s young body.

“A squirter!” he said, delighted with the unexpected surprise.

Penny’s head hung over Madison’s shoulder. She trembled with the lingering aftershocks. She both laughed and cried in euphoria. Never had she came this hard.

Reality set in when she felt cold steel against her slender neck and the heard chink of a padlock clicking into place. It was her with her collar. A symbol of her servitude to him.

“Thank you, Master.” He smiled.

Her cuffs were refastened so that her arms were now in front of her body. He attached a leash to her collar, same as the one worn by Madison.

“Come”, he said, “Time to put you away”. Their chains scrapped the floor as he led them to the cages.

He opened the cage with the lone slave. The space was small and cramped. There was no room to stand or lay down.

“Get in”, he said to Penny. He locked the door behind her. “I have a good feeling about you”, he said. Penny gripped the bars of the enclosure as he put Madison away.

He turned and walked out the warehouse door, closing it behind him. It was dark once more.

She could hear whispers from the other girls. Her cagemate sat in silence. She was exhausted. Wet and sticky from cum and drool, she leaned back against the bars and slept.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2esuwb/drink_unattended_first_go_at_this_feedback


  1. It’s a good start. What does he look like? Is he a large man? Thin, muscular, average? What color are his eyes? His hair? If Penny can’t make out his features in the dark warehouse then what about his voice? Does it rumble deep in his chest? Is it cool and measured? I like the lead in with the alcohol dependency. You can really play with that. The scene where he forced his cock down her throat was perfect. I also like how he handles his slaves, like they are trained pets. Keep up the good work. You might want to tag on non-consent to the BDSM description. It’s a bit misleading.

  2. Thank you for the feed back. Honestly, I hadn’t even considered describing the male before you mentioned it. I had Samuel L Jackson’s character in mind when writing his speaking parts. Like chill to on point and back to chill again as needed. I’m currently working on chapter 3 where we learn more about the lone "cage mate" who I think will become a major character and some more about the other slaves. This would also be a good point to flesh out the male character as you’ve pointed out. Apologies or the missing tags. I posted then read the side bar even though I knew better. Hope to post more this weekend.

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