Chronicles of an Incestuous Daughter Part 4 [Ff] [mf] [mast] [inc]

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

I quickly changed out of the dirty clothes and got into a robe and went downstairs to see why my mom had called me. I was honestly scared, what would I say when she asks why I went through her gym bag. It is such an awkward thing to talk about, do I tell her I find her a bit attractive? There has already been a misunderstanding about her laundry a few years back.

My mom was standing by the door and told me to help her with the groceries. Wow what a relief, I thought. As she headed outside to get the other groceries, I grab the gym bag and toss it in the laundry room. She luckily did not notice.

Once all the groceries were in the kitchen I ran back to grab the dirty clothes to put in the laundry. I noticed the panties I had cum in, had some white smears. Wow, I felt like wearing them again and masturbathing in them. I can just imagine someone wanting to buy these panties. A sexy, gorgeous woman who did hot yoga and Pilates first wore them. Then her petite daughter ran and sweated buckets and would soon climax in them.

No, it was a bad idea to do that. I put everything in the laundry and quickly turned on the wash.

"Mom, I had some dirty laundry and noticed your gym bag so I emptied it out and put it in the wash." I said.

"Aww, thank you sweetie, Viktoria is off today and I totally forgot to do that earlier today." She replied.

She looked at me a little confused and asked, "Why are you in a robe, did I disturb you?"

"No, I just… Oh my god, Harold! I totally forgot," I panicked.

"What, Harold? A date?" My mom asked a little confused.

"Yes mom, I have a date and I totally need to shower and change."

"Go, go, go. I'll pick out a dress for you!" She yelled.

I jumped in the shower and took the fastest shower ever. I rubbed water and body oils all over me and felt a little tender when I got to my pussy. I was a little rough on myself earlier today and ended up cumming a lot more than I had imagined.

I quickly got out; my mom dried my hair and brushed it. I really loved what she did with it. It was straight with really nice curls coming outward. We went into the bedroom and I saw my mom had laid out a black dress for me. She sat down on my computer chair and said, "Try it on."

At first, it felt a little weird that I would have to drop my towel and get naked in front of my mom; however, it is not something I have not done before. I removed my towel and picked up the dress and put it on.

I was a little nervous being naked with my small body in front of my mom’s magnificent proportions. I put on the dress and noticed it gave very good definition to my breasts and ass; it also brought out curved I didn't think I had.

I rubbed my hands on the side of my waist and sighed while looking into the mirror, I really wish I had curves like my mother. At least then I would feel confident about my own body. My mom came up behind me and asked,

"Sweetie, what's the matter?"

I finally felt I could be a little honest and said, "Mom I am 19 and have absolutely none of your genetics. My breasts are small and my ass is too small. I'm also way too petite compared to you. I don't feel as confident as you do."

My mom smiled, put her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder and said, "You are absolutely flawless. I know I am on the more curvy side, just because you have a petite frame does not mean your anything less than absolutely beautiful."

Mom’s words were vague but always comforting, so it made me feel a little bit better.

"Now go have fun with Harold. Try not to get pregnant," she said while laughing.

"Mom!" I yelled out

After the date ended, Harold and I took a cab back to my place. He was extremely fun and flirtatious throughout the date and had no intentions of having sex with him but maybe make out with him and have him stay the night. It was around 1 am when we got back home a little tipsy. We headed straight for the Jacuzzi, Harold took his clothes off, and I felt nothing but warmth and wetness in my pussy. He was so fucking sexy. He was standing there in his boxer brief and I could tell he had a big dick, it was not erect but his package really stood out underneath his briefs.

He had the sexy v on his abs and on his back, yum; I could do anything to this boy. He stepped into the Jacuzzi and asked me to join him. I took of my heels and nearly fell over until I felt his big strong arms catch me. He helped me take off my clothes and was admiring my petite physique in bra and panties. We poured ourselves some champagne and made out for a bit, he initially made a few attempts to take off my bra but I refused.

"Harold, you're really sexy and sweet. But I mean, it's our first date what I'm doing with you right now is already fast enough. I'm not ready yet."

"Hey, hey, don't worry, I can wait, your really gorgeous and I don't want to lose you," he replied gently stroking my cheek.

We made out for a bit, although I did not want to have sex with him, I did not mid sucking him off. I still wanted to know how his cum tasted. I took off his CK briefs and started rubbing his cock while still in the Jacuzzi. He moaned while I was slowly stroking it and kissing his neck.

His cock was long and thick. I could just barely wrap my fingers around it and rubbing his cock from tip, head, and shaft to base felt like eternity. I nibbled on his ear and whispered,

"Your cock his huge, I want to know what it and your cum tastes like."

He instantaneously got up and his big wet cock smacked my face.

"Slow down cowboy, go in the kitchen and fetch us another bottle."

Butt naked, he ran inside to the kitchen. Out of nowhere I saw my mom appear from the side in panties and a crop top. It seemed like she was asleep.

"Mom?" I asked a little stunned.

"Julia? You're back," she said as she rubbed her eyes. I think mom thought I was alone in the Jacuzzi.

Just before I could say anything, Harold was coming back with a bottle in his hand and his rock hard cock swinging from side to side.

"I'm back!" He sang. I saw mom turn her head around and drop her mouth in awe.

Oh my god….

Part 5 cumming soon ;)



  1. Thank you very much, i am trying not to rush these too much but parts leading to the finale are in their editing stages now :)

  2. OH MY GODDD CANT WAITT!!!!!! you have an amazing writing style and cant wait to read more of you!!!

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