Turns out Princess Peach does a fuck ton of cocaine [MF] [Mast] [drugs] [MMF] [anal] [bd] [oral] [bst] [fantasy] (X-post /r/dirtywritingprompts

The pounding of the door is amplified by the high alabaster walls of the overly posh bedroom. It mimics the pounding in Peach’s skull as she stirs on the cold tile floor of her lavish bathroom completely naked except for a pair of stained panties and her tiara. She struggles to pull herself up, wondering who has the audacity to disturb her during her private time.

“Princess!” shouts Toadsworth as he incessantly pounds on the door. “Princess, you are needed to attend to your duties!”

Peach finally pulls herself up and onto the toilet, holding the sink next to her to keep herself steady. “Sonuvabitch…” she slurs, trying to keep the room from spinning. “Where the hell are my clothes? And why do I feel so…sticky?”

“Princess!” yells Toadsworth again. “You’ve been locked in your room for two days! Is everything okay?!”

“Two days?!” she exclaims to herself. “What the fuck have I been doing for two days?”

“That would be me, Princess,” grins a naked Wario standing in the doorway to the bathroom.

Peach recoils at the sight. “Oh, fuck me!”

“Yeah,” he chuckles, “you did say that quite a bit.” He begins to stroke his limp dick, “Whaddya say, Princess, feel like another round?”

“Fuck off!” she shouts at him, shoving him out of the bathroom. “And put away that deformed Wiggler before I have Yoshi castrate you!”

“What the hell is going on?” grumbles Waluigi as he slides in from an open window, flicking a cigarette butt out.

“Oh. My. God,” mutters Peach at the sight of Waluigi in a speedo and chugging a half empty bottle of whiskey.

“Hmm, you did say that a lot too,” replies Wario as he gathers his clothes. “Come on, brother. It appears we’ve served our purpose.”

“Whatever…” replies Waluigi as he hands the bottle over to Peach. “Take care, Princess. Next time, we’ll pop a molly; maybe you’ll be more affectionate then.” He gently strokes several raw scratches across his chest, “Not that I didn’t enjoy your authoritarian charm…” he gives her a wink as he walks away.

She watches them leave through one of the hidden doors behind a banner. The room is in complete disarray, but she’s able to find her robe, quickly slides it on and runs to open the door.

“Toadsworth! How are you this fine morning?”

“Morning? Princess, it’s 3 in the afternoon. What happened to you? Are you okay?”

“Nothing, I’m fine. I…just lost myself in some meditation. You know, trying to find new ways to better the kingdom,” she chuckles nervously.

“Meditation? Fine, Princess, whatever you say. You have duties to attend to; will you be able to do anything today?”

“Yes, of course. What’s on the schedule?”

“Well, I rescheduled the talks with the Hyrule Kingdom for next week, though they weren’t too happy about it.” He flips through the pages of his planner and stops on one page. “There are some villagers that requested an audience with your highness several weeks ago. They’re here now and demand to see you.” He looks up at her, “Will you be able to keep this meeting?”

“Yes, of course! Don’t be so overdramatic.” She half-heartedly chuckles and fidgets with her robe, seeming to get anxious about having to meet anyone right now. “Give me an hour to get ready. In the meantime, make sure that they are fed and entertained while they wait; no need for them to be irritable during the meeting.”

“Yes, Princess,” replies Toadsworth as he turns on his heel and hurries down the grand hallway.

Peach locks the door and runs into the bathroom to run a hot bath. She throws off her robe and rips off her panties. She throws them across the room and they land with an audible splat. The hot water steams out of the ivory tub, fogging the mirrors and windows. She submerges her body in the water and immediately begins to relax.

“Ohh…this is what I needed. What the hell was I thinking; Wario and Waluigi.” She runs her hands over her body, massaging herself. “Now Link from Hyrule, that’s a man’s man,” she grins. One hand begins to pinch on her pink nipple while the other travels further down. “I’d love for him to use his Master Sword on me,” her fingers begin to slowly circle around her clit.

She lets out a content moan as her fingers slide further down her smooth snatch. The hand on her breast massages her nipple, pulling and teasing it. Her bottom lip curls in and she bites down on it once her finger penetrates her wet pussy. It slowly works its way in and slides out in a smooth rhythm.

Peach’s body trembles and she closes her eyes to picture the young, muscular man with his long blond hair and crystal blue eyes. She pushes another finger into herself and her other hand moves from teasing her nipple to rubbing her clit. Her knees come up, out of the water and she spreads her legs as much as she can.

The surface of the water begins to wave and spill over the rim of the tub as Peach fingers herself harder. Her hand frantically rubs over her clit, desperately trying to get herself off. Her moans echo and bounce off the walls.

“Yes…yes…” she whispers to herself. Her hands work frantically now and her body slides along the surface of the tub. Then that wave of pleasure overcomes her, making her kick water out of the tub. Her body goes rigid, playing out the remnants of her climax, and she doesn’t try to fight it.

A few moments pass and she can move again. A smile crawls across her face, “Oh, that was a good one.” She finishes her bath and pulls herself out of the tub, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her thin body.

She rummages through her closet and drawers to get her clothes. A simple white cotton thong and her dress are all she really needs. As soon as she’s ready, she starts to feel anxious again. Her hands grab at her dress, trying to busy them.

“Okay, okay…just one little hit and I’ll be good.”

Peach opens a secret drawer from her vanity and removes a small red crystal heart. Inside the heart are several small empty baggies, half-broken pills and the remnants of dried, purple mushrooms. She removes one of the baggies that has some fine white powder and places it on the vanity.

“There’s only enough for a line. It’s okay; I’ll be good with that.” With shaky hands she rips open the baggie, spilling whatever remains onto a small hand mirror. “Shit. Don’t lose it, don’t lose it…”

She gathers as much of it as she can and lines it up with a small knife and quickly inhales the line through her nose…

Peach finds herself stumbling down the spiral staircase and into the hall where the villagers are expecting her. Before she can say a word, they all start talking at once, overwhelming her senses.

“Motherfucker!” yells Peach, slamming her hands over her ears. “Can you all cut that shit out?!” They quiet down and stare at her in stunned silence. “Now, sit the hell down so we can figure this out like adults.”

They all sit at the table and one by one they recount their side of a disagreement for some land populated with fire and ice flowers. Peach tries to hold onto the conversation and arguments, but finds her attention to be sporadic and her body begins to fiend for some more of that delicious white powder.

“Princess,” says Toadsworth as he approaches her. “What is your judgment on the matter?”

“Huh?” She looks up and the villagers are staring at her, waiting for her decision. “Oh. Well…the land shall become the property of the kingdom and will be harvested as I see fit. That is my decree.” She stands and begins to walk away from the table.

“But your highn–.”

“Enough!” shouts Peach, spinning to face him. “I have made my decision and it shall stand. Understood?”

Toadsworth lowers his gaze in defeat, “Yes, your majesty…”

Peach turns to the villagers, “And let this be a lesson to you and the village in wasting my time with such trivial absurdities.”

She’s about to walk away when the sound of an explosion is heard above them. The castle shakes and the sound of several footsteps can be heard echoing through the hallways and stairways.

Peach backs away from the staircase and the villagers gather in the middle of the room. Soon, several Koopas and Goombas fill the hallways and block the exits. A couple of Hammer Bros. push through and fling their hammers across the room, destroying a wall and opening it up to the outside. Several Bob-Ombs march in and place themselves beside the wooden support beams and brick pillars.

A low growl comes from the opened wall and a large figure walks in chuckling. “Hello, Princess,” snarls Bowser, King of the Koopas. Peach’s face goes pale and she begins to tremble terribly. “What’s the matter Princess? You look awfully tense,” he snaps his jowls with that last word to amplify its meaning.

“K-k-king Bowser…” Peach stutters, close to hyperventilation. “H-how are you? It’s been s-so long since we’ve convened.”

“That’s because you keep having my messengers killed by that goddamed plumber boyfriend of yours!” his voice rises to a roar and resonates down the halls.

Peach shuts her eyes tight. “I’m sorry…I’m sorry…” she mumbles to herself.

“Sorry? Sorry doesn’t bring back my minions. Sorry doesn’t comfort their friends and family. And sorry definitely doesn’t payback what you owe me!”

“She owes you nothing!” shouts Toadsworth.

Bowser looks at the fungi and kneels down to look him in the face. “Listen you little spore, adults are talking and it would be best if you kept your mouth shut.”

“I’m not afraid of you. This kingdom owes you nothing,” Toadsworth stands, unshaken.

The old dragon looks up to Peach, “So, they really don’t know, do they? And here I thought that you would have made a complete mockery of your kingdom by now.”

“Your highness,” whispers Toadsworth. “What is he talking about?”

Peach shuts down and doesn’t respond.

“Well, little mushroom, your Princess here has been keeping a little secret from her people.” He stands next to her and wraps a scaly limb around her. “You see, ever since our last escapade together, she’s developed a bit of a habit; and that habit has been costing your kingdom quite a bit of money.”

“How much?” probes Toadsworth not really wanting an answer.

“The entirety of your treasury.”

“Outrageous!” exclaims the steward. “That is entirely unacceptable. There has to be some other way!”

“Oh…there is. You see, I don’t want to take the money from the kind people of the Mushroom Kingdom; that would be unjust to them to pay for their sovereign’s ineptitude. No, I propose that I marry the Princess, right here and now and the debt will be forgiven.”

Peach pleads with desperate eyes as tears stream down her flushed cheeks.

“No,” replies Toadsworth.

“Why not?” asks one of the villagers.

“Yeah, why not?”

“Why should we have to suffer just because she can’t control herself?”

They all begin to agree with the idea of marrying off her debt.

“You are not in charge here,” replies Toadsworth.

“Well, maybe we should be. You have your little nest egg saved up so you can book it out of here once it doesn’t go your way. Some of us can barely afford the milk from Lon Lon Ranch to give to our children.”

“Then that would be my first act as your King,” interjects Bowser. “I would give more to the people and less for the kingdom. A sovereign nation is only as good as the people that support it.”

The villagers agree with Bowser. “Then it will happen. Bowser is to marry Princess Peach today.”

“No!” shouts Toadsworth as he lunges at Bowser.

Bowser swats him away, sending him flying out of the broken wall.

“Toadsworth!” yells Peach as she runs after her most faithful servant.

She stops on the ledge, looking down the 10 story drop. The moat is swollen with water this time of year and it’s too far too see if Toadsworth survived the fall.

“Call for Kammy Koopa,” orders Bowser. He gently takes Peach by the shoulders and leads her away. “Come, Princess. Tonight, you become a Queen.”

The sun has set over the large castle in Sarasaland. The full moon hangs high and gives off a strange luminescence of possible things to come. Most of the castle is dark, except for a few sporadic lamps for the guards and the few dim lights illuminating Princess Daisy’s room.

The curious guards keep their distance as strange grunts and noises can be heard coming from the room. Inside, Mario and Luigi sweat profusely; their mettle being tested. Never have they worked together like this, but they sure as hell weren’t going to turn down a challenge.

Daisy pulls Mario’s cock out of her mouth and strokes him hard, “Fuck, you boys are awesome. Why hasn’t Peach let you do this before?”

“I think it’s because I freak her out,” replies Luigi as he continues to pound Daisy’s tight pussy on the ottoman. “What with my intense gaze.”

“You don’t have to worry about that,” she replies. “I love it.” She works Mario’s cock back into her mouth and relishes the feeling of his balls smacking her face.

Mario lets out a grunt, “I’m cumming!” But Daisy holds him in her mouth, wanting to taste him. He pushes his cock balls deep in her throat and lets it explode inside. It’s too much for her to handle and her face pops with cum shooting out of her mouth and covering her face and Mario’s cock.

She begins to choke and pushes Luigi off her to flip onto her stomach. “Sorry, love,” she coughs, with cum dripping out of her throat. She watches it pool on the floor in satisfied content, “It’s just…so thick.”

“That’s alright, mama,” Luigi replies as he mounts her legs and begins to massage her back and her neck. After the work out Mario put her through, she’s sure to need a quick break.

Mario stumbles to a table and grabs himself a bottle of aged bourbon. He takes a few swigs before sitting on the chair. “Damn, Daisy, that was awesome.”

“Thanks…” she sleepily replies.

There’s a knock at the door and Mario pulls on his overalls to answer. A guard stands outside, looking away.

“I’m sorry to bother you, sir. But there is an urgent message for you.”

Mario sighs, “I swear, that damn Princess is going to be the death of me. Where are they?”

“Follow me.”

The guard takes him to a small room at the other end of the hall. Mario opens the door and sees Toadsworth lying on a bed, bandaged from head to toe.

“Toadsworth!” exclaims Mario. “What happened to you?”

“Oh you know, just taking a dive from 10 stories into a 7 foot-deep moat, that’s all.”

“What are you talking about?”

Toadsworth recounts the events and his journey across the kingdoms.

Mario sits in silence, gazing out the window towards the endless sky. “Maybe it would be best if Koopa did marry Peach.”

“Mario!” exclaims the injured servant. “You can’t believe that.”

“If she’s the one that’s brought this down on the kingdom, then it’s a well-deserved punishment.” He stands with a sigh, “Either way, I’ll go down to the Kingdom and see it for myself.”

“Thank you, Mario. You have been our heroic savior time and time again.”

He nods and walks back Daisy’s room. As he enters the room, Daisy is prone on the bed with his brother aggressively taking her from on top, pushing her face into the pillow that’s muffling her moans and cries of pleasure.

“Luigi, I’ve got to go save the Princess again. Want to come with?”

Luigi stops and looks up at him, “Nah, I think I’ll just hang here and test Daisy’s limits.”

Daisy’s head pops up, “Oh, that sounds like fun.”

“Bitch,” Luigi smacks her on the ass, leaving a stinging red handprint across a pale cheek. “Get your face back in that pillow.” He grabs her by the hair and pushes her face down. “Have fun, Mario. I know I will.”

Mario grabs his clothes and leaves the kingdom that night.

The morning light shines through the open windows. A cool breeze rushes through the dim room. A large wooden door opposite the windows swings open, hitting the wall behind it, as Bowser enters. He lights several lamps around the room eyeing all the tables with ropes and belts and all the devices that he was able to bring.

“Good morning, Princess-I mean, my Queen,” hisses Bowser as he checks her restraints. “How are you feeling this morning?”

Bound to the table and gagged, Peach mumbles through the red rubber ball as drool drips over her exposed breasts and tight vinyl corset. Her pale skin is still red and welted from the light flogging she took the night before.

Bowser chuckles, “Here, let me take that ball out of your mouth. Now, what were you trying to say?”

“Just you wait until my hero gets here. You will pay for this Bowser!”

“Well, I might as well enjoy this while I still can; wouldn’t you say so, my Queen?” He pushes the ball gag back into her mouth before she can reply and grabs a small control and device, setting it aside for later.

The table is segmented for ease of use and Bowser pushes the segments apart, moving Peach’s body along with it. Her limbs, attached to the different segments, move around to splay her body out. Bowser separates her legs, exposing her as Peach tries to fight back, but to no avail.

Bowser slides the phallic device against Peach’s smooth mound that’s still red and puffy from earlier abuse. It locks in place and he turns it on. It whirs to life, vibrating against her delicate skin. Peach immediately tries to pull herself away from the device, but her restraints are too tight. Her body spasms at the vibrations; she chokes back the moans of pleasure, caught in beautiful agony.

Bowser leans back in his chair, stroking a creamy lotion onto his large cock. “Keep fighting, my Queen; it just turns me on even more.”

Peach’s legs finally give and she slowly sinks onto the device. It pushes against her pussy, moistening the silicone surface. Her eyes roll back in pleasure and her hips buck back and forth, running the bumpy silicone over her swelling clit. She runs over it faster as her back arcs. A small orgasm explodes inside Peach’s body.

The table moves and straightens out, leaving Peach to stare at the ceiling with the device still going. Bowser walks over to her and runs his clawed hand over body. She trembles at his touch, giggling as he strokes her sensitive areas.

“That’s a good girl,” he grumbles. He opens a small box that’s sitting next to his arsenal of toys. He dips his claw in and removes a fine, white powder. “Here you go, my Queen. I know you’ve been craving this for some time now.”

Her eyes instantly fixate on the drug. She leans her head forward and he lets her relish in the small hit.

“One more?” he asks her. She greedily nods her head and takes the second hit faster than the first one.

Her breathing calms a bit, leaving her in an elated state. Bowser detaches the device from the table and moves Peach further down. He slides his large cock over her dripping pussy, taking care in hitting her clit. She moans through the ball gag as her chest rises up and down faster.

“Take a deep breath, Queen,” says Bowser. He pushes the head of his thick cock in her and stops as she squeals. She moans and looks down at him with a nod. He pushes in a further, halfway in her now, and her back arcs in desire.

He lets out a grunt. “Fuck, you’re tight; ready for the rest of it?”

Tears begin to teem from her eyes as she nods again. He pushes in that last few inches into her before finally bottoming out. He angles upwards and sees his cock outlined by Peach’s pale skin. She looks down at it and is shocked to see that she can take something so big.

Bowser leans forward and slowly begins to fuck his Queen, taking her small waist in his large hands. They both marvel in amazement as the bulge runs back and forth, peaking just below her navel. King Koopa takes care in trying not to harm his new Queen.

Peach mumbles at Bowser who removes the ball gag from her mouth. “Yes, dear?”

“Are you going to fuck me with that cock or what?” she asks through gritted teeth.

Bowser snorts and positions himself better. He wraps one hand all the way around her throat, “You asked for this…”

He slams into her and she lets out a cry that echoes through room and out the windows.

“Fuck! Again!” she demands.

He slams into her again and again, bouncing the table on the cobbled flooring beneath them.

“Oh, fuck, yes!” screams Peach. “Fuck me, daddy. Unf! Give me that huge cock…”

Bowser fucks her as fast and as hard as he can. The table is a remarkable work of engineering as it holds up to the abusive slamming of their bodies. Peach’s tits bounce furiously, her sensitive nipples grating against Bowser’s rough skin.

“Give it to me,” she moans. Bowser’s rhythm slows to a single pounding of his shaft in and out. “Yeah, that’s it.” He begins to grunt with every thrust, his hand getting just a little tighter around her neck. “Are you close, baby? Are you going to fill me up with that delicious cum?”

Bowser’s body trembles as he tries to hold back. “Fuck!” he grunts and fills Peach’s cunt with his hot jizz. It’s too much for her small body to handle and her pussy explodes, pushing his cum back out and over their thighs and dripping down to the floor.

“Well that was a helluva show,” says Mario standing in the doorway.

“Mario!” screams Peach. “Oh, uh, s-save me from this evil beast–.”

“Shut the fuck up, Princess,” he sighs walking in. “I spoke with the villagers and farmers. I know what happened.”

“They’re lying!” she cries.

“So Toadsworth was lying as well?”

“Toadsworth? He’s alive?”

“Yes, and he won’t be coming back.”

“So, what do you want, plumber?” snorts Bowser. “Have you come to take her away from me again?” “Nah. I’m just here to finally get what I’ve been wanting all these years. I want to fuck her in her tight asshole.”

“She’s never let you?” questions Bowser. “Hell, the first thing I did when I got here was to shove a plug in there so she’s stretched out enough for me.”

Mario looks a Peach, “You’d really let him fuck you in ass before you ever gave it up to me?”

“Um…I was sober?” Peach cringes.

“Yeah, I’m fucking you in ass.” Mario stomps towards her, unbuckling his pants.

“No! My king! You would let him have what is rightfully yours before you?”

“Hey, he risked his life for you and you never gave him what he wanted. As far as I’m concerned, it was his to claim first.”

Bowser grabs the control and lowers the table enough for Mario. They flip Peach over and restrain her again. Her bare ass is exposed in the air and Mario gives it a hard smack leaving a red handprint.

“Ow! Fuck Mario!”

He pulls out the plug and tosses it to the side. He strokes himself, getting harder with the smell of sex already in the air.

“Mario, wait. You need to think about this…”

“Oh, I have thought about this. I’ve laid awake nights thinking what this asshole would feel like.”

The head of his cock pushes into her tight sphincter and Peach lets out a small yelp. He then pushes the entire length of his shaft into her.

“Oh, fuck…” moans Peach.

Mario grabs her by the hips and begins to pound away on her royal ass. Bowser walks around, watching his new Queen get violated and his scaly cock gets hard once again. He grabs her by the hair and forces her down his shaft.

Peach struggles to breathe and the sensation of getting plowed through both holes makes her cum quickly. The last of Bowser’s jizz squirts onto the floor but that doesn’t slow Mario down. She pushes back, against him, taking the pounding in her ass while her mouth is getting stretched out by her new husband.

“I want to cum in her mouth,” say Mario as he breathlessly continues to work Peach’s asshole over.

“Good, because I want to cum in her ass,” snorts Bowser.

They swap places and Bowser steadies her ass. “Don’t tense up too much, my Queen. I’m going in.” He pushes the head of his cock into her and she’s already crying in pain.

“Oh, God! Bowser, stop! Take it out!”

He ignores her protests and continues. He’s able to easily sink all the way into her. Mario grabs her by the hair and shoves her down his cock. He forces her head up and down, making her gag on it.

Bowser begins to grunt and breathe heavily. “Get ready, Queen.” He pumps into her a few more times before cumming again. He pumps it deep in her ass, but this time, it’s not enough to spill out of her.

Peach moans deep; the vibrations from her throat running through to his cock. His hand wraps around her throat as he continues to abuse her mouth. Bowser pulls out, dribbling a bit of cum out of her swollen asshole. Peach’s body shudders at the feeling.

Mario continually pounds into her face, his ball smacking her across the cheek and chin. He groans, desperate to cum now. His hands hold Peach’s head firmly in place as he cums loudly down her throat. Peach gags at the amount of cum, but he won’t let her go. Tears roll down her eyes as the cum explodes out of her nose and out of the corners of her mouth.

He finally lets go of her head and pulls out. A waterfall of cum flows from both of Peach’s holes as she purrs, satisfied. Mario collapses on a nearby chair.

“It’s best I should be going,” he says as he pulls his pants back up.

“But we were having so much fun,” gargles Peach. “We can do this on a regular basis.”

“Sorry, Peach. I’m not interested in anything like this. Besides, you have Bowser here to keep you in check.” He walks to the door, “I’ll see you around.”

“Where are you going to go?” asks Bowser.

Mario looks out the windows, to the sunset. “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll go to the stars and see what I find out there.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2e4xou/turns_out_princess_peach_does_a_fuck_ton_of