It was only one photo [MMF] [STR8] [BLKMAIL]

It was about a quarter past eight when i finally got to my stop. I was exhausted after working a 12-hour shift at the restaurant. Being a waitress is not that easy when you live in a rough neighbourhood, a petite blonde girl and only 23 years of age. Every time i walk past, 'that house', i clutch my bag to my chest and hold the necklace with the cross i got from grandpa.

I was born in a very strict religious household, my parents were catholic. My dad was a minster and my mom a housewife who was involved in the church. They kicked me out of the house for shaming them. I never had sex, till now, i am still a virgin. However, i made the mistake of sending a dirty picture to this one boy in my catholic school when i was 18 and in my senior year. I honestly believed him when he said he would not send it to anyone. But he ended up sending it to my parents. Thankfully, no one else found out because the police forced the boy who i sent it to, to delete it.

I was nude and still had the cross my grandpa gave me, so my dad thought it was blasphemous and kicked me out. I vowed never to have sex until i was married or commit a sin like that again. It has been a long process but my parents have slowly started trusting me again. It will take long but it is worth it.

I get home and undress into my comfy gym shorts (too short i feel, not appropriate for the gym) and the only clean tank top i have, for ice cream and to watch Frozen. Hooray! I get my favourite, mint chocolate chip. Mom's favourite as well. No need for a bowl, a spoon and the tub will do.

I get a text on my phone from a number i do not have saved as my contact, saying, 'Call me back. Right now.' A little startled but don't think much of it. I call the number. It was quiet on the other end.

"…Hello?" I ask.

"Is this Virginia Lewis?" the other line asks.

"Uhm, yes, who is this"

"David from high school, listen i know this is really awkward but it is important i drop by"

Stunned. The same David i sent the dirty photo too.

"David, what you did…"

"Listen Virginia i know, but please you have to listen to me. I really need to speak to you and it is urgent."

I give him my address out of fear of what he knows or could do. I do not want what happened in high school to repeat itself. I guess my movie marathon is over. I am nervous, nervous as to why he wants to see me at this hour.

About twenty minutes later i see a truck pull up, its David, he's well dressed and is with someone else who is a little overweight and in plaid shirt and jeans. They ring the bell and i let them in.

"Virginia, so good to see you again"

"Can't say the same David, why are you here and who is your friend"

"Oh how rude" he says in a very cocky manner. "This is Bill"

"Ma'am" he tips his hat and shows off his grungy tobacco stained teeth.

"Me and Bill are here, to uhm, fuck you senselessly"

"Get the fuck out or i am calling the cops" as i race to the phone. I never swore, the lord does not appreciate that.

"Slow down, Virginia, unless you want that photo to start coming around the community and reaching your parents again"

I am standing there stunned. "Why?" I start to cry, "Why are you doing this?"

"Virginia, you said you wanted to have sex in high school, we never did, so now you kind of owe me and i am adding my buddy for the extra wait. Or now, i will resend that photo to everyone you know."

"What do you think the church will say then?"

I sit down and begin to cry. I do not want to have sex with these two men, nor do i want the photo to be sent either.

"Virginia" he tries to comfort me in the most sadistic way, "Don't cry, you just have to have fuck us once, then we'll be out of here."

"How do i know you won't send it anyways if we do have sex?"

"You don't, but i can promise you i won't or i literally send to everyone right now."

I sit there in silence.

"Ok, up to you, he takes out his phone and starts to upload the photo to be sent"

"Stop. i'll do it."

David and Bill smile. they circle around me like sharks and i quietly pray god to keep me safe throughout this ordeal. David starts immediately rubbing my pussy to get it wet, as much as i want to resist i have always been attracted to him.

He whispers in my ear to get down on my knees and suck both of them off. I get down and slowly unzip Davids pants, he atleast smells nice and has an average length penis. Bill on the other hand is smiling like a kid in a candy shop and pull my head towards his crotch. I unzip his pants and pull out his below average cock. I suck both of them off at the same time, taking turns both of them moaning and sitting on my couch.

David then grabs me and rips my clothes off. I felt so ashamed. he tells me to sit on top of him and fuck him will bill gets in the back and fucks me anally. I am literally sandwiched into between these tow sick assholes while they are being pleasured. Bill lasts only about a few minute until he comes inside of me while David continues to fuck me. Bill sits there trying to get himself back up and when he finally does, he shoves his cock in my mouth.

David is in sheer pleasure yelling, "Virginia, fuck me harder, faster." I obey while sucking off Bill who grabs my hair to the point where it is hurting and is constantly shoving it back in forth.

Bill cums again, much more and thicker this time and it is all over my face while i am still on top of David fucking him. He finally pushes me off and cums on my face as well. i am lying there with the release of two men on my face and crying at what i have done. Both David and Bill start dressing and are saying how exciting that was.

"Virginia, i am holding my end of the bargain and not telling anyone and deletes the photo from his phone."

I sit on the floor as they leave with my ice cream now melted and Frozen on the main menu screen. Crying.
