Party plaything [bdsm] [Mdom] [Fsub][huml]

“Are you ready princess?” His voice turned me away from where I’d been anxiously stirring the stock pot. “Our guests will be arriving soon. Sarah will take over from here, you’ve got a more important job to do.” A thrill of nervousness and anticipation shot through me. He walked towards me, and started to untie the knot of my light cotton robe. He pulled the fabric open, resting it against my skin momentarily, stroking my hip bone with his roughly textured thumb.

He slid the robe off my shoulders, and I let him, watching somewhat numbly as it dropped to the floor. I stepped awkwardly out of the puddle of fabric it left at my feet, careful not to get my heels caught (Sarah had made me practise), or scuff them on one another. I looked up at his face apprehensively, sneakily, and watched him studying me. The black patent heels (Sarah’s choice), seamed stockings (the same), and the most ridiculously frothy white lingerie (thank god the salesgirl hadn’t checked in on us while Sarah was “helping me decide”). He grinned and dug around in his pocket momentarily, and pulled out a shiny gold lipstick case.

“Here. Sarah’s choice.” Given all of the ‘Sarah’s choice’ in my outfit, I was starting to wonder who’s fantasy this was. But, I suppose, having Sarah choose everything was part of the fantasy. The lipstick was bright red. I put it on quickly. “Gorgeous. Very slutty, I love it.” I started when the doorbell rang and he laughed. “You remember what to do?” He looked very serious for a moment.

“Yes Sir.”

“Good, off you go then.” He turned me very gently towards the door, and propelled me towards it with a quick slap on my butt. I made a beeline for the front door, my heels clicking quietly on the marble floor, having a mild out of body experience at what I was doing. I opened the door, and the chill and my humiliation hardened my nipples instantly. Someone I knew; I wasn’t sure if that made it easier or harder. There would be total strangers coming later. Sam’s face lit up at the sight of me.

“Hello Sam…uh, Sir. Come in please. May I take your coats?” He had a blonde woman with him, who I’d seen around but never met. She smiled at me, took her coat off, and handed it over. When I took Sam’s he leaned forward and gave me a reassuring kiss on the cheek.

“You look gorgeous Missy. And whatever we’re about to eat smells amazing. Did you cook today?” I couldn’t help but feel warm and fuzzy at both compliments, and I beamed back at him, feeling more relaxed.

“Yes Sir, I’ve only just left the kitchen now. You’re the first people here.” The stereo started up. “Sir must be in the living room, I’ll take you to him. May I get you both a drink?” Sir greeted Sam enthusiastically; they were almost best friends. When I came back from the kitchen with two beers, Sam watched me walk in speculatively and whispered to Sir.

“Oh, really? Hmm, I don’t like that.” I swallowed nervously at the tone in his voice. “Come here sweetheart.” I set the beers down on the table. “Kneel down here please, and look up at me.” The floor was hard under my knees, and I wanted to avoid his gaze, knowing what was coming. “Sam says you had a little slip up when you answered the door. I’m disappointed. This is a formal occasion and I expect you to behave appropriately. I hope you’ll be appropriately respectful to the rest of our guests.” He paused expectantly.

“Yes Sir. I’m sorry Sir.”

“Also, you must remember to keep eyes lowered please, unless instructed otherwise, and don’t slouch. You should be presenting those pretty titties to everyone like you’re trying to give them away.” Humiliation flooded through me. “I didn’t want to spoil the outfit, but it seems you need a little reminder. And you’ll be mostly naked soon enough I suspect. Lift up your hair please.” He buckled a collar around my throat. Not quite a posture collar, it still did an impressive job of thrusting my chin up and forcing me to straighten up my back.

“Now, go and wait by the door ready to let the guests in please. I can hear a car coming up the drive now.”

“Yes Sir.”

I hurried to the door and listened to the crunch of boots on gravel that meant someone was approaching the door. I opened it in anticipation of the knock, and demurely kept my gaze lowered. This person was a stranger to me. I couldn’t believe I was doing this.

“Good evening Sir, please come in. May I take your coat?” I turned to hang the coat up and was startled by a cold hand sliding down to squeeze my bottom.

“Lovely. Your pictures didn’t do you justice. Stay still a moment please.” I gasped when I felt those cold fingers slide teasingly up my back, and start to undo the clasp of my bra. “Turn around sweetheart, I’ve got a present for you.” I did as I was told, feeling horribly exposed, and betrayed by my taut nipples and flushing decolletage. I watched as he produced a small box from his pocket. When he opened it, it jingled slightly as he turned it to show me two shiny silver nipple clamps with tiny bells attached. I momentarily felt like I was going to die. I couldn’t wear those, could I? Not that I had a choice.

“Your little nipples are already hard and ready. Perfect.” I struggled to keep still. His fingers closed cruelly on one of my nipples, sending a jolt through me, before he clipped the little bell on. The pressure and humiliation made me feel hazy. The other clamp quickly followed suit, and he gave my breasts a little slap to make the bells jingle. “Perfect. What do you say?” He looked at me expectantly, and I blushed.

“Thank you Sir. I appreciate your gift.”

*** Just a short teaser, as the story isn't finished yet. ***



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