Maxwell Farm: Part 6 of 6 [MF and FFF, Fantasy, Breeding farm, Mild furry(cow), Lactation, Weight gain, preg, huml, reluc]


I feel warm and safe. A contented sigh escapes my lips as I sit between Vicky and Bre. My muscles relax under Vicky's gentle touch. My eyes drift closed. I am exhausted from the ride over, and my mind, which has been racing with thoughts all day, is finally quiet.

Bre dips her hand in a nearby water bucket and lovingly kneads the cool liquid into my thigh. I hear a soft splash as she returns to the bucket and then back to my leg. I let out a low moan. I don't want to admit how good her attention feels. I snuggle my head deep in Vicky's pillowy fat. She leans forward and tenderly kisses my stubby horns.

I open my eyes as I hear Bre shift next to me. She groans a little, grabbing her beach ball belly, as she rises to her knees. She takes a rag, which had been hanging on the fence, and dunks it into the water. I listen as she rings the rag, a stream of water pouring back into the bucket. She places the damp cloth on my rear, just above my tail, and slowly rubs it across my skin.

"Oh stop," I whisper playful. My crotch begins to tingle slightly.

Vicky laughs, her belly jiggling and bouncing underneath me. At the same moment, Bre takes her rag and wraps it underneath my tail. She runs it along my butt hole, sending a chill up my spine.

"I mean it," I say more forcefully, lifting my head from Vicky's middle. My stern eyes meet Bre's. She stares back at me with playful affection, and swiftly plants a small kiss on my cheek. What is going on? I don't under… My thoughts are interrupted as Bre takes my hands and lays them on her pregnant stomach.

"Touch it, feel it," she instructs, "You will have one too…soon."

I cringe, but obediently run my hands over her tight skin. A soft layer of fat insulates her womb, but I can still feel the hard lumps and bumps of life growing inside her. Her unborn calf kicks at my hand, and I jump back. She sits next to me in the hay, and brings my hands back to her belly. At the same time, she runs her fingers up my shirt. My heart races with fear and lust. I don't understand why I am enjoying her touch.

Vicky sits down opposite Bre and nibbles my ear. Her hand grabs at my belly and grazes my crotch. I grow moist in spite of myself. Vicky and Bre exchange knowing smiles. They lay me down in the hay, and Vicky positions herself between my legs.

"Mmmm, you are swollen, dear," she observes playfully. "No wonder Mr. Max wants you to breed for him." She pulls my lips apart and examines my genitals. My muscles tense in protest.

"Ssh, relax," she says, moving her hands away from my cunt and massaging my legs. "I can tell you if you're pregnant. Wouldn't you like to know?" She asks sweetly.

I bite my lip and nod.


Vicky's delicate little fingers slowly peel open the pink petals of your glistening feminine flower, the cool night air causing you to moan slightly at its chillingly orgasmic kiss. Vicky leans closer, a smile poised on her ruby lips, her warm cheek brushing your juicy inner thigh as she gets within sniffing distance, taking a long whiff of your sexual stimulation. "Mmmmoo…" she moans softly, her eyes fluttering, making your insides somersault in a way you never knew possible, a sudden urge to kiss her welling inside you, but just as quickly you chide yourself for stupidity and turn away. "My dear Kami…" she continues effervescently, "You just might have… the ripest… most succulent peach I have ever… laid my nose to…"

You hesitate for a moment… her words… her voice… like cool water on a hot day… but you gulp and ask cautiously, "Does that mean I'm… " you let your voice trail off, the rest of the sentence need not be spoken. But she giggles softly, "No no… I haven't gotten that far deary… mmmm… but your little sex is… mmmoo… ripe and ready to accept the fruits of a man.." The doughy soft sow gracefully glides a finger between your folds and into your womb, an entirely different experience than the farmer's hard tool, but admittedly… just as enjoyable… you can feel your tail twitch in near tangible bliss, barely containing a moan as you let Vicky work. The raven haired sow looking up at you like a perfect china doll as she lays against your thigh, pursing her lips, practically begging to be kissed.

Bre, nearly forgotten in your state, her hands covered in cold water touch your shoulders softly, making you gasp, you look over at the blonde next to you, her tender smile, her balloon breasts and stomach… you place your hand idly on her stomach, just squeezing when you have to suppress a moan as the other sow's fingers explore your insides.


Vicky slides her fingers slowly in and out of my hole, rubbing my clit gently with her thumb. My eyes roll back as I breathe heavily. Bre rubs my shoulder in tandem with Vicky’s movements. I am embarrassed to hear my pussy smack and slop as it grows wet and yearning. My cheeks redden and my heart races, causing small jumps in my belly fat.

“Just a little more, Kami,” Vicky calls airily. “I still can’t tell if Max has…planted his seed.”

Her words don’t register. I am lost in lust and arousal. My hand migrates down to hers, and I push her deeper and harder inside me. “Mmmooooo,” I moan as her digits hit the spot. My legs quiver and my insides tense. Bre softly kisses my cheek, then my lips. I reach up and begin to kneed her squishy breasts. Warm milk dribbles down around my fingers.

“Try some,” she coos, rubbing her nipple along my upper lip. Her warm, soft belly presses into my side.

I shake my head in protest as Vicky thrusts another finger deep inside me. My lips part as I gasp. Bre slips her nipple between my lips, squirting sweet milk into my mouth. I rock my hips to meet Vicky’s plunges, fat wobbling and rippling as I do so. My lips instinctively wrap themselves around Bre’s aroused nipple and suck greedily. My body is quickly overwhelmed with excitement and pleasure. “Ohh…mmmmmoooooooooo,” I cry as my muscles tighten around Vicky’s soggy fingers.

She continues to push deeper as aftershocks rock my body. I pant loudly as Bre lovingly wipes the sweat from my brow. I am flushed and confused. Vicky withdraws her fingers and begins to lick them one by one. I tense and fidget as I realize what has just happened – two fat sows have brought me to orgasm. Quick to sense my discomfort, Bre wets her rag and wipes it over my hot chest.

“Shh…be still,” she coaxes. I utter a sigh of defeat and lay back between them. My pussy continues to tingle and throb, reminding me of all that has happened. “Well…am I…pregnant?” I ask timidly.


Vicky moos softly, her other hand having slipped between her own folds, a small dark spot on the ground beneath her. She licks her fingers slowly, her long pink tongue wrapping around the digits to suckle gently, savoring the tastes. Bre's heavy milk-laden breasts press against your shoulder as she rubs your large tits in slow gentle circles, the water washing away your sweat.

The black haired sow grunts and lays her head on your thick thigh, caressing your flesh softly, the sensitive skin sending aftershocks through your groin. "Mmm… Kami dear… it looks like you're going to be a mommy very soon…" The brunt of that realization softened by her hand gingerly kneading the flesh of your belly, her tongue lapping at your thigh in gentle little flicking motions.

Bre cups your breasts and gives them an enthusiastic squeeze, "It won't be long before your chest swells up with delicious milk just like me, oh I bet you'll have the sweetest milk of them all, you've been working after all." She suddenly plants a kiss firmly on your lips, startling, but with all the attention elsewhere, when you open your lips to protest all you can do is moan.

The evening winds down as you fall asleep among the warmth of the other soft cows. Vicky sleeping against your thigh, your head resting against Bre's ample chest. And you get the most restful sleep you've had in weeks, being with your own kind, even if they are a bit sedentary, they understand what its like, they know the routine and the expectations…
