Maxwell Farm: Part 5 of 6 [MF and FFF, Fantasy, Breeding farm, Mild furry(cow), Lactation, Weight gain, preg, huml, reluc]


Dust kicks up behind the trailer as you drive me to Charlie Johnson’s farm. My body jiggles and bounces as we travel down a bumpy dirt road. The dust chokes me, making me cough, and an hour or so into the drive, I start to feel rather sick. I curl up in the hay on the floor of the trailer, but my mind is too full of thoughts to let me sleep.

By the time we reach our destination, I have grown quite thirsty. You lead me out of the trailer and to a trough just inside gate to Charlie’s barn. After only a few swallows, I can tell that Charlie has doctored his water the same way you have. I am simultaneously relieved and disappointed. My body craves the water, and yet, I long to be fit again.

You tell me to wait by the gate while you go to the farmhouse to let Charlie know we have arrived. At the opposite side of the pen, I see a group of five cows gossiping. Two are pregnant, although they don’t appear to be as debilitated as Missy. They both lean against the fence, their backs ached and their giant stomachs thrust forward. The others are about Mable’s size, maybe a little larger. One is wearing tight denim jeans that highlight her expansive hips and comparatively small waist. Another has on a plaid button-up that can barely contain her large, rounded breasts.

A wave of nausea sweeps over me, and I take a seat on an overturned bucket. It is the first week of August, and the sun beats down mercilessly. I wipe the sweat from my brow, fighting back the urge to take another drink from the trough.


The cold metal bucket reminds you of what you're wearing, a pair of overalls that have basically been reduced to a bathing suit. The bottoms have been cut into a thong so almost all of your ass hangs out, and your fat breasts squeezed against your chest by the bib. You feel humiliated, and you were on the brink of tears when you put it on. But apparently its attractive, because after putting it on and doing a little dance as the farmer instructed, he bent you over right there in the field and rammed his member all the way inside your warm sex without so much as a finger of foreplay. The pounding he gave you had you panting and dazed for half the trip here, in fact you can still feel the pulsing of your clit and the dampness of the denim between your soft fleshing thighs.

I come back outside and open the gate for you, pushing you inside with a smart slap on your backside. Then I close the gate and smile and tell you to go make friends. And that's all you get, I head back inside the house.

The five other sows by the water have stopped their chattering and are watching you as you try your best to strut across the field. The two pregnant sows are both blonde, one has a long ponytail that hangs down her back, and the other has a pair of pigtails that barely touch her shoulders. They both have immense bellies, like they have a fully grown woman in their wombs, and their breasts are massive, even with the plaid shirts tied off above their belly, you can still tell they're each the size of your head if not bigger. And yet with all that weight, they're standing with their heads high, and that's when you notice their legs. They each have legs big and thick like yours, probably even thicker, but when they shift position you can see rippling muscle underneath the layer of fat. These ladies are champion lifetime breeders, they've taken care of their bodies enough that each pregnancy bothers them less and less.

The next sow looks like she's just getting over a pregnancy, her belly bulges a little bit its soft and fleshy, the wind seems to blow it a little whenever it passes, but her breasts are enormous, easily the size of a watermelon or bigger, and they hang down with huge pink areola and big marshmallow nipples at the end. Often she runs her hands through her sort red hair, down her freckled shoulders and over her huge breasts, squeezing them to relieve the pressure of milk.

The last two are both black of hair, but that's where the similarities end. One is taller than the rest, long black hair that shimmers in the sun, she's basking in the light of the day, separate from the others by a few feet, her long thick body looks almost super-model with how well her fat is distributed. The other has the most extreme hourglass figure you've ever seen, even with her jeans on her hips are easily three times as thick as her waist, her big soft looking breasts don't hardly hang at all, and her short dark hair framing her round face perfectly. She's also the only one wearing a smile right now, the others seem pre-occupied with other things and with watching you.


I trot half way across the field and stop. I am sick and miserable. Seeing a small hay bale, I plod over and take a seat. I hear snickering as I bury my head in my hands, but I don’t care. Tears stream down my face as I sit in silent agony. Why am I here? I don’t want to be here.

The other cows avoid me all afternoon. I eat my supper in lonely silence. It starts to get dark, and I don’t know where I am supposed to bed for the night. My head and throat ache as I fight back another round of tears. Desperate, I approach the tallest cow as she makes her way back from the water trough.

“Uhh…excuse me,” I say meekly, “I was…a…just wondering where I should sleep tonight?”

The cow smiles slightly, “You can have the third stall on the right. There are some clothes in there you might want to try on.”

I color with embarrassment, remembering how you have doctored my outfit. Before I can thank the lady, she is back with the other cows. I hurry over to the barn. Inside the designated stall, I find a chest of clothes in all shapes and sizes. At first, forgetting how much I have grown, I reach for the smallest items. I pull out a pair of cutoff jean shorts and a well-worn pink and orange t-shirt.

The shirt clings tightly to my swollen breasts and pudgy belly, but it is comfortable. I’ll find something that fits better in the morning. The shorts, on the other hand, only make it half way up my thighs. I sigh, take them back off, and go to the chest for something else. Suddenly, I feel a hand plant firmly on my fat, naked ass.

I spin around to see the pregnant sow with pigtails and the curvy girl with short black hair. They both smile and giggle as they look me over.

“Such cute little love handles,” says one.

“Did you see how her ass giggled when I hit it?” asked the other.

“Yours would giggle like that too if you didn’t keep it pressed up into those tight pants all the time,” chides the first.

“Is she pregnant?…Are you pregnant?” asks the one with pigtails, grabbing my belly pudge.

“No…I don’t think so,” I respond, shying away from the unwelcome attention.

“Aww….don’t be like that,” says pigtails. “My name is Bre and this is Vicky.”

The other cow, Vicky, smiles and waves. “We just came over to keep you company.”

“You looked so lonely out there in the field today,” Bre comments with a pouty face.

There is silence. They both stare at my half-naked body, waiting for my response. “I’m just tired…and I don’t know why I’m here,” I answer, exasperated.

“You just need to relax,” says Vicky, reaching up to run her fingers through my short hair. “Just relax and let us pamper you,” she says with a gentle smile.


Vicky's jeans do nothing to hide her shape, big thick thighs and wide hips, she pulls you toward her a little and you feel somewhat like when you used to cry on a girlfriend's lap back in high school, so you just do what feels natural, leaning against her. However because she's standing up and you're sitting your head rests against her stomach, just under her enormous breast, she smells sweetly, like strawberries that are just at that perfect season. She's not pregnant, her stomach is soft and doughy, like resting on a down feather pillow, you almost feel like you're sinking in as she runs her fingers through your hair softly.

Overcome, you softly begin to sob, your tears trickling from your eyes, running down her bare tummy, dripping onto the ground beneath. You nervously reach up and wrap a hand around her belly, holding it there as a pillow for you as you sob. Vicky hushes you softly, telling you everything will be just fine. When you admit you're uncomfortable and afraid of being pregnant, Bre sits on the ground next to you, her belly like a large beach ball, preventing her from moving much, she hugs your waist in a gentle gesture, admiring you for being so strong in coming to a brand new farm.

They both attempt to tell you stories of how rough they had their first year, but how much better it is than you might think, but it doesn't seem to help your mood, still softly sobbing into Vicky's angelic skin. Bre shifts her body, wrapping her arms around your hips, her breasts and your thighs feeling like heaven as they rub against one another, she gently plants a kiss on your bare thigh and smiles as you look down at her to protest, but her eyes are so soft that you can only sniffle for a brief moment, and then turn back, burying your face in Vicky's soft body.

"There, there girl… don't worry about a thing… you're gunna be awlright hun" Vicky's hands have ventured from your hair to your cheeks, and down to your shoulders, the rubbing and soft caressing of two satiny smooth cows has given you some comfort, your sobbing dimming to just little whimpers. Trying to cheer you up Bre bats softly at your swishing tail, in the processes slapping at your bare fleshy butt tenderly. It reminds you of Max, his slapping and prodding, the things that really got you going, but when Bre does it… its a whole different story, its almost romantic feeling, making your heart warm and swell, while the hands on your rear make you bite your lip a little. Feeling playful, you swat back at her with your tail, feeling her cheek as you trail the tip down her warm face, she growls playfully and nips with her teeth, barely catching your tail she sucks on it for just a moment, the sensitivity almost making you forget she's a woman. But she releases it before you lose yourself and goes back to nuzzling your hips.
