Maxwell Farm: Part 1 of 6 [MF and FFF, Fantasy, Breeding farm, Mild furry(cow), Lactation, Weight gain, preg, huml, reluc]

This roleplay takes place on a multi-purpose farm with a human farmer and a variety of half-human, half-animal hybrids. Kami, a cow-hybrid, was brought to the farm to be bred by Max, the human owner of the farm. Kami is a reluctant breeder, who must be fattened up and broken in before she will be ready to bear offspring. This unfinished roleplay concludes with Kami being sent off to a dairy farm to prepare for her impending motherhood.

Thanks to Penningthrowaway for expanding my horizons and being a great RP partner.


I shield my eyes as I exit the trailer and enter the sunlight. Your farm is much nicer than the one I came from. I see rolling fields to my right and left, with your pale blue farm house sitting atop the highest hill. In the distance there is an orchard full of newly blossoming apple trees. And off to my left is a freshly painted barn – my new home.

“Come. This way,” you gruffly command as you tug at the rope around my neck. I resent being treated like a common animal – I do speak human after all – but I bite my lip. My cow bell clanks softly as I follow you to the pen adjacent the barn. You open the gate – as if I didn’t have hands of my own – and lead me inside. “Mable will orient you.” You remove the rope from my neck, lock the gate behind you, and walk back toward the farm house.

I look around with a mix of annoyance and apprehension. Who is Mable? I wonder. Just then I hear a young calf cry, “Mommy! Mommy! Stranger danger!”

I groan as the little calf races out of the barn, hollering and pointing.

“It’s okay, Toby,” a calm, motherly voice coaxes from within. I hear the light clopping of hooves. Then a rather large cow appears from the shadows. She wears a simple plaid dress. I see her body wiggle and jiggle as she walks toward me. Her son hangs back to watch.

“I am Mable,” she greets, extending her hand.

“Kami,” I reply.

“Welcome to Maxwell Farm,” she says, “I understand you are in training to be a dairy cow.” I note her look of skepticism as she observes my rugged appearance.

“Not if I can help it,” I snort, eying her flabby body and milk-laden breasts with contempt.

She smiles politely. “You must be thirsty. Why don’t you visit the water trough? Then I will show you to your stall.”


The water trough is just outside the barn, though you see it has an arm leading into the barn as well. It seems more like a fountain than a trough, a lot more luxurious than you're used to.

A cool clear stream of water trickles from the center piece and fills the bowl surrounding it. Upon tasting it doesn't have that dinge taste of well water, it seems more pure somehow, almost sweet. Mable waits patiently for you to finish before smiling and guiding you inside the barn.

The doors are huge and look too heavy to move by hand, even for you. Inside you see many stalls, but strangely most are empty, "Seems like you have a lot of room here…" you say half to yourself. Mable looks back and smiles, "Oh, Maxwell doesn't keep many animals, he's more into the crops than using animals."

Seems like a good chance to prove your use in other ways, you see another cow stuffed with a pregnant belly, her bloated tits hang without covering as a machine slowly sucks on them and she groans unceremoniously. You shudder at the thought of being a dairy cow.

"This is Missy, " Mable introduces the cow stuffed with what must be more than one young. She looks up at you and smiles innocently before moaning again as the milkers detach. Mable keeps moving as she whispers, "its her first time having a calf for Maxwell, she's a little out of it so far."

Finally she stops at a stall across from a rather large pen that's empty, "this… will be your stall" she opens the gate for you, the floor is soft hay and its very clean. "Anything you need, just ask, though it won't be long I'm sure before I'm just like Missy," she laughs and wobbles off.


As I make my hay-bed and settle in for the night, I can hear Missy shifting clumsily in her stall. She groans and pants as she heaves her giant body into a more comfortable position. Even for a pregnant dairy cow, Missy is enormous. Her belly billows out like nothing I’ve ever seen before. And even her arms and legs are just…fat.

I shake my head. I don’t understand how any self-respecting cow can let themselves go like that. Back on my master’s farm, all the cows were much leaner, even the breeders and milkers. I lie down and close my eyes, wondering why I was sent here and if I will get to go back home. But before I can come up with an answer, I fall asleep.

I awake the next morning feeling refreshed. The hay is very soft and comfortable. My stall is generous and provides lots of room for movement. I can see sunlight shining in from the barn door, so I waste no time in dressing and preparing for the day’s work.

As I leave my stall, I see Missy attempting to stand and walk. Her stomach protrudes outward and also hangs down toward her crotch. Her breasts are so large they are resting on her oversized belly. With each move, I can see waves ripple in the fat that covers her entire body. Clearly the mere act of standing up has exhausted her. Missy leans against the rails of her stall and struggles to catch her breath. Her belly jumps and lurches as her offspring punch and kick inside her.

Before I can recover myself, Mable rushes in as quickly as her own burdened body will allow. “What do you need, Missy? You shouldn’t be up like this! What would Master say if he saw you?”

Missy is still too tired and breathless to respond. As I see Mable attempting to lay Missy back down, I know I have no choice but to help. Together, we fluff the matted hay in Missy’s stall and lay her back down. “I need…the milking…machine and…water. I’m so thirsty…and engorged,” Missy gasps.

“Of course,” Mable replies, grabbing the big suction cups and placing them over Missy’s swollen tits. Missy winces in pain as Mable turns on the machine, but soon she closes her eyes and begins to moo contentedly. I know I am staring. Mable stirs me with a jab in the side. “Get her some water,” she instructs.

I hurry to the tap just inside the barn door. I fill up a bucket half full and bring it back to Missy’s stall. I watch in disbelief as Missy starts drinking directly from the bucket. What an animal. She drinks all the water I bring, and Mable asks me to fetch more. I’ve never seen a cow drink so much, but I assume it’s because of all the milk she is producing.

After some minutes, I am finally able to slip away. I steal my own modest drink from the trough and head to one of the lower pastures to get some breakfast. After breakfast, I plan to walk the fields. I’m sure you will need several of them tilled before spring.


As you head out to the fields you catch sight of me walking the grounds with a dog at my side, a sheep dog by the looks of her, long white wavy hair and tail, she's about a foot shorter than me, and sort of prances around while following, her pink tongue hanging out and a big grin on her face. I bend down every so often and check the soil, but before you can think more on it your belly rumbles under your plaid flannel shirt.


I kneel down and grab some fresh grass blades between my teeth. I chew hardily for several minutes, my stomach continuing to growl. By the time I look up again, you and your dog are mere silhouettes on the ridgecrest.

I can't help noticing that the two of you make a stately pair. She has a silky coat, strong legs, and an agile demeanor. Beside her, you stand tall and proud, your skin tanned and calloused by years of manual labor.

I return my face to the ground and continue to eat. I know I will need my strength if you ask me to help you plow today. The grass is very sweet and moist. I can't help letting out a contented "Mmmooooooooo" as my appetite is slowly satiated.

Once I have finished eating, I walk a little farther down the hill, to a creek that marks the end of your property. Taking some of the cool water in my hands, I wet my neck and face. I don't notice that your dog has bounded half way down the hill and is watching with disapproval as I play in the water.


She barks at you quietly, just once, to get your attention. She casually strolls another few paces and sits on the grass, her tail wagging lazily. "The farmer doesn't like us drinking from the creek… its not clean…" she gets back up and slowly creeps towards the bank, looking up at you. When you raise an eyebrow to her in question she sits down again and stares into the creek. "There was a cow who drank from the creek, and got really really sick… had to go to the place with needles and everything…" by now you've realized the dog has a rather… childlike grasp of things, but a sick animal is no laughing matter regardless of how the story is told.

The dog looks up at you with sad eyes… "I don't want you to get sick… the well's clean… the farmer made sure it was safe for us and everything… " she suddenly seems to have forgotten what she was talking about, her tongue hangs out of her mouth as a big grin spreads over her face… "wanna play? Huh? Huh? I know big cows like you don't play soft but I loooove to play rough, and the farmer says we can play in the fields as much as we want until he gets the fields planted and-" the dogs is prancing up the hillside while her words just pour from her mouth, but you do get a nice look t her caboose, a little sandy from the creek bank but its got a wonderful curve to it, and she has extremely athletic legs, all tanned to perfection with a long white mane.


I’d rather work than play with a sheep dog, and I am disappointed by the apparent lack of intelligence in such a majestic looking animal. Nevertheless, I find myself running up the hill after…

“What’s…your name?” I ask, panting slightly. (I’m in shape, but cows aren’t exactly known for their quickness.)

“Astra,” The dog shouts back, smiling enthusiastically. She runs through the gate and into the adjoining pasture. I try to keep up, but Astra bounds up over the next hill and out of sight. I continue my pursuit as the dog circles back around carrying a large stick.

Really? I think to myself.

She drops the stick at my hooves and bounces up and down, “Throw it! Throw it!”


In the week that follows, I become acquainted with the other animals on the farm. Astra tends to a flock of twelve sheep who are not any smarter than she is. I watch them graze aimlessly, unintentionally wandering away or nearly falling into the creek. For her part, Astra sometimes get frazzled by the sheep but generally enjoys the responsibility that comes with keeping them out of trouble.

Missy seems to grow bigger and bigger by the day. She is completely incapable of grazing and relies on silage for her meals. Mable is a dutiful attendant, and I can only image that Missy will return the favor once she has borne her young and Mable becomes pregnant. It crosses my mind that there is no bull on your farm. I assume you hire one to impregnate your cows, although I have heard that sometimes a master will impregnate his own herd.

I also meet a cat who has taken over an empty stall in the barn. She has black fur and green eyes, and she loves to jump unexpectedly out of the darkness. She spends most of the day sleeping, but at dusk I can always hear her prancing about. The cat is an eccentric creature – I don’t even know her name. She often speaks in riddles, like this one:

Anyone can see that you are a cow and I am a cat.

But did you know that water here will make you fat?

Don’t be like Missy. Don’t be like Mable.

Don’t drink water from the Farmer’s —

“Kami!” Mable interrupts before the cat can finish her couplet, “Master is requesting your assistance in the fields.” She ushers me out of the barn before I can dwell on the cat’s strange words.
