My Friend’s Mom – Part 1 [Str8, Fm, mast]

As the title suggests, this is a fictional story about the relationship I had with my friend’s mom.

Living on the same quiet street in a middle-class suburban neighborhood, we all knew each other and from the time I started liking girls, Mrs. Anderson easily became the only one I thought about.

She was a very nice person and always drove us places: the mall, the movies, and the arcade. We were just boys and just wanted to have fun but I always remember having a funny feeling whenever I looked at her boobs. They were gigantic.

You would need to see a picture to adequately understand the absolute girth of Mrs. Anderson’s chest in proportion to the rest of her body. It was like a giant, dangling cliff overhanging her slim belly. In an unreal sort-of-way, it didn’t all add up – many people thought she had implants but the natural shape and shimmy of them proved otherwise.

At one point in time, Mrs. Anderson was a model: slim and busty, she won pageant after pageant and then Mr. Anderson swept her off her feet and married her. Her chest wasn't nearly as big though…until they decided to have a family. Mrs. Anderson had one boy (my friend) and two daughters and a shit-ton of milk.

Gestational Macromastia is a rare disorder that balloons out women’s boobs when they get pregnant. Mrs. Anderson had it three times over. Through the years I learned that she went through bra after busting bra but was never ashamed or shy about them – most of the time it was like they weren't there or that it was just no big deal to her.

So when I was 14 I hit puberty and when I was 15 I masturbated for the first time. My penis was bigger than my friends – 8” long and 6” around and I always had to conceal my hard on when I was over at my friend’s house. She didn't mean to turn me on but she was such a free spirited MILF that it just happened.

I remember the moment when my friend asked his mom if I could spend the night for the first time that year. I had spent the night before but just as a kid, now I was an adolescent male with plenty of sperm and a bigger penis. It was summertime and Mrs. Anderson was in the kitchen wearing a red top with some cleavage. I was staring at her giant breasts, amazed by the ridiculous size (as always), when he asked, “Can Tommy spend the night tonight?” She said, “Yes” and nodded her head up and down – this agitated her ballooned-out boobs and kindled a sexual spark inside me that started at my stomach and flooded my whole body. I was paralyzed and out of the corner of my eye I noticed Mrs. Anderson was now looking at me. My eyes met hers and I knew that she caught me – a small tug on her shirt, an attempt to raise it higher for decencies sake, confirmed it.

After dinner we sat down to watch a movie and she came downstairs in her pajamas: a tight, dark pink pajama top that bared no cleavage but was stretched beyond belief. Her enlarged nipples formed ample dents that were vastly far apart and jutted outwards. My first thought was that they were perfect nursing nipples for a baby. Odd, really, but I just imagined a baby cradled in her arm, sucking and slurping. She wore white, flannel pajama bottoms with cute heart designs on them. I secretly gawked at the site and a desire to whack it right then and there burned inside me.

She sat across the room from us – on the side couch, with her feet curled up underneath her. I quickly discovered the reflection in the glass of the entertainment center cabinet gave me a perfect view of my ultra voluptuous obsession. It was torturous to watch a comedy because every time she laughed her massive boobs jostled about, making me super erect.

I felt like I was sweating and abnormally red-faced by the time Mrs. Anderson said her goodnight and ventured upstairs. I watched her pendulous chest peek at me from her sides as she lazily climbed the stairs. I had so much pre-cum in my shorts, much more than the little dabs I’ve had before. I felt nervous, like there was something medically wrong with me.

Five minutes later my friend was asleep and I waited a few more before I zipped down my sleeping bag and pulled out my throbbing cock. Heavily, I breathed but I tried to hide it. The wet smacking sound of my jacking off was so loud, I paused a couple times for fear of being heard. I had no idea what was happening to me but this tidal wave of immense pleasure promised to overwhelm me.

With my eyes closed, my fantasy illuminated: Mrs Anderson; her big tits; how they swooped and swayed about as she climbed the stairs; how they jiggled obscenely about as she laughed; how they bounced when she feebly tried to hide her cleavage from me; HOW THEY SWOOPED AND SWAYED ABOUT AS SHE CLIMBED THE STAIRS!!!!

The crippling pleasure-wave dumped me on the exotic island of everything that was sexy about my friend’s mom. Every obtuse curve of her ample bosom flowered me with bliss. My heart pounded deep in my chest as my body buckled to a feeling I had never felt before. It was like the ying yang of the most delightful pleasure/pain principle – every cell in my body tingled. All I could do was confess it to the world because for the first time in my life, I had an orgasm.

With a burning, I moaned out, “Oh God………Mrs. Anderson!!!”

Moments went by, I don’t know how long for sure. A sound sucked me back to reality and I opened my eyes to see her just reaching the floor from the bottom steps of the stairs. I was still a slave to the contentment I was feeling when she got close enough to see me in the dim light of the TV. She bent over to get a better look and tried to keep her huge chest from dangling.

“I heard you call me are you ok?” she asked in a whisper. With my mouth agape, I failed to reply – I was still on the shores of the erotic island she sent me to. I watched as her eyes darted around, taking the scene in with doubt in her mind. That shadow quickly vanished however as she realized the truth: her son’s 15 year old friend just masturbated thinking about her…..and he was impaired with joy because of it.

Abruptly, she stood up straight and v-locked her arms across her colossal chest. It was all she could do to snatch back the decency that I had just robbed her of. “You better get some sleep.” she said dryly as both hands nervously fidgeted with her pajama top collar. She backed up, turned and headed towards the stairs. By the time she reached them, she had dropped her arms to her sides and her large breasts….oh, how they swooped and swayed.



  1. This works so well because I had a big boobed teacher in Jr high named Mrs Anderson. I always found my gaze on her massive boobs.

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