Award night [erotica for my girlfriend]

It may have taken a while to get ready, but the effort was very much worth it. I'm sleek and dashing in my formalwear – suit, tie, and crisp white shirt to match the occasion.

You, however, are a vision of elegance. Your hair falls in shining waves to your bare shoulders, and the slender dress you wear emphasizes your milky skin, your effortless grace, your beautiful features, and your charming smile. There's only a little hint of makeup to accentuate your natural beauty, and only a short session with the salon experts to get your hair just so. You're the prettiest woman in attendance this evening.

Not to mention, you're the youngest award recipient, too.

The speeches and the clapping and the roster of award winners is lengthy. It cannot hold our attention for the whole evening. Around us, the others are fixed on the order of the evening, their attention fixed on the spotlit stage ahead. Beside me, in the darkness of our seats, you brush your hand against mine, and I feel the light velvety caress of your glove.

I smile and look to you, and there's a dreamy joy in your eyes as you meet my gaze. Of course, you have every reason to be happy – they're honoring you tonight, along with the others. I'm just thrilled I can be here with you, to share this long-awaited, well-deserved moment with you. I squeeze your hand gently and you squeeze back, a silent gesture of belonging. Of togetherness.

Your arm grows tired in this posture, and you let my hand fall to your lap. The audience is dark, and I feel the soft warmth of your thigh against my wrist. I open my hand gently, and lightly play my fingertips against your leg, stroking your skin through your dress. You keep looking forwards, but I can feel the catch in your breathing. A hint of a smile pulls at the corner of your perfect lips. You want me to keep going, and so I do.

Now my fingers are walking, like a child's imitation of a pedestrian, except I'm bringing up the dress with each stroke. Not all the way, but enough to bring the slit at the side up onto your thigh. And then I'm touching your bare skin, tickling your senses, and knowing you feel it too.

You give a slight cough, like you're clearing your throat, and you shift inconspicuously in your chair. You deftly hike the skirt up higher, so the slit exposes even more of your perfect skin in the darkness. And now I'm sneaking up higher with my finger, up towards your hips and the crease where your thighs meet your body, and the sweet dark warmth of your loins.

Suddenly, the speaker finishes his interminable speech, and they announce your category. It's some international focus of expertise that I can only recognize with the faint confused respect of an academic outsider. You give another squeeze and your hand leaves mine. Time to gather your things and get ready for the stage. As you rise, my hand comes back towards me, but – quite innocently, it might seem – I graze the spot through your dress where I know your body is warming, and quickening, and dampening.

I clap for you as you walk up, with the others. And I'm still clapping as you pose with the award – a slight quirk of your hips is the only hint that under your dress, your appetite has awoken and your body is responding to the phantom caress in knew back in the audience.

When you get back, I've got a cheeky smirk on my face. We're both aroused, and we know it. We've found a new game to play, as they continue with the speeches. My busy fingers find your knee, tickle their way up your thigh, and come to rest against the lace of your panties, enjoying the moisture at your lovely yearning hollow. I stroke your lips, lightly at first, but then you put your hand on mine and press me to you, hungry for more.

"…and we encourage all our learned experts to come together…" says the speaker, and you nod, a little more enthusiastically than the other viewers perhaps, but now my fingers are at your pussy, spreading and squeezing and stroking your lips through the increasing damp of your panties.

With a shock, I feel your hand on my thigh, grasping for my erect penis, finding it among the belt and buckle and zipper, and rubbing it firmly through my formal trousers. Your hand is confident and sure, with a smile on your face that shows your authority here, as if to say "This is mine, all mine."

It's not long before neither of us can wait any longer, and I pull your panties to one side, sticky with your wonderful juices, and I'm probing your slick folds and creases with my fingers. The guy on stage is finishing up his speech with a rousing climax, and as the others applaud in bursts, I'm stroking your pussy on the outside and in, sliding my fingers with increasing vigor. Your hips are pumping back and forth in a hot, horny fucking motion, as my fingers plunge into your creamy depths, hidden among the crinkly curls of your pubic hairs.

Meanwhile, your hand is trying to free my standing cock from my clothes, but the zipper and belt are too much trouble in the dark, and my fingers are providing a lot of distractions. They're stroking your clit, your pussy lips, even thrusting in to rub and tease your inner seat of pleasure.

Another round of applause washes over the audience, and a shudder washes over you, your thighs squeezing together and trapping my hand against your crotch as you come quickly.

Then the speech is over, and the audience begins to mumble and mutter. The lights start to come on, dimly, to allow people to find their way.

We rise with the rest of them, and fidget and adjust and stretch, like everybody else. But there's a cheeky secret we share, in my fingers reeking of cunt, and your pussy throbbing with a fast and sudden finger-fucking, that follows us.

The event is dispersing, but we know the night has just begun.

* ~ * ~ *

The young intern is in a hurry. The main banquet finished a while ago, but there's still so much tidying up to do. And the supervisor went up to join the VIPs to sip champagne, leaving her alone and bringing all the chairs back to their tables, now that the sweeping-up is finished.

Even so, chairs are heavy and she's only one person. She takes off her blazer jacket and loosens her collar, and rolls up her sleeves.

Suddenly, there's a clatter outside and the sound of voices. She freezes. She can't let the VIPs see her like this – like some laborer! This should be an evening of silver trays and hors d'Ĺ“uvre, or whatever else the important dignitaries get – not of dusty clothes and tired interns.

Just as we enter the room, she dives beneath the nearest table, hiding among the chair legs and tablecloths.

Meanwhile, we don't notice anything – the room is dark, and the only light comes from the distant windows and the evening party lighting from the balcony. You pull me by my tie to the nearest table, and I lean you back, kissing your knowing lips and smile. This is the same quirkish, devilish, enticing mouth that charmed me years ago, on the steps of Dupont Circle, when you grabbed me and held me back to give you a kiss. Back then you knew what you wanted, and had the confidence to take it for yourself. Tonight will be no different.

I have one hand around your shoulders, and the other at your waist, as I kiss you fiercely. Our tongues meet, and our lips lock together in our embrace. You pull my body to you, and we're united in our kiss, in our hands embracing each other, in our bodies as they come together in all ways.

Well, not quite all ways…

You can feel the urgent hardness of my erection against you, and you reach down and stroke me. I can't help it – I give out a throaty moan deep into your mouth. You break the kiss, smiling, and then turn a chair around and sit on it, as you unfasten my arousal from my clothes.

Belt comes away, button unhasps, and zipper peels down… and now you're reaching through my shirt tails and the band of my underwear, and bringing out my warm, throbbing cock, swollen with my passion for you.

My hands are roving over you now, with unashamed greedy desire. As you take the round purple head of my penis into your mouth, I sigh deeply and shiver deeply – but it's only for a moment as I continue stroking, questing, and searching beneath your dress. I trace the gorgeous curve of your breasts, and feel your tightening nipples in the palms of my hands. I bring my thumbs in to find and squeeze your hard nipples, pinching ever so gently, as you moan into my cock.

Your tongue orbits the head of my penis, and I know I'm going to start losing it. Already my cock is slick with your saliva and my own precum – and I don't want to lose my orgasm just yet. I take a firm handful of your hair and move you back off of my manhood, drawing back and meeting your eyes in the silvery darkness.

I want to possess you, and I can see your hunger for me too. I bring you up to your feet, and lift you just high enough to lay your superb bottom on the table side. I hook my arms under the backs of your knees, and your high heels are splayed behind my shoulders. On either side of my face is your sheer shiny stockings, and ahead of me is the dripping lacy chaos of your panties, and the humid horny heat of your pussy.

I kiss your thigh, with my wet lips and with my tongue, and even once or twice with a gently nibble of my teeth. I work my way up towards the heavenly scent of your pussy. I kiss your cunny lips through your panties, and you arch your back and sigh. Then, I tease you with my tongue, licking your wet notch through your soaking panties. Or going to the side of your underwear and licking the sensitive skin there, between pussy and thigh.

After the third time, you put your hands on my head and hug me to your crotch, moaning for me to lick your pussy properly. And I'm hungry, too, filled with desire for your salty flavor, and the intimacy of your juices on my mouth, my lips, my nose, my cheeks.

* ~ * ~ *

The intern can't believe her eyes. The two people came in here and started touching each other and kissing right at her table! There's no escape – she'll be seen if she tries to crawl out. And then she'd be in big trouble. She guesses she'll just have to stay put and pretend she's not here. It's just like back in college, when her stupid roommate brought guys back to the dorm. There'd be giggles and kissing and touching and then slapping and even more giggles, but try as she might, she just couldn't disappear into thin air. The worst was when they looked at her smugly like players of a game she had never been part of.

Outside, beyond the tablecloth, she hears sucking noises and sighs of male pleasure. She can see the woman's shapely calves beside a chair. What could be going on?

She looks out, and in the dim light from the balcony, she gasps. She recognizes the face of the youngest award-winner – only a few years older than her, and already an industry-celebrated published author! It's a face she's seen in academic publications, and in news reports. But this is the first time she's seen the eyes rolled upwards to look at a man, and the mouth filled with a thick erect cock.

The intern freezes, terrified, as the man's thrusts continue and the woman takes it skillfully into her mouth. The man is caressing her breasts through her dress, and the woman even has a hand down in her own crotch, stroking her pussy!

The intern gulps. This is very different from back in the dorm room. And she hates to admit it, but she knows there's a growing wetness between her legs, and her own breathing is coming faster. What if they saw her? She hopes they'll just leave, but… also she doesn't. Part of her is waking up to a desire for something she doesn't know how to name.

The man pulls back and the intern suddenly scrambles silently back under the table. There's a slight thump, and now things have changed their disposition above the table. The woman's over the table now, her legs spread apart, to allow the man to kneel before her and kiss and nuzzle and lick away. There's male and female sighs of pleasure, and sucking and smacking noises of pleasure. And, to the intern's fascination, there's a new, musky scent in the air… the scent of heat and sex and desire.

(cont'd in comments)


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  1. * ~ * ~ * Now your pussy is naked and open before me, and I kiss and lick it lovingly. My tongue glides across your lips, and enters your folds, seeking out every crease. I dip my tongue to get a taste of your salty essence – my favorite flavor! – in your hot tunnel, before I make my way back up. I kiss where your lips join, at the top, and I flick my tongue out to bathe your clit in the juices from us both. My hands are caressing your breasts, then on your hips, pulling your fucking motions up towards my face. Your fluids are slick and warm on my chin, my nose, even my forehead, as you ride and twist and fuck with your pussy towards me. I’m lapping at your sweet perfect cunt, and sucking at your lips as if I would drink every drop of your silky pussyjuice. You’re sobbing and moaning and your voice rises, crying out, as the distant revelers on the balcony give out a faraway laugh at some joking comment. I bring my fingers down and probe your tunnel, pushing upwards and deeper as your jerk your hips. My fingertips find the exquisite center of your G-spot and I massage it firmly, my palm against your clit and lips, joining all your ladyparts in this frenzy of joy. Your voice rises further, and you fuck harder, and suddenly you’re turning your head left and right, convulsing with pleasure, your hands opening and closing unconsciously as you sob in joy and shiver in ecstasy. Sensing your need, as well as my own, I bring you back up and just hold you close for a while, kissing you with my pussy-stained lips, and enjoying your embrace. Then, as if we agreed wordlessly, you turn away from me with one knee on the chair and the other leg balancing on the floor, and you spread your pussy lips for me to take you from behind. I’m aching to fuck you – I want you so badly – but I pause beforehand, teasing your burning pussy lips with the head of my cock, letting my precum mingle with the arousing delicious sauce from your vulva. You hang your head down at this teasing and tell me to put it in, but I grab your arms back so you’re dangling. I tell you to beg. You’re helpless and naked and vulnerable, and your arms are trapped and your pussy is exposed. You do the only thing you can at this point: you beg. You beg for my cock, for spanking like the bad girl you are, and you beg for me to fuck you raw. I grab a handful of your hair and in one stroke, I plunge my throbbing urgent cock into your pussy, engulfing it up to the balls. The jolt of pleasure is almost too much, as the head of my cock dives into your warm, yielding, impossibly welcoming sweet depths, and your tight horny pussy grips my shaft. I fight for control, as the glorious fullness of your ass, your thighs, and your legs press against me from the front, like a perfectly-fitting form sliding to where it belongs. Your foot on the ground turns up with your squeal of pleasure as we meet in intimate closeness. * ~ * ~ * It’s too much for the intern. Maybe it was the glass of white wine she had snuck earlier, when a VIP put it down untouched. But her cheeks are burning and her private place is getting wetter and wetter as the woman above her moaned and writhed in pleasure. Who are these people? How could they be brazen enough to do… that… in public? And why does it make her feel so… good? Her hand steals down to her skirt and she silently hikes it up, her fingers finding her pussy lips. This is something she was told good girls never do, and even in college she felt guilty about doing this some evenings, before she falls asleep. Only, now, instead of a warm fuzzy comfort, it’s a burning agony of desire – swollen lips and dripping cunt and panties sticking to her skin. She rubs herself, her lips parting in a silent "oh" of indulgence, as she sees the woman above her switch positions. Now an elegantly-turned ankle comes down, the high heel meeting the floor tiles with a sharp "click". And the man is adjusting himself too, moving around behind her, and – oh god – bringing his angry, erect, throbbing cock to her. It looks like it would hurt, but the woman is making sounds of pleasure and need and desire and yearning. "Please fuck me," she says. And there is more, but the intern can’t make it out – there are a few spankings, and a squeal as the man grabs her hair. But then suddenly, with almost violent urgency, he slams his cock home into her pussy and their haunches meet each other with a resounding slap. Both of them are moaning and grunting, as their hips seem to move of their own accord, united in animal lusts and urgency. As the intern paddles away at her own little pussy, she sees the other woman drip silvery drops of her essence down. They’re moving together now, the slaps ringing out as he thrusts forward and she rocks back to meet him, some real heat and passion in the fucking. Their voices rise in unison, him giving voice to throaty groans, and her with impassioned sobs that show her arousal. And as his rigid swollen cock draws back and then plunges forward, again, and again, into her wet warm pussy, the sex sounds come with a squelching that matches their flesh slapping together and their noises of satisfaction from their lips. She can’t help herself – she’s fascinated. She feels the table above shaking as the man and woman fuck harder and quicker, but she has to crawl forwards and see. With her fingers pinching her own nipples and toying with her pussy, she leans out beneath the table cloth and turns her face upwards. Right there, before her amazed lustful eyes, is the glorious sight of the man’s erect fierce cock, plunging in and out and back in again, while the woman’s pussy drips with her juices and their shared white foam from their fucking. They’re building now, in ecstasy, and the cries are growing louder and more insistent. The man is holding the woman’s arms up behind her, both wrists held in only one hand, and with the other he’s spanking her crisply on her ass, the blows resounding from her firm skin. At each stroke, she cries out. Then the man brings his free hand down around her waist, only inches from the intern’s face, and searches urgently for her swollen clit. The woman screams as he finds it, and she comes hard, her juices flowing freely and dripping down her legs on either side of the intern. The intern’s fingers are a blur on her own little cunt and squeezing and twisting and yanking her nipples. Her mouth is wide open as she gives out silent sighs to stifle her sex cries, and her eyes are screwed shut behind her glasses. She convulses her thighs once, then twice, and then stops, shivering intensely, as her pussy jumps in her hand and the waves of a guilty pleasure wash over her. Drops are falling free as the man’s fucking grows in urgency. He frees his hands and seizes the woman’s hips as he thrusts away with utter abandon, losing himself to her pussy’s embrace and pumping furiously. His voice rises into a hoarse yell, and he gives one last mighty heave, as if he would join her and force himself up her forever… His balls tighten, and his cock jerks like a live thing, and sends spurt after spurt of thick white spunk into her thrilling tight pussy. All is silence, except for their breathing. The woman’s skirt hitched up in the back, and piling against the man’s belly. Her bunched panties, now wrapped carelessly around one ankle as tribute to her desire. The man’s trousers, open in front and his shirt falling over the sweet juncture of their bodies. One speechless face, mouth open and gasping, remembering the taste of the cock now gorged in her pussy, pale skin arrayed against the darkness of her reckless free-flying hair, itself against the white of the table top. One face leaning against a charming shoulder, catching his breath as he pulls out gently, his penis still somewhat rigid with arousal at his partner’s loveliness and bringing a hot flow of mixed pussy juice and sperm. He leans against her heavily, unable to speak, barely able to stay standing. The third face is agape in an awakening of passion, the glasses and lips moist with the sex fluids falling freely from the spent cock and satisfied pussy above. Nothing will ever be the same…

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